
Wolves of Men : Call To The North

Living a life as a human is already hard enough. But now as a werewolf...? Hi, my name is Sirius. I'm... you guessed it a werewolf. I am a 16 year old high school student from Champ High. We are a somewhat normal high school the only difference is we may or may not have monsters among us.

mcherry77k · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Meeting In The Forest

Unknown ??? POV : I woke up hungry looking for food. Yesterday a women spat on my face as she walked passed my small form. Then three men watched as she walked away swaying her hips side to side. They came over to my body and kicked me around until I was numb. I screamed for help in my mind. I woke up the next morning with a severe headache. I walked over to the dumpster to find something to chew on. I found a small unbruised apple. I quickly looked over it and cleaned it off...

---Flashback over---

The snow was crystal white it covered the ground for miles. I woke in my small abandoned cabin looking at the frozen lake in the distant.

"All right Sirius time to get up!" I yawned loudly as I bundled up for the snowy weather outside. I'm very glad I found this tiny cabin. It took years for me to finally find a building for me to stay at. Maybe this one will last longer. I prayed that the cops don't kick me off the premises or the building collapses. At this time of year I could possible freeze to death if so. Today is my birthday so I'm going to take a break from work at my part-time newspaper job. I'm turning 10 today. I am very happy because I saved enough money for a cake this year. I walked out in the cold snow passing the lake and started walking towards grocery store that was about 5 miles away. When I got there the light flickered as I went in. I walk to the lady at the counter.

"Excuse miss where are all the cakes?"

"Sorry hun there all out..." She then gave me a very weird look like she seen some type of ghost or something.

"Ho..w abo..uuut you take this pie and run along home it's late.."

I gave her a confused look. "It's only 10:00 am?"

"Early I mean whattt-te-eever.... Just go along home now..." I walked out of the store with the pie. The weird part was she didn't even want any money for it. I shrugged it off and walked home with freshly baked pie.

---Time Skip---

"Hopefully those planks stay still long enough so snow doesn't come into the house...."

As I open the door and closed it. I set my pie down on a small wooden table. I sat by the firepit as I warm up.

"Creak..." I heard the floor boards thumping above my head. "Man it's snowing hard." I turn my head to the window and my heart stopped. I saw blue icy piercing eyes looking my way then they turned blood red. It then disappears.

"What the fu..." I was shaken to my core. I felt that cold brutal fear, pulsing through my veins. I stood up all night watching, listening and waiting for any sudden noises or shadows. I was scared shitless. Hours went by I didn't open any doors. Nothing else happen that day. I was more scared that I was alone in a forest away from civilization unable to get help. After using all of energy, I finally feel asleep. The next few weeks I felt watched.

-- 3 Weeks later--

This week I felt at ease. I didn't have that awful feeling. It was great, I felt so safe. If you can call safe an abandoned building. I walked out later that night. I had to make sure I returned the newspaper bin I borrowed from Mr. William. I was a bit shaken that I had to go out into the dark. Again in the forest it's even more spooky. I walk out the house slowly dragging the bin along the cold snow with me. I kept walking for a few hours. Crack! A noise not to far from where I was standing, I stopped my tracks. I looked around. I wanted to know where that was coming from. Then I felt like I was been watched again, but this time what ever it was.... it was closer. I shook very badly.

"H-H-He-ll-o?" I shudder out loudly. I heard breathing from the distant. I bolted, bin and all with me. I ran so fast, I heard footsteps getting louder and louder behind me. I got back to the tiny cabin and shut the door. Out of breath I rolled the bin quick to other side of the room. I rapidly when up the stairs and lay on my tiny bed. I could not stop shaking. I hid under my blankets. I heard footsteps down below. I cried silently, someone was in there with me. The footsteps stopped. I look out my blanket to see if anything was there. Nothing was in my room. I step out from under my blanket and took a deep breath. I check slowly down stairs to see if they were still here. Everything seem to be the way I left it. I walked back up steps and close the door. I tripped as I walked in my room. "Ow" I squeaked out. I looked down at my feet an saw a red thread. I watch as to feet came up to my head. The stranger bent down to my level and look at me with the same blue eyes.

"What do you want?" He hushed me covered my mouth and stood me up. He tied me with a red thread all over. An but me on the bed. I could see him better now. He was about 6 feet tall. Had blue hair, and blue eyes. His skin was tan. He had this face expression that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Hello little one~" I shivered at the sound of his voice. He look me in the eyes. I tried to look away he put his hand under my chin and turn my head to face him. I tried close my eyes but every time, he gave me a light tap on the face so I can look at him. I had to stare into his piercing eyes.

"Little one don't look away~" I could see his teeth as he looked at me. His sharp white teeth. "Nothing to be afraid of~" Yeah right.. it's not like your a grown ass man that's been following me for 3 weeks nothing to worry about.....

"W-Wh-hat do you want?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"I think you already know little one~"

"N-no I do-on-n't" He went very close to my face still looking in my eyes. He asked me "Are you alone little one~" Why would he ask such a thing I have no clue. Still looking at him I shook and answered the question truthfully "Y-Yes". He look at me with satisfaction. He backed up and looked over me. Then he slowly walked behind me. I panicked and started to squirm badly. "P-pl-ea-se do-n't..." I whimper and whined. He seem to be at my ear as I felt his hot breath near it. He slowly to took a firm hold on my neck and put his finger up to my lips. The red thread still on my figure.

"Shhhhhhh, be quiet little one~"

He rubbed my back as he seemly tries to calm me down. I shook and cried. Was I going to die? I asked myself. He kept trying to calm me down. Hushing me.

"Shhhh, it's ok little one I'm not here to hurt you~" He took his hand from my neck and put it on my stomach. He made sure to grip my tiny form. Rubbing it slowly, again trying to calm me down. As he did that he blowed in my ear and hummed. "Be quiet....papa's got you~" I didn't understanding the statement. I was confused a been living alone for awhile. Mostly because my parents died when I was younger.

"Pa-ap-pa?" I asked unsure of the answer I was going to receive. He hummed.

"Yes papa, I think I'm going to keep you little one~"

"Ke-eep me? Why?" He didn't answer instead a untied the rope with one hand and kept his other hand on my small form of a body. I did not have any more energy to squirm out of his grip. He picked me up and laid me down trying to put me in a small very cozy coat. Witch by the way where did he get it from? Was this planned? I had many questions. Thought I might not get a answer. Seeing how well he answered the last one. He picked me up, I couldn't do anything I was helpless. My eyes start to close. I was drifting off to a deep slumber. He rubbed my back as we walked out the door.

NEXT CHAPTER: Stranger of the Wind

Can We find out the stranger's name in the next chapter?

Will it be reveal?

What is his plans for the little boy Sirius?

Will Sirius be safe?

What about the old lady?

Person 1 : Wait do we care about her?

Me: Yes, we do she is an asset.

Person 2: For what giving people random food and kicking them out?

Me: You will see. You will see. (Laughs Evilly)


I want to thank you guys for reading!

Chapter 1 is done! Please tell me what you think in the comments below.

🐺Wolf out!