
Chapter 40

Her mother pulled Shay from her reverie when she spoke. “Shay, I can’t do this.”

“Do what Mom?”

“I can’t live the rest of my life like this. Tied to life by this lake. It is as good as being a prisoner. I can go nowhere, do nothing. It’s not a way to live.”

Shay was silent. She wanted to argue with her mother but she knew she was being selfish. Her mother was right. With Andy gone her mother was feeling the pull to move on too. She would not want to live her life tied to one point.

“I know,” she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Do you want to go home?”

Rhian shook her head. “No there is nothing there anymore. Here is fine.”

Shay knew what her mother meant. She hugged her mother and they sat in silence staring out at the lake.

Rhian did not swim in the lake again. She would sit on the shore and watch Shay as she swam in the lake. Her wounds healed quickly but the scars did not. It seemed that the lake’s healing energy did not extend that far.