
Wolves Weeping

Animals and mystical stuff. Bad hoomans and big families. Heroics Ensue. <____< Main character is going go be a wolf. Perfect description. * claps * Still setting up foundation with some folklore world building. If you want a cool mc story this is totally gonna be it. ...When I write more. This is 'write when I can' story. I already have like half the plot planned out I just gotta grind through chapter writing now. Okay that's enough rambling from me~

Scynthea · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Long long ago, this world was barren, save for rocks and water.

One day this all changed, as beings coalesced and formed into the 12 Origins.

The Wolf, persistant, patient, and loyal and bold, one who lived in groups and was an example of examplary leadership and teamwork.

The Leopard who ultimately stayed in the shadows, abounding in solitude, but still remaining passionate at heart.

The Deer, graceful and poised, choosing coexistence over strife, speed over strength.

The Snake, daring to engage and enrage those stronger than it, for it was he who was ultimately planning farthest in the end.

The Eagle, self crowned king of the skies.

Pride was bountiful for him. Choosing to try what none had before, and discovering the power of flight.

The Owl, if the eagle was the king of the skies, than the owl was undoubtedly the queen. Moving silently through the air, decieving those around them, until their enemies didnt know what hit them. The owl was the moon to the eagle who was the sun.

The Rabbit, one who was always picked on and shunned for never learning to stand up for itself against the others, all it could do was run away and hide.

The Badger, one who none dared to seek out, once crossed the badger would show no mercy to her enemies. Once you trample on her image, be prepared to have your own entirely erased from exsistance.

The Bear, as an individual, one of the strongest in existence, pure strength and adaptability. Seeker of peaceful rest, and plentiful food.

The Raven, shrouded in mystery, one who seeks the purpose of exsistance, and the seeker of answers to all questions. An opportunist that is not one to pass on fateful encounters.

The Grasshopper, dares to think outside the box, becoming disadvantaged in the short term, but greatly benefitted in the long term.

Relying on luck, and abundance to get by, and never settling down in one place, so as to keep exploring their world, however many times larger it shall be for it compared to the others.

The Fish, the one who was called a fool by the others for donning scales but not slithering about on land like the snake, but instead choosing to go where none had gone before.

Eventually emerging victorious in their own new realm. Practically untouchable by the others. Representing transformation, nothing should be the same forever, someone shall always come along and change things.

The Unicorn, known for its beauty and appearence being the most enchanting of the 13 Original Beasts. Despite its horn, it was seen as threat to none. Somehow managing to remain solitary away from the rest, hiding the many secrets it had kept.

These are the Thirteen Origins. The being

All of them existed in a stalemate of vying for power and prestige, until one day another form of creature appeared. But this creature was unlike any before it, it covered all by the sky, but even then it tryed to reach out to the stars, to seeming grasp them.

The Origins all gathered together at the foot of a gorgeously breathtaking waterfall. One that was so tall it extended into the sky, the end of it not even in coming into sight.

This newcomer quickly spread throughout all the lands, changing and evolving into different things. By this time it was to late for the Origin Beasts to put a stop to this.

They tried asking the new beast its name, but the beast did not talk, it did not even breath for the matter.

The 13 Origins decided these were not beasts and therefore shouldn't need to be included into their ranks.

They were hence forth named plants.

Later other forms of life formed, such as fungi, and bacteria.

The Origins once again all met up at the foot of the Sky Piercing Waterfall.

They similarly concluded like their previous findings that these beings would not be considered beasts, and therefore the 13 first beings considered them harmless.

That was until... the Unicorn fell sick.

U w U

this is a story I thought up when I was like 14 or 15. So.... like 6 years ago.

This one is probably going to be for practice writing, so bare with me.

You dont really know what this story is about because I kinda want it to be a secret until later on.

Let me spout my mystic numbs jumbo stuff first plz and thnk u.

I might go back and add more details later. This is gonna be an unedited version, just warning ya'll.

(not that it makes much a difference with my poor editing skills.)

Scyntheacreators' thoughts