
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
31 Chs

Chapter 14

Two police officers were whipping two men in a cell. The two men were howling every whip the officers were giving on their backs. Another officer was standing behind them, watching the prisoners receive their punishment. He was standing there to make sure that the prisoners were getting punished. The sound of the whips echoed in the cells and hallway. The officers at main officer could hear the whips. The sound of the whips was louder than the men's howl. The officers put some music on. They were sick and tired of hearing those whips for two days. Some of them were thinking that they were receiving it.

One officer entered the police station with a light green packet, filled with newspapers. She put her handbag on the desk. Then she started placing one newspaper on each desk. Everyone was excited about the news because of the two hundred and fifty victims. Some of the officers were already reading the headlines. Most of the officers were happy that the investigation would finally get somewhere. Now they knew that Yanwu was real and the victims told the media about the tattoos. They could go around to look for men that had the scary skeleton tattoo on their necks. That would make the women and girls more cautious about who they were talking to. But what was shocking the officers the most was that a woman managed to save the victims by herself. They were even more surprised that she had the guts to enter The Forbidden Harbor. They wondered how she did that. But they were also curious about White Jaguar. They wanted to know her identity.

A red Audi appeared in front of the entrance. All the officers stopped reading the headlines and looked at the entrance. The door opened from the driver's side. A woman, probably in her mid-forties, came out of the car. She was looking at the station with her golden framed GUCCI sunglasses. She was wearing a formal dark blue buttoned shirt with a red medium skirt. She closed the car door, unlocked it then started walking towards the entrance.

All the officers got up from the desk or stopped having their coffees. They were coming to the entrance to form a line. The woman was watching the officers scramble about to form a line. The officers managed to stand in line before the woman entered the building. Once she entered the building, all the officers started screaming.

"Good morning Samantha Lau.", they greeted her together and bowed to her.

Samantha Lau was The Head Police Officer in Shanghai. She had been investigating Yanwu for the past ten years. She removed her glasses to see the officers properly. She found a strip of her dark brown hair in front of her light brown eyes. It was annoying her. She used the glasses frame to remove the hair from her face. She hooked the hair behind her left ear. She looked at the officers who were still showing their respect to her. Samantha bowed to the officers. The officers lifted themselves and stood upright. Samantha did the same. She could hear the sounds of the whips from the cells. She looked at the officers with an indifferent expression.

"Why do I hear whips?", she asked firmly.

One female officer came forward and spoke. "Mam, there are two of Yanwu's men in there. Our officers are giving them punishment because they refuse to answer the questions.", she answered.

Samantha looked at the officer with shock. "Was it White Jaguar?"

"No, another woman did this. She recused two women two days in a row. But she ended up in hospital because she got beaten up by one of them."

"How did he end up here?", Samantha was pointing at the door where the cells were.

"Wang Liang, the owner of The Lotus Flower Hotel, saved her."

"This who thing about the victims getting saved by White Jaguar, is it the same woman?"

"When the other station told us about the victims, we also thought it was her. We decided to call the hospital. The nurse told me that the woman, Riya Moodley, was still unconscious when this incident happened. We even saw the footage, Miss Moodley was unconscious while the incident occurred.", the officer explained.

Samantha was fine with that explanation. "Do you have any idea about this mystery White Jaguar?", she asked.

The officer shook her head. "No mam.", she answered in disappointment.

Samantha saw the disappointment. "There is no need to be disappointed by that. At least we know that all the rumors are true and we are going somewhere with this. We spent ten years chasing after this man and we finally got evidence. We also don't need to worry about White Jaguar's identity right now. We have more important things to do and that's bringing down Yanwu.", she said firmly.

Samantha still could hear the whips and the prisoners howling. The officers were getting irritated because the other officers have been beating the prisoners for half an hour. They had been beaten the first one since day one and the other since last night. Samantha took a deep breath and then spoke.

"Tell the gentlemen to give those prisoners a break. Make sure that they get enough food because we need them alive. Cameras must be operating at all times. Yanwu's men are everywhere so we better be safe than sorry.", she instructed.

"Yes mam!", the officers bowed to her.

Samantha bowed to them. All of them stood upright. Samantha put her sunglasses on, turned around, and walked out of the entrance. The officers were watching her leaving the building. Samantha unlocked her car while she was walking. She stopped in front of her car, opened the door then entered the vehicle. She made herself comfortable. She put on her seat belt and started the engine.