
Wonderman: Golden Djin

Vale Montereo is a man who never grew up. He always dreamed of writing books, movies, or just telling stories to give kids the same sense of childhood wonderment he had growing up. After one of the worst days of his life, everything he knows changes on the day of the celestial comet. Join a man who becomes one of the most powerful beings in existence, a Golden Djin.

DaoistHn8PLZ · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Wonder Djin

A swirl of golden sparks coalesced in a corner of a forest in Indiana. The bright lights lit up the darkness of the night and created a tornado of golden light. It condensed and flashed brightly like a small sun at night. From the bright light, forest animals scattered in all directions.

The light slowly disappeared and in its place, a golden-skinned man stood in its place. He looked completely average in all respects. He was 5'11 and his curly brown hair had flecks of golden sparks that would light up every so often. His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping and he wore a luxurious purple robe and black sash around his waist.

He slowly opened his eyes. He had the same gray eyes as before. The golden man looked around confused before looking at his golden skin and magical appearance.

"What... " The man questioned his circumstances as he watched the trail of golden glitter his purple robes made as he turned with them waving.

"Is this a dream?" The man shook his head slightly, trying to remember something. But he immediately changed his expression to one of complete bewilderment. His jaw hung open from his usually stoic face.

"Golden Djin... I... " The man flexed his muscles and willed a command to his powers to alter his arm to become refined with muscle.


With a flash of golden sparks, his arm changed to be exactly as he imagined it to be in his mind. He waved his hand and canceled the change back to his original arm. His eyes were bulging out of his head and he still couldn't believe what had happened to him. He had received all the information about what had happened directly into his mind. However, he still had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he could magically change his arm to what he wanted. In fact, he could change himself to do anything if he wanted to. He had supreme power. He felt that he could be no different than a god with his powers to grant wishes. If not for his limitations, he would be.

The man willed himself to float in a cross-legged position. His purple cloak fluttered under him with a trail of gold. His curly brown hair glittered in the night like summer fireflies. He placed his hand under his chin and began to sort through his mind. His face finally calmed down from his initial overreaction.

He knew he was no longer human, he was a powerful being, a Golden Djin. Golden Djins are born from strong wishes. They are more powerful than Genies who are imprisoned despite their powers. However, there were still limits on their powers.

1. Golden Djin can only be seen by children, like fairies, and only by those with a pure heart and desire.

2. Golden Djin can only grant a specific type of wish to those who can beat them in a game. That type of wish is in line with the birth wish of the Golden Djin.

The man finished sorting through the information in his mind. He suddenly felt the urge to return to his office. He willed himself to appear, and he did.

He floated a meter off the ground of his office building roof, staring down at a man's body on the roof. It was the body of Vale Montereo, it was his old body. The golden djin reached out and touched his old face slowly as a complex emotion flashed on his face. He summoned a mirror and glanced at his own face. It was the same as Vale Montereo except with golden skin.


The golden djin waved his hand and the body of Vale Montereo disappeared along with the mirror.

"Hahaha! What a mystery. I never knew such magic existed! Hahaha," the golden djin laughed with a grin. He laughed jovially and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

I am the Golden Djin of Wonder, the wish of a child! I am the spark in this dull world. It is I, the Wonder Djin, that brings back childhood memories, the magic of imagination in mundane hearts. HEAR ME, my name is Wonder!" The golden djin roared into the air above the building.

"Hahaha HAHA," The golden djin poofed out of existence as he teleported.

After the golden djin left, a small boy was staring with wide eyes in blue pajamas from the apartment window across the street. He let go of the small lego boat he was playing with at the window. It broke apart when it hit the ground, his mouth was wide open he rubbed his eyes a few times before running off excitedly to wake up his mother in the middle of the night.


Flordia, Malt Fizney World resort.


"Alright alright, this is it, baby. What a better place than here to figure some things out?" Wonder said as he appeared at Sarratooga Springs resort and spa.

"I've needed a vacation for so long," Wonder whispered softly as he watched some lizards scurry out of view on the sidewalk.

Wonder laughed watching them, before changing his golden skin to blue. He wanted to look exactly like the genie from Fizney's Aladdin.

"I could hide at the Magic Kingdom too... hmm, I need to think about this." He lay down in the air with his hand holding his head.

"Alright! I'll think about it in the morning, I kind of want to sleep,"

He then created a golden lamp on the sidewalk, exactly like in the Aladdin movie, and stepped inside it.

"It's not that small as I thought" echoed from inside until eventually snoring was heard.

Yes, the golden djin is not Vale. He was Vale, but now he can't be considered him entirely. He is influenced by his birth wish and that is why he is the way he is.

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