
Wordbound: Ascension

[Wordbound system awaken] [Earthlings have 10 seconds to say or think of 3 words that will determine your future.] [10] ... [9] joe jolted up and looked around with a frown seeing everyone is frozen in time "What the fuck!" [words combination already taken, choose another] [8] hearing this joe closes his mouth petrified, he doesn't understand whats happening but he understood that he need to choose his words carefully, Joe looks around and when he sees the authors name on the book in his hand all his neurons starts firing and he screems out "InfiniteReviveCopy" [Word combination accepted] [Wordbound system initiating for InfiniteReviveCopy] [Returning to Reality]

InfiniteReviveCopy · Fantasie
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2 Chs



"daayum Infinite Revive Copy, are you serious,just how did you comeup with those ?" (wang)

"its just, i was reading a novel and the author's name was InfiniteReviveCopy" (chen)

"thats broken, its too op" (wang)

"you are op too" (chen)

"heh i took some time coming up with it, i thought most op ability would be luck and and my physique is more suitable for defence and then i thought of the most op skill 'Devour', so i choose 'Luck Defence Devour' " (wang)

"we can only speculate, we still dont know what these words means" (chen)

"lets just hope of it as abilities for now" (wang)

while Chen Wei and Wang Lei are lazing and discussing their survival fantasy, the rest of the world and the authorities are on a race against time to know what is happening as well as securing bases and supplies for the upcoming disaster, whereas the internet is exploding with conspiracy theories and self proclaimed survival experts eaching how to survive an apocalypse.



"brother wang, brother chen, open the door" (ma jun)

"Ma Jun, why are you here ?" (wang)

"damn fatty, you two are enjoying beer at a time like this, and whats with these Knifes" (jun)

"come on bro its the apocalypse, come drink this" (chen)

".... alright but didnt you guys hear the anouncement why aren't you coming down stairs, the college will take us to the gazo military base, the buses are almost full and its the second last one" (jun)

"Brother Jun, we are not going to the base" (wang)

"WHAT!!, are you CRAZY, no way!, you guys didnt gave up on life did you ?" (jun)

"fuck you, you dont get it, if we go to the base we wouldnt be able to kill monsers and if we get any loot, we might have to hand it over to the military" (chen)

"we would rather stay here, we are sure we can make it big, the first monsters would be some measely goblins anyways" (wang)

"loot ? goblins? what are you talking about ?" (jun)

"what ?, you dont even play games? dont you atleast know what loot is?" (chen)

"i know that but the voice said nothing about loot, and we are not in a fucking game you morons" (jun)

"well its true but, you see, in novels this is how it usually starts. well forget it, what words did you choose ?" (wang)

"ugh, i dont really get what the voice ment so i asked 'What kind of words' and the voice said something like 'word combination accepted', " (jun)

"..." (wang)

"Oh you are Screwed" (chen)

"hey it said it will determine my future, i had to know exactly what kind of words it is talking about" (jun)

"i mean, i get what you are saying, my first words were 'what the fuck', if it wasnt because some fucker said it before me i would have been done for." (chen)

"yah you lucked out you bitch, i was too stunned by the time freeze, it was only due to my high mentality and the thought of my main character goldenfinger awakening that i was able to keep calm and choose my 3 words" (wang)

"what high mentality ?" (chen)

"...Well, the girls near me were all frozen, it took a toll on my mentality to stop any perverse thoughts." (wang)

"Oh you did well." (jun)

"Brother jun are you going or staying ?" (chen)

"I am not sure of anything so i will go to the base, since you two are so convinced, i wont force you to come, lets meet in the afterlife, bye" (jun)

"Fuck you" (wang)

"Fuck you" (chen)


"....that fucker cursed us, how omnious" (wang)

"Lets stick to our plan for now, but why do feel like 6 hours is a long time" (chen)

"...because we are losers and are now clinging on to hope" (wang)

"Fuck you" (chen)
