
Chapter 282: "Gentlemen, the time has come for human extinction!"_3


This bunch of people didn't intend to annihilate the Northern Army, they just wanted to teach them a lesson.

This side of the river is Jalisco State!

You little brats from the Northern Army better put your hands down.

By the time air support arrives, these people will have already run away.

Nine crew members including three nearby individuals sacrificed inside the TPz-1 armored vehicle, usually when hit directly by an RPG, that intense shock could completely rearrange one's internal organs.

Even Jesus would turn into a sandwich cookie in there.

Looking at the fallen bodies of the Northern Army, the leading lieutenant felt a surge in his chest and a painful churn in his gut, his face turning iron blue.

This is it, criticism is coming my way.

Meanwhile, in a town at the border of Jalisco State and Sinaloa State—Tepic, located within a forest, a natural barrier, the area is quite infested with mosquitoes.