
woody snowman maker

A young boy is trying to make people happy by his way but will he be succeed his goal or not ?? And what will do to make the people happy??

Easy_Arabic_class · Fantasie
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2 Chs

chapter 1: happy feelings

"A boy with 12 years old was called Ryan and he learned how to make a woody handicrafts from his father when he was a little younger. his mother and father were going abroad for their job and they left him with his grandmother. One day he was returning back to home. when he entered his grandmother's home, he saw his grandmother crying and looking at his father's picture."

grandmother said: " oh baby where are you now? Are you well ? and what are you doing now there?"

"At that time, he went to his room and he was thinking of a way that making his grandmother happy. "

Ryan was focusing and thinking: " what can make my grandmother happy?"

" suddenly when he were looking around at his room. he saw the snowman that he made by wood with his father and he remembered those days. Ryan was making his snowman and his father where beside him and his father was makings a box for his grandmother. and he wrote his grandmother's name. At that time, his grandmother came to see them and Ryan's father had finished from that box and he gave it to his grandmother."

Ryan's father was smiling and said: " mom surprise ~ oh ho~~ mom take this. This is your gift."

His grandmother was happy and she said: " oh woow ... it is really amazing and wonderful. i really like it dear my baby. oh~~ really thank you. "

Ryan: " Are you so happy because of this small thing, grandma? "

Ryan's grandmother: " dear ... when you have a gift from a person that you love even if it is small you will be really happy."

Ryan looked at his father and he was smiling too and he asked: " Dad, I understand that my grandma is happy but what is the reason that make you happy like that , dad ?"

Ryan's father said : " Do you know what is making me happy?"

Ryan said: " no dad, I don't know what?"

Ryan's father whispered for Ryan: " when I saw the happiness in your grandmother's face that make me happy too.. have you asked yourself if saw some people were sad what can you do to make them happy without anyone notice that you are did that and what will you feel if you were give someone and you make them happy… Did you understand what I meant?"

Ryan said: " not yet dad. What do you mean of that dad?"

Ryan's father continue whispering for Ryan: " what about when you are seeing me and your mother happy what will you feel ?"

Ryan said: " I will feel happy"

Ryan's father said: " This is what we feel when we see our family is happy. Do you understand now?"

Ryan said (with a happy face): " yes dad I am understanding now, thank you dad."

Ryan was looking in his room and he saw the woody snowman that he has and he wrote on the back of the woody snowman : " be always happy my beautiful moon" and he copied his fathers font from the letter that he send it to his grandmother and he put it in the envelope. Then he go out through the window and he was running to enter their home from the door. At that time, he was calling his grandmother with a happy face and high voice: " grandma ,, grandma ."

Ryan's grandmother was so surprising and said: " hai dear what's happening? Is everything is alright?"

Ryan acting that he was so tired from running and said: " haa haaa grandma .. grandma first I need some water … haaahaaa"

His grandmother gave him some water and said: " what is happening baby?"

Ryan drank some water and then he said: " grandma …. my father sent something for you… look at this … I met the post officer in my way to here and he said that he had something for us and I take it from him."

Ryan's grandmother was unsure and asked: " who is the one who knows us?"

Ryan said: " do you know that the man that he is my father's friend and his name is Roy … do you remember him?"

Ryan's grandmother believed that and said : " oh … yeah I know him … that is right he is working as a post officer …. Ryan , please read it for me?"

Ryan said: " dear my mam… How are you? And how is Ryan with you. His he a naughty boy or not? If he is like this I will give him a lesson when I will return back. I am sending this for you and tell you I will come home soon so I hope you will be happy till we return back. Also, this gift is for you I hope you will like it. We will be back soon. From your son peter."

Ryan's grandmother said and with smile face: " give it to me.. what is the gift that he bring it to me."

Ryan spoke in side of himself: " My father's word was right…. from now on I will do as my father said to feel of that happiness. This is will be my goal and I will keep going on it."

His grandmother became so happy that night and in the morning he was on his way, he met Roy (the post officer) on his way.

Ryan said : " hello uncle,, I would like to ask you a favor uncle."

Roy said: " hello Ryan .. what is your favor ? I don't know if I can help you or not but tell what do you want."

Ryan said: " actually yesterday I lied on my grandma because she was so sad and I wanted to make her happy but if she thank you do be surprised please and don't let her knows please."

Roy was smiling and he said : " ok boy, I will never tell her ."

Ryan was happy and said: " thank you uncle."

Roy met Ryan's grandmother and Ryan was with her at that day.

Ryan's grandmother: " hello Roy... How are you? and thank you for giving me the letter from my son peter. How is he now?"

Roy: " hello ,, I am fine as much as you are fine." he looked to Ryan and smiled then he said for his Ryan's grandmother: " your welcome". Ryan was really happy at that time.