
Chapter 280: Slaughter in the Name of Victor!


Throw in an extra billion US dollars, can I get an LGM-25C ballistic missile?

Victor really wanted to ask that question.

But after thinking it over, he figured the Americans would say, "What, launch one over to you?"

You think just anyone dares to sell that thing?

On this planet, probably only two people would dare to sell it: one is a corrupt and greedy panda, and the other is a certain big brother in dire need of money, who was said to be utterly confused when the camels came visiting.

Within the realm of possibility, Victor was constantly testing the other party's limits.

"Six A-10 attack aircraft are too few, I hope I can get two squadrons."

That was a lion's mouth demand, biting right into Asmir Ward's ass, whose eyes suddenly widened, "Two squadrons?!"

That's 22 planes, holy shit...

What does Mexico need so many planes for?