
Wonderland Harem

Wonderland, a world where anything is possible. A world that looks exactly like Earth...What happens when the Goddess of Wonderland wants to change things up and entice a man to complete her challenges and tricks? The Tactical Genius, Leo Reigns, is smarter than most humans on Earth and everyone knows about his records. From his business deals to being one of the most renown criminal at one point, he's indeed smart enough to get away and win any game he wants. Due to his current business rivalry, he's killed in order for his rival to succeed... The Goddess of Wonderland transports him into her world because she knows of his IQ...Leo is now trapped in Wonderland and the only way he can survive is by playing this Goddess's game...

WonderSuru · Fantasie
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20 Chs


The White Samurai prepare his sword and got into his stance. He grunted softly and watched my every movement. Cheshur watched as well with a wide grin plastered on his face. They both wondered what my next move would be.

"You should run if you value you or life.." I said as the eyes on my helmet shined.

The White Samurai grunted as he felt my dark aura surging powerfully. The wind my aura generated was strong and caused him to slide backwards. He watched as I vanished and looked around. He couldn't sense me. He couldn't find me.

I appeared behind him then struck him with a roundhouse kick, knocking him away. He groaned as he crashed through multiple stands then recovered on his feet, sliding backwards. I appeared in front of him then kneed his stomach, causing him to groan. I grabbed his head then slammed him against the ground then raise him up. I dropped him then gut punched him, launching him away.

[Drive Gauge: 30%]

[Drive LV. 1]

I walked forward and chuckled softly. I fired dark energy at the White Samurai and he deflected it but groaned as another one hit him. He stumbled backwards then grunted. He looked at me and noticed the Knight Symbol shine on my chest.

"This was supposed to be a peaceful city...now you've turned it into another one of your battlegrounds. It's unfortunate that I have to break all of your Toys Goddess." I said then dashed toward the White Samurai.

I struck him with a tail swipe, knocking him into the air then a high reaching kick. He flipped in the air because of the kick then I grabbed his leg and spun him around then slammed him down. The White Samurai was in excruciating pain already from my combo, but I wasn't done yet. I wasn't finished torturing him.

White Samurai tried to get up with a swift slash, but I dodged it and hit him with an elbow thrust then a punch. The punch left behind a pulse like effect which knocked him backwards then I slid forward into a staggering kick into a left hook. He spun around dazed. He couldn't react fast enough to my attacks anymore.

"What's wrong..? Feeling sluggish..? Feeling Languish? Languor is a Sin you know...Now I really have to deliver Justice and Bind you to eternal punishment!" I laughed then looked at the White Samurai as he roared.

The White Samurai got into his stance then stomped down and white aura surged powerfully around his body then he vanished and appeared in front of me. I dodged his first slash then blocked his strike with his handle. I created clones of myself and laughed.

"Wonderful! Keep attacking! Each strike fills my DRIVE!" I roared and dark energy shot up in the air, knocking the White Samurai upwards.

[Drive LV. 2!]

[Drive Gauge: 1%]

I slid back then dashed forward into a staggering claw slash, trailing red energy. The strike staggered the White Samurai. I punched the ground, erupting dark energy spike and the spikes struck the White Samurai, impaling him through his stomach. He roared in pain then his clock eyes shined. He tried to stop time, but I taunted him and copied his ability.

"That's mine now!" I laughed and stopped his time.

"His battle style isn't as calm and collected anymore in this form. He's more wild, unhinged and yet each move has some form of calculation behind it. I can see why Alice likes him.." Cheshur chuckled.

Alice, Snow White, and Suimin heard the roar and looked back. Alice felt my energy and her eyes widened. She knew that chaotic energy was me.

"What is that energy..? Who is that?" Snow White asked.

"This Chaotic Energy is the Joker!" Suimin said.

Alice grunted and noticed Snow White's reaction. She noticed Snow White dash to the location of the roar. "W-Wait..!"

"You wish to protect the Joker..?"

"Where does your loyalties lie..?"

Alice shook her head and dashed after Snow White and Suimin followed. "Snow White! Don't go near them!"

Alice grabbed Snow White's head and slammed her against a kiosk. Snow White groaned as she was slammed into the kiosk.

"Alice..!" Suimin said in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Snow White asked and pushed Alice off her.

"Would you attack your own friends to protect him..?"

"How far the rabbit hole are you willing to go to protect the Joker..?"

Alice held her head and grunted. She was conflicted. "I'm sorry..! I'm sorry..!"

Snow White noticed Alice was going crazy. She noticed how desperately Alice didn't want her to see who the Joker was. "You know something.."

Alice shook her head and panted. She gripped her chest and fell to her knee. She was beginning to have a panic attack. "N-No...I.."

[Alice's Sanity Decreased by 20%]

They all heard the roar again then noticed the White Samurai fly past them and crash into a metal barricade. I walked forward and chuckled softly. I roared and constructed a sphere of dark energy in the palms of my hand.

"Wh-Who the hell is that..?" Suimin asked in awe.

I dashed toward the White Samurai then he dashed toward me. He vanished and I pivoted around then threw the sphere of dark energy. He reappeared and grunted as he ducked under the sphere.

Alice noticed the sphere headed toward her. Her eyes widened then she noticed me appear in front of her. I caught the sphere and crushed it. Alice looked up at me and noticed my tail swaying.

"Alice..." I said then laughed.

"Who are you?!" Snow White asked, demanding an answer.

"You want to know who I am..? How cute! My name...is Joker!" I said then grunted as my heart thumped.

'I can't last for too much longer...Wrath is taking over...I need to end this quickly!' I thought to myself.

[Drive MAX]

I roared and dashed toward the White Samurai then slashed upwards with claw slash then appeared above him with an axe kick, knocking him down. A clone of me struck him with a palm strike, blowing him away. Another clone fired chains which bound the White Samurai to the ground then I landed and discharged dark electricity from my hands, striking the White Samurai.

He roared in pain and fell to his knees. I create a large blade of dark energy then slashed at him, knocking him away and he crashed into a wall. The mouth of my helmet opened and I fired a large laser beam at the White Samurai, striking him then an explosion happened.

Alice, Snow White, and Suimin grunted as winds formed and pushed them away. The smoke cloud obstructed their view and when it cleared they noticed I was gone.

[Challenge Complete: Killed the King's Sword]

[Award: Wonder EXP +500]

They noticed there was nothing left of the White Samurai. Their bracelets beeped and they looked at it.

[Event: Full Blue Moon]

[Event Countdown: 2:59:59]

I walked around the corner in my normal form then held my arm. The three noticed me then hurried over to me seeing that I was in pain. I fell forward, but Alice caught me and noticed I was exhausted. I had passed out due to the exhaustion.




I woke up in our hotel room and noticed Alice was keeping watch over me. She noticed I had woke up and smiled at me. I smiled back at her and slowly sat up.

"How are you feeling..?" She asked and helped me sit up.

"I'm still hurting...but I'm okay in the end. My head hurts and my body still aches..." I said.

Alice slowly moved my hair from my face and stared at me. I looked at her and noticed her staring at my lips. I chuckled softly and closed my eyes.

"Alice.." I said softly.

"Y-Yeah..?" Alice answered and looked at my face.

I looked at her then gently pulled her down, kissing her lips. She kissed back and slowly got on the bed. I felt her gently pushing me down as she straddled on top of me. We kissed for a few more seconds before we slowly broke the kiss.

Alice placed her forehead against mine and closed her eyes, softly panting. "I was so worried about you...So worried that Snow White and Suimin would figure out who you were..."

I held her waist and looked at Alice. "You shouldn't feel the need to hide my identity for me, Alice.."

Alice opened her eyes and looked into my eyes. "But...Snow White made it clear that if she finds the Joker in which you stupidly told her, she would kill them."

I stared at Alice and rolled over, laying her down on her back. "But they don't know it's me...but you shouldn't feel the need to cover up for me. Let me deal with that okay..?"

Alice nodded. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her again. She slowly wrapped her arms around my nape as she kissed me. I enjoyed kissing Alice as it got me riled up, but it also riled her up on the inside. I wanted to go further...I wanted to make Alice mine.

I slowly reached up her dress, but she stopped me and broke the kiss. I looked down at her and noticed her nervous face.

"N-Not yet...I don't feel comfortable going that far yet.." Alice said.

I nodded, respecting her decision. I was about to get off her, but she stopped me.

"I never said you couldn't touch and kiss everywhere else..." She said and looked up at me.

I chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss her again then we heard the knocking of the door and sighed in annoyance.

"Alice, we need to talk." Snow White said.

I got off Alice and she sat up then fixed herself. I walked over to the window and stood there, looking outside.

"Come in." Alice said.

Snow White and Suimin walked into the room and noticed I was awake. They smiled then looked at Alice who was looking at her phone, fixing her hair.

"We need to talk about your recent actions. You've been really impulsive lately and it's been concerning. First your Wrath and now you attack me to stop me from seeing Joker. He was in front of me within my grasp! I could've killed him then and there!" Snow White said.

"But Joker saved us. He saved me..." Alice said and kept looking at her phone.

"Joker is known for being a Trickster just like Cheshur. He has his own goals, his own motives. Who's to say that when he saved you he didn't have any alternative motives?" Snow White said and walked toward Alice.

Alice made a sound of disagreement and was about to say something but felt my energy shock her.

"Don't." I said to Alice telepathically.

Alice calmed down and sighed. "Look the fact is that the Joker saved us. Nothing more, nothing less. So far he hasn't even harmed us or any innocent being."

"I guess that's true...but where was Leo during that entire ordeal..?" Suimin asked.

Alice felt her heart skip beats. She noticed Snow White and Suimin looking at me.

"I was hiding. I couldn't beat the White Samurai as he had every best quality from the King's Units that we already fought. That's when I saw the Joker for myself and remained hidden to avoid being another casualty." I said and turned to look at Snow White and Suimin.

Alice was a bit nervous as she waited for the response.

"Was the White Samurai really that strong to where he even had Leo hiding..?" Suimin asked in awe.


"They believe you..."

"Why must you hide..?"

"Are you scared...?"

"He must've been, but I'm just glad that we are all safe at the end of the day. Let's go outside. Kaguya should be down any second~" Snow White said and hurried off.

Suimin followed and nodded.

Alice sighed in relief and looked at me. I looked back at her and no words needed to be said. We just followed Snow White and Suimin.


We stood outside and looked at the Full Blue Moon. Soon we noticed a beam of light crash down and everyone watched as a figure descended down to the ground.

A beautiful fair skinned woman landed on the ground. She had long black hair, beautiful celestial blue eyes, and a slender yet curvaceous figure. She wore a geisha kimono with white stockings and geta shoes. A spear landed next to her and she grabbed the long handle then took the blade out of the ground.

"She loves strong people..."

"She loves to be dominated..."

"The more pain she feels the stronger she becomes..."

"The weak don't interest her..."

"She is a masochist!"

The woman looked at me and pointed her spear at me then licked her lips. "You..~ I wish for you to battle me and the truth shall be revealed...I, Kaguya of the Moon, wish for you to dominate me."

I stared at Kaguya and heard the chuckle of Joker, but he wasn't there.

"It's boring to stay in line and do whatever people want from you...to be free means to ensure Chaos spreads and destroy Order."