
Chapter 317: Victor: I regard everyone as lowly as those who set up a stall to sell their heads, just a bunch of earth chickens and clay dogs! _2

"That population will suddenly lose a lot," Casare said anxiously.

"We also relieve a lot of pressure, and if a city on the border suddenly gets hundreds of thousands of Mexicans more, you can absolutely… imagine what local security would be like?"

Mexicans are also dominant in the prisons of the Americas.

"There'll be some good shows to watch," Victor couldn't help but smirk.

"Then should we bury some weapons in the river on the border, in the wilderness, in the groves?" Casare quietly asked.

"Why be so careful, just go to the border and sell them openly. If the Yanks make a fuss, it's just selling within Mexican territory. It's their property, they want to take it over, what's it to us? Just as long as they leave their last Peso in Mexico."


"And, I plan to set up some large arms factories and ports. You pick out a few suitable places for this, but let's keep it under wraps for now."