
Wonderland Harem

Wonderland, a world where anything is possible. A world that looks exactly like Earth...What happens when the Goddess of Wonderland wants to change things up and entice a man to complete her challenges and tricks? The Tactical Genius, Leo Reigns, is smarter than most humans on Earth and everyone knows about his records. From his business deals to being one of the most renown criminal at one point, he's indeed smart enough to get away and win any game he wants. Due to his current business rivalry, he's killed in order for his rival to succeed... The Goddess of Wonderland transports him into her world because she knows of his IQ...Leo is now trapped in Wonderland and the only way he can survive is by playing this Goddess's game...

WonderSuru · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Fulgar Drive (2)

Kaminari walked forward then dashed toward Snow White at lightning speeds then slashed at her. Snow White changed her Edge of Vanity into a spear then kicked it toward her at high speeds. Kaminari dodged the spear then dodged my attack. She rolled around me then wrapped her arm around mine then slammed me on the ground. My clone disappeared, catching her off guard then another struck her from underground.

Kaminari groaned as she was knocked upwards then a third clone appeared above her, knocking her down. She recovered then smirked then caused a row of thunderbolts to strike down. I dodged the row then noticed another row of thunderbolts crashing down, but Snow White threw her claymore, blocking the row of thunderbolts. I caught the claymore then slashed in a circle, but Kaminari blocked the slash and grunted as she was blown away.

Kaminari landed on the ground and slid backwards. She chuckled and stood up straight. "Hah...I can't say that I'm not impressed, but you two haven't seen anything yet."

I smirked and adjusted my mask. "You haven't truly seen anything from us either, I was honestly gauging where you stood on the scale. You're a mix between a Knight and a Bishop, yet you aren't a Queen. A Magic Knight is what most would call you, and you seem to be an Ace as well. The same with Rigel and Agni...that means you and the other six wielders of the Pieces are the Queen's Aces."

"Great analysis, Sherlock!~ Yes, I along with the others who wield a piece of the Pendant of Elements are the Queen's Aces, but we are all weaker than Owen who is not only the King's Ace, but the Goddess's Ace as he wields the Order Unit. But even with that information, you still can't defeat me! I'm not like Rigel, I make sure to ALWAYS strike my targets!"

Snow White walked forward then summoned her Edge of Vanity in her hand then smirked. "Useless. No longer are the days where you can run off free. I'll kill you right here and make you wish you were never born..."

Kaminari laughed and lightning crackled around her body. "Let us dance then!"

She dashed toward us then made four other clones of herself. The clones ran circles around us creating a ring of lightning around us then went for the strike against us one by one. Snow White and I dodged the attacks then noticed four lightning balls form around us then four more clones of Kaminari came down to strike us. We dodged the second set of clones then lightning portals opens around us and Kaminari swiftly rushed in and out th portals to attack us.

I bellowed and my dark energy shot upwards, striking the clones and Kaminari. Kaminari stopped herself in the air then threw her knifes at the ground, causing blasts of electricity. Snow White surrounded me and herself in a barrier of frost, blocking the blasts of electricity. Kaminari turned herself into a ball of electricity then crashed through the barrier and blew us away with an electrical blast.

"Let's dance some more!" Kaminari laughed then summoned Bolt Ninjas.

I created clones to deal with the Ninjas then used my Dark Energy similar to Suimin and constructed a spear using my dark energy. I struck the blade of the spear into th ground and dark energy in the shape of deadly spears sprouted from the ground toward Kaminari. Kaminari jumped up to avoid the spears, but Snow White appeared above Kaminari then slashed downward, spiking Kaminari to the ground.

I dashed forward and roundhouse kicked Kaminari away then Snow White appeared behind her then slashed in a circle, knocking Kaminari into me. I released dark energy around my body, blowing Kaminari away. She grunted as she rolled on the ground.

"You want to keep dancing? Let's continue dancing!" I chuckled and promoted myself to a Knight then summoned six floating spears behind myself. "Now, would you like my clones to be promoted as well, or would it be too hard for you?"

Kaminari glared at my mocking then felt Snow White grow stronger because of my arrogance. 'I can see why Rigel struggled now...but I can't let them get the better of me! No more...I won't be made a fool anymore!'

Kaminari's eyes shined gold then she bellowed, activating the Lightning Piece and the Piece entered her body. Multicolored Lightning began to crackle around her body then red lightning crashed down. "Now you will see the true power of my Fulgar Drive!"

Snow White laughed and got into her stance them purple energy formed around her body. "Fulgar Drive..? What a fucking joke! I can't wait to taint my blade with your worthless blood!"

Snow White was growing Mad but it was for the better as she was no longer holding back. She was entering her Vanity State, becoming consumed in pride, seeing herself as better than Kaminari.

"The only one whose blood will be spilled is YOURS!" Kaminari bellowed and dashed toward us.

Kaminari was now much faster than before and her moves were much harder to evade. Snow White and Kaminari clashed rapidly then pushed each other away. Kaminari sent a barrage of lightning crashing down at Snow White but Snow White dodged each bolt then groaned as Kaminari blew her away with a powerful bolt of red lightning.

"Snow!" I called out then dashed toward Snow White's aid.

"Too slow!" Kaminari laughed and kicked me away.

I rolled backwards then recovered and groaned as Kaminari rushed me with lightning quick attacks then kicked me upwards, knocking me back down with a bolt of black lightning. I grunted as I had taken massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. My body wouldn't move as I was paralyzed.

"I have to kill you first and it hurts me to do so because you're so handsome, I'll tell you what..." Kaminari said and crouched down then held my chin. "If you join me... I'll spare you and tell the Goddess you had a change of heart..~"

I closed my eyes. Kaminari licked her lips awaiting my answer.

Snow White watched and grunted as she slowly stood up. "Leo..!"

"How about...no..."

Kaminari grunted and stumbled backwards then groaned as my dark aura erupted and I awakened my Chaos. I laughed as I stood up then held my arms out and promoted myself into a Queen.

"Checkmate.." I chuckled.

Kaminari glared at me then got into her stance. "You could've had it all, but you ruined it...Now I will kill you!"

Kaminari dashed toward me and grunted when I appeared in front of her then kneed her stomach then struck her with a tail swipe into a high reaching kick, knocking her upwards. I struck her with a staggering claw slash, paralyzing her briefly then knocked her away with a palm strike. I dashed after her and spun around with a powerful tail swipe knocking her upwards.

Kaminari recovered in the air then noticed I was gone. I appeared above her and smacked her downward with my tail then I followed up with a beam of dark energy. An explosion happened, blasting Kaminari away. Kaminari groaned as she hit the ground then the Lightning Piece flew out of her body.

Snow White rushed forward to grab the Lightning Piece and the piece immediately resonated with her. She smiled and closed her eyes then lightning crackled around her body. "Finally a piece of my Pendant..."

Kaminari coughed a bit of blood and panted softly. She looked at me and noticed me towering over her. She got up to strike me, but her attack didn't affect me.

I grabbed her neck then rose her upwards. I dropped her down then struck her with a powerful gut punch, knocking her into a wall. She slid down the wall and coughed. I walked forward then noticed a hooded black coat figure appear next to Kaminari. The figure had the Lost Emblem on the back of their coat.

"You've done enough...Joker." The figure said. They had a deep voice and based on their attire...Snow White and I were standing in front of the leader of The Lost. "Defeating Rigel and Kaminari...that is no easy feat, but I can not allow you to kill Kaminari. Instead, face off against my Deviants."

The man summoned a single humanoid Deviant wearing light gray robes with the Bishop Symbol on the back of the robes. He picked Kaminari up then vanished in a dark portal.

"Who was that..?" I asked.

"I don't know. I have no connection to him so I couldn't tell you...but I know one thing...this Deviant has unnatural Wonder Energy...we can't face off against this thing." Snow White said.

The Deviant just stood there, not making a move. I stepped backwards then grabbed Snow White and made my own dark portal then escaped with Snow White.

[Mission Complete: Defeated The Lightning Assassin]

[Reward: Wonder EXP +13000]

[Level Up!]

[Wonder Level: 11]

[Bonus: Cost for Joker Summon Decreased]

Alice, Suimin, and Kaguya made it inside Serene City, and looked around. They noticed a crowd of people gathering around the central part of the city. They went to investigate what was going on.

"The King of Hearts has declared war against our city and allies! Serene City, Whimsical City, and Tranquil City have agreed to band together and prepare ourselves for WAR!" The Mayor of Serene City said.

The crowd cheered and rallied.

"No longer are the days we sit by and allow these royals to oppress us! They took my brother, killed our strongest allies, and even destroyed our previous home! No longer will I sit by while our people get killed from injustice! Now is the time we strike back!" The Mayor bellowed.

The people of the city roared and cheered.

Alice, Suimin, and Kaguya looked at one another then walked off.




Alice sighed softly and looked out the window. "So do you think Leo and Snow are still out there?"

"Of course they are! This is Leo and Snow White we're talking about!" Kaguya said and looked at Alice.

"I just miss him...I feel so weak without him...I need to see him for me to truly know he's okay..." Alice said.

Suimin looked at Alice and smiled. "Being bonded to someone you love. Leo turned your curse into a blessing...I'm sure he's okay..."

A dark portal opened in the room and the three looked surprised. Snow White and I exited the portal and Alice and the others looked surprised.

"Leo! Snow!" Alice said and quickly hugged us.

Kaguya and Suimin also hugged us, happy that we were safe. Snow White blushed and I smiled at them.

"It's alright, we're still alive..~" Snow White said.

They let us go then Alice looked at me lovingly. I stroked her chin gently then looked at everyone.

"Our situation has become more dire. We ran into the Leader of the Lost." I said.

Alice looked surprised. "You ran into Xannon?!"

"Xannon?" I asked.

"It's the Mad Hatter..." Alice said. "He's the leader of The Lost."

I crossed my arms and looked at everyone. "The Mad Hatter...so we have to worry about him as well now huh. I shouldn't be too surprised. We still have Cheshur and Jikan to worry about, but how strong is the Mad Hatter?"

"Very. He's ranked a King Level Unit..." Alice said.

"I see...well let's stay on our toes while we are here. Prepare as much as we can then once we are ready, we tackle Bizarrevilla." I said.

Everyone agreed and we got our rooms settled as usual.

"I'll make your hair stick up then strike you down with lightning! Hahahaha!"