
Chapter 11[Moody]

[T/N: I'm posting these manually from now on, no more waiting three days because the thing glitched.]

With the test over, the plan was to return to the island. But unfortunately, someone had other plans.

Everyone could smell someone as soon as they entered the forest.

A smell of blood and death approached the group.

Everyone was on guard. Including the Grims.

In the distance, several adult males appeared. No one had any trouble recognizing them as werewolves by their scent. They all looked at Harry, who nodded, and they all stood on guard.

The unknown wolves approached the group quickly.

As soon as one was faced with it, another went ahead.

" My name is Fenry Greyback, and I am the leader of this pack! " he said, pointing at his companions. " I challenge you to a werewolf duel!"

" What's that? " Harry asked. The werewolf smirked.

" We fight, and the winner is the leader of both packs." He looked at the women." And of everything they have."

" Why should I do that? " Harry asked.

" Because if you don't, you'd be a coward." Greyback replied." And I doubt anyone would follow you!"

The boy looked at his companions.

" If I don't fight, would you mind? " he asked his companions.

" No."

" I don't care."

" You will still be the boss."

Greyback looked at them angrily. He hadn't expected this behavior.

" So how about this? " he suggested. " If you don't fight me, I'll kill you all! " After saying this, his companions ran quickly to the sides.

" Why don't you go before you get hurt? " said Hermione.

" Shut up bitch! " Greyback told her. " I'll teach you later how you should behave!"

" If you come near my wife I'll rip your soul out, " Harry said calmly.

Greyback felt a shudder as he heard the young man. This was no ordinary werewolf and he knew it. At the moment his small pack was only made up of pups, but if he let it grow, many others would soon want to join.

Plus, if he killed him he would avenge his master and as a bonus, he would gain all the boy's money and land.

" Fight me!" he said smiling." Fight and die!" Harry sighed reluctantly.

" Let's go further, I don't want an audience." he said." As soon as we start fighting, the people in the castle will hear us."

The werewolf only thought about it for a second before nodding in agreement.


Both groups moved deeper into the forest, keeping an eye on each other.

Harry noticed that more werewolves had approached and now his group was completely surrounded. Greyback clearly had a big fight planned.

He knew they could easily defeat them, but that would reveal their secret.

At last, they came to a small clearing.

Both fighters stood face to face. Behind them were their respective followers. Although many remained around the whole, ready to act.

" What rules?" Harry asked.

" None!" Greyback shouted before jumping towards him.

Harry only moved far enough away to avoid being hit by his opponent's claws.

" OK."

" Today I will eat your heart." said the dark wizard taking out his wand." Cruccio!" Harry easily avoided it." Diffindo!" again he only moved just enough." Bombarda!" this time he had to jump to get away. With each spell, some of the Death Eater's werewolf followers had to dodge to avoid being hit." Defend yourself!"

" Dodging is a defense," he replied calmly. The rest of the apprentices smiled at the sight.

The werewolves cheered their leader on. Harry could see the Death Eater's eyes turn amber. They had somehow managed to access some of their werewolf powers without the moon.

" Harry." Hermione noticed too.

" Yes, I know." as he said this he took out his knife." In case you haven't noticed, it's silver," he said, showing it to the werewolf. The dark wizard stood up.

" You'll use a weapon in a fight of honor?!" Greyback said with a slightly hoarser voice.

" You said no rules!" he replied smiling.

The werewolf gave a growl before lunging at him. The lupinids watched as the rest of the werewolves looked at the scene immersed in the sensations of death. If anyone had any doubts about how very different they were, they disappeared at that moment.

Harry easily knocked one of the Dark wizard's claws away. He could see the disbelief in the Death Eater's eyes.

Then, with the handle of the knife, he hit him in the chin, raising the werewolf's head and stopping him dead in his tracks.

The rest of the werewolves instantly fell silent upon seeing how easily the boy had defeated their alpha.

From the ground, Greyback looked at the boy with hatred and some fear. There was no doubt that he was much stronger than him. He had also spared his life. If he had used the tip of the knife he would have killed him for sure.

" It's not possible." he said at last." What magic have you used to defeat me?" he added." I am the most powerful werewolf in the world!" Harry looked at him, tilting his head.

" You don't travel much, do you? " he replied mockingly. The boy noticed that the Death Eater was tensing his muscles to attack again. " I wouldn't do it if I were you. If you attack me again, I'll use the knife. " As he said it, he changed the way he held the knife. " And believe me, I know I'm not going to lose."

Something inside Greyback told him it was an inescapable truth. The boy's eyes were as deadly as the Killing Curse. For the first time in his life as a werewolf, he found an alpha superior to him, and he could do nothing. If he attacked him he would die. He relaxed and nodded.

Harry looked at his companions and they all nodded.

" I don't want anything from you or yours! " said the boy. " If you leave us alone we will do the same!"

Saying this he turned around and took out his medallion, everyone did the same.

Fenry Greyback was not about to admit defeat. As a Death Eater, he knew there were several ways to win a fight. He gave a signal and all his men drew their wands and pointed them at the group.

" I never lose." Greyback said." Kill them!"

" Diffindo!"

" Bombard!"

" Avada Kedabra!"

Many more curses were directed at the group. But none of them hit the target. The entire group had disappeared from the scene without a trace. Or so they thought.

At Greyback's feet was a simple note: "There are no second chances."

The werewolf didn't realize the state of murderous rage he was in.

" Find them! " he shouted to his men who ran in all directions to obey him. " I want them dead! " it would be of no use.


As soon as he appeared on the island, Harry cast his Patronus to warn Minerva and the rest of the castle who was in the Forbidden Forest. Hermione did the same with Amelia Bones.

When the Scottish woman warned Dumbledore, he simply nodded and did nothing but order everyone to enter the castle.

Luckily, Amelia did send a large group of Aurors. They had no trouble finding the assembled group. They had taken precautions to get close without being discovered. They were too busy enduring Greyback's wrath to find the group.

" I WANT BLOOD!" said the werewolf." Come all, this is what we will do!" he finished with a cruel smile." We will attack Hogsmeade and they will blame the Potter pack." others nodded in agreement and enthusiasm." Nobody knows we are here and it will be easy!"

Suddenly the wind changed and the pack received certain smells.

When Greyback and his men noticed the Aurors' presence, they were close enough to have heard their plan to attack Hogsmeade and make it appear that it was Potter's pack.

" Aurors! " one shouted.

" Get out!" Greyback shouted." To the lair!" Shortly after, each werewolf ran in one direction and disappeared as soon as they had the chance.

A couple fell before the rest fled into the trees.

With some veritaserum, the complete news occupied the front page of the prophet.

The Ministry's attempts to blame Harry and the other Apprentices were of no avail. The evidence presented robbed them of all credibility.


As was usual, the summons for the last test arrived by the hand of Andromeda Tonks.

Harry went to see Ludo Bagman explain the final Task. The date had been moved to a week earlier than planned because that night was a full moon.

" What do you think it is? " asked the Ministerial official.

" A labyrinth," said Krum.

" Correct." added Bagman." They will enter in order of score. The first to take the chalice will be the winner."

Some further clarifications were made and the young were free to go.

Harry was walking away when he saw Alastor Moody approaching. The few times he had been near him both his wolf and Shadow had growled in annoyance. He knew there was something wrong with the man but… he didn't know what.

Mad-Eye approached Harry.

" Potter!"

" No!" he said without stopping.

" I didn't say…" the Wizard tried to catch him and he moved quickly.

" Don't try to touch me again or there will be consequences." said the green-eyed man looking at him.

The wizard stopped dead when he saw the young man's eyes. He raised his arms, indicating that he intended nothing.

" I just wanted to see if I could help you," he replied.

" I already said no." the young man replied and continued on his way.

For a second Mad-Eye thought about casting a spell on him. But when his wife appeared before him with another Grim, he decided it was best not to bother the boy any more than necessary. For the moment.


The next month was spent preparing Harry for what he might encounter inside the maze.

They also helped several students who would take their exams that summer. Only three of them would do the tricks, the majority would wait until the following year.

The rest of the young people were different from the couple. Being all children of wizards, they had retained their memories, even though they could not attend Hogwarts. They even received some kind of training at home.

Their education, although deficient, allowed them to do some magic.

The couple would take the exam for their scams next year. More than half of the apprentices would also go with them.

Harry remained oblivious to everything other than the preparation for the final test.

He had a feeling that whoever had gotten him into this stupid tournament would act this time.


The weak flame in the fireplace was the only light in the room. In front of it, a large armchair was the only decoration in the room.

The door opened and a plump figure walked in fearfully.

" My lord." he said." A message has arrived from your servant."

" What does it say, Wormtail? " said a small, repulsive being from the large armchair.

" Everything is ready for the ritual." Pettegrew replied." The Goblet will bring the best of the champions and he himself will be in charge of capturing and bringing Potter."

" Excellent." said the creature." I can't use his blood, but I'll be able to kill him in front of everyone. I'll finally be able to prove that what happened all those years ago was just a stroke of luck." a snake climbed onto the arm of the chair." Yes, Naginy. You can eat the other one, but I need Potter to send a message." a small hand caressed the large reptile." His shattered body will be perfect for everyone to know their place. The old man will be one of the few who will truly understand what it means."

" What do I answer, my lord? " the frightened wizard asked nervously.

" Tell him to act exactly as we have planned." the dark lord finished." Now leave me."

Pertegrew was quick to leave the room to carry out his task.

That night a tired owl left his letter in front of its recipient.

The figure opened the letter and nodded in satisfaction. The easy part was done, now came the hard part. Who would have thought that placing a portkey on a boy would be so difficult?


With the dawn of a new day came the final test of the Triwizard Tournament.

Many were talking about who would win in the end. Some even started naming Harry as the final champion. The group of heirs supporting young Potter smiled at this.

" How things change! " said Susan amused.

" And they may change more." Luna finished.

During the day, the excitement of the final test was evident to everyone.

Finally, the time has come for the beginning.

As usual, the young werewolves arrived with their familiars in the usual way, expected by many.

A wizard was waiting for the right moment to give him the portkey he had prepared.


Harry watched as Mad-Eye Moody approached.

" Potter! " said the old wizard. " I want to show you my appreciation. " Saying this he handed him a wand holster. " I don't like seeing you with your wand in your pocket. " The boy looked at Hermione.

" Thanks…" he said." But I already have one," he said lifting his tunic slightly and revealing the sheath on his arm.

" Yes... well..." the Wizard didn't know what to say." Anyway, here it is." he said, handing him the case.

" I think it's better that... no." he finished.

" Are you going to refuse a gift? " said the old wizard, annoyed.

" What I reject is any relationship with Dumbledore's people. " replied the young man, surprised by the wizard's behavior.

" Take it as an attempt at an apology." He tried again to get the boy to take it.

Something inside the young man warned him that something strange was happening.

" No! " he said. " I've already told you that I don't want it."

" What's wrong? " Hermione approached.

" Mr. Moody doesn't seem to take no for an answer," he said.

" It's just a gesture of goodwill." said the Wizard before turning and putting space between him and the couple.

The fake Mad-Eye had to get the champion to his master. Then he would do whatever he had to do to get this creature to appear before his lord.


The tournament began. The four champions entered the labyrinth in order.

Harry entered last. With his enhanced senses, he could make out the trail of each of his predecessors. There was one other trail… Professor Moody.

The green-eyed man made his way through the maze without any problems. He had the advantage of being able to tell when one of the others had to turn back because it was a dead end. He used his enhanced senses to move around without casting a single spell or making any unnecessary effort. For the first time, he was glad to be the last one to enter.

Suddenly he heard a woman's scream.

He knew that it could only be the French champion. He did not think twice before rushing towards the cry. He had no trouble reaching his destination. Along the way, he picked up the scent of the Bulgarian champion.

Upon arriving, he saw Victor Krum holding the Frenchwoman on the ground by applying a Cruccio.

His senses told him that he had to act quickly before the Bulgarian cast a lethal spell. He covered almost the ten meters that separated him from Krum, in less time than it takes to say Quidditch. But the Bulgarian seemed to have realized that he had company. He turned around, grasping his wand. Harry jumped less than two meters away and before his rival could act, he gave him a strong blow to the head, leaving him out of combat. The girl looked up from the ground at her savior.

" Are you okay? " he asked the girl.

" If you want I can cast…" he offered.

" No!" she cut him off." I want to try to continue."

" I'll help you." he offered gallantly.

" This is the second time you've helped me," she said trying to smile.

" Who's counting? " he replied jokingly.


People watched as the young Potter entered the labyrinth-like someone taking a walk through a garden. They felt cheated because the young man did not use a single spell. He just looked from one side to the other and took a direction.

Occasionally he would encounter a creature that another champion had defeated.

Bored of not seeing any action, they focused on the other champions. Only the inhabitants of Blackrock continued to stare at their champion, knowing the skills he was using.

At the moment when the Bulgarian champion cursed the French girl, everyone was watching the situation in amazement. The group of apprentices smiled when their leader appeared and defeated his rival with one blow. The rest of the audience murmured about what had happened.

" How could Krum throw an unforgivable at her?!" someone said.

" He should be taken to Azkaban! " said another.

" We must first find out what happened! " said someone in defense of the Bulgarian.

" I agree! " added another Wizard.

People had a thousand opinions. But one bothered the Blackrock apprentices.

" Using force like a common Muggle." said someone.

" Remember that he's just a beast." said a woman's voice." It's normal for him!"

The lupinids looked at the two… respectable pureblooded witches, as well as their large amount of pure, fat, with some annoyance.


The two of them continued together towards the center of the maze.

With Krum out of action, only Diggony could get there before them.

Thanks to Harry they were able to get there without any problems. The girl was surprised by the young man's calmness and the ease with which he moved forward.

Turning a bend they came to a small widening of the labyrinth.

They could see Cedric throwing off red sparks as he clutched his arm. He saw them.

" I've been bitten by an acromantula! " he said, pointing at the corpse of the large spider. " I'd rather stay alive. Good luck! " he finished, smiling.

A second later the boy was taken out of the place by a house elf.

The couple only had to walk through a couple more corridors and curves to be in front of the Goblet of Fire. The end of the test.

" Ladies first! " said the green-eyed man.

" I think we should both do it," she replied. " It's only fair! Without your help, I would never have made it."

" I don't need…!"

" Please, I insist! " she asked.

The young man just sighed before giving her a smile that she returned.

Afterwards, they both took the cup and disappeared.


Outside the fake mad-eye smiled happily. The kid had taken the portkey from the chalice. He wouldn't have to do anything to fulfill his mission and risk being discovered. He saw the mudblood looking at him with hatred. Or maybe he did?

He watched as the girl approached him, followed by the two Grims and a few other young werewolves. He grabbed his wand in case he needed it.

" What have you done?!" Hermione screamed.

" Me?! I haven't done anything!" the wizard defended himself." It's definitely one of those weird Werewolf things." he added when he realized that everyone was looking at him.

" That was a Portkey!" she replied, pointing her wand at him." Anyone can recognize one! Before, you tried to give him a wand sheath, even though Harry refused to touch it!" The wizard tensed." What was it, another Portkey?!"

" I don't know what you're talking about, girl! " said the Wizard before taking a couple of steps away.

" What have you done with my student?!" Minerva stopped him. Behind her were Flitwick and Pomona.

" Don't try to confuse me with the things of these... dark creatures! " More than one person was surprised by the way Mad-Eye Moody spoke.

" I've seen the head of my house disappear before my eyes! And I know perfectly well how a portkey works! " Andromeda said, stepping forward. " With a pensieve, I can prove it. " She looked seriously at the wizard. " You've shown too much interest in the head of my house several times. Try saying it's a lie! " The wizard found himself surrounded and with fewer opportunities by the moment.

" I… was just trying… to get him… to forgive us… and come back to us!" he tried to lie.

" Nobody believes that!" said Hermione." we've been very clear about our rules and what you're doing would make the old man look very bad!" she thought about it." Now that I think about it, Dumbledore should have suffered at least the symptoms of a possible violation of the terms of his oath!" more than one person looked at a strange but apparently healthy Albus Dumbledore.

" That's true," Andromeda added.

" Albus, do you notice something…?" someone asked.

" I'm glad to say that I feel great, " added the old man with his grandfatherly face, trying to be the center of attention again.

" What's going on here? " Minerva asked worriedly.

The fake Mad-Eye realized that many people were already paying attention to the situation and were somehow blocking his way to the exit. One of those who approached was Dumbledore.

" Alastor." Albus arrived." You seem very strange today."

As bad luck would have it, he felt a slight tickling sensation down his spine. One of the first signs that the potion that allowed him to replace the real Mad Eye was beginning to wear off. He took out his flask and went to take a swig.

Quickly, Potter's wife took his hand. The young woman's strength was incredible.

" He's drinking Polyjuice!" She said, raising her voice." Who are you and what have you done to Harry?!" several of them pointed their wands at him.

" Let me go you damn creature and stop talking nonsense! " he said in response.

" You know that our sense of smell is far superior to yours! " the young woman replied. " And I recognize Polyjuice Potion without any problems! " saying this she took the flask from him and threw it at Snape. " As a potion master, what would you say it is?!"

Out of habit Severus smelled the potion and recognized it without difficulty.

" Polyjuice," he answered without realizing the situation and the surprise.

At that moment, the fake Mad-Eye knew that it was a matter of seconds before he escaped or was captured. He had accomplished his mission, which was the important thing. But he wanted to see what his master would do with the animal.

He pulled out his wand with what he believed to be great speed.

It was indeed something surprising for any wizard, but not for a lupinid.

Hermione watched it all as if the wizard was doing it calmly.

As soon as the wizard had the wand pointed at them, she only had to grab it with one hand while with the other she gave him a strong blow that made him fall senseless to the ground.

Dolores Umbridge, seeing what happened, decided to take advantage of it.

" Aurors! " said a shrill voice. " Capture this dark creature and take it to the ministry for assaulting a wizard! " everyone looked at the minister's undersecretary, not believing what they were hearing.

" If anyone touches my lady, there will be consequences! " said Andromeda.

" And very unpleasant ones indeed! " added Amelia Bones. Behind her, Cyrus Greengrass and Jonathan Davies made their position very clear. " We are going to do this the right way! " she added, glaring at the minister's undersecretary. She pressed her lips together, very annoyed. " The first thing we will do is see who we are dealing with!"

" You won't believe what this... young lady is saying! " Dolores corrected herself in time.

" I'm Mrs. Potter! " Hermione corrected her.

" It's the same! " she added as if it were nothing. Many looked at her in disbelief at the lack of respect for the lady of not one but two very important magical families.

" If you don't believe Mrs. Potter, at least believe a potion master! " Amelia cut her off. " Mr. Snape himself made it clear that it is polyjuice! " as she said this, she stood next to her, showing that she was superior in everything, and physically stalked her. " Your ignorance of the correct way to proceed can be forgiven, but ignorance of the facts cannot! " This left the ministry witch with no way to reply. " In any case, there is only one way to know what happened to the two champions! " she finished, looking at the unconscious wizard. Many at her side nodded in agreement.

Dolores found herself at a disadvantage.

" Okay." she said annoyed." If you want to believe this... lady." She jumped." It's up to you."

"Proceed," Amelia said to several aurors.

The wizards obeyed out of habit upon seeing their boss.

Within seconds, Mad-Eye Moody was bound tightly and wearing a pair of bracelets to block his magic.

By this time, several other people had approached. Among them was the minister, who wisely kept quiet after learning that his faithful undersecretary had been questioned for her behavior. He preferred that Amelia take charge of everything and act once everything was finished.

Meanwhile, Albus had arranged for several professors to search the maze after the disappearance of the pair of champions. It was the only thing he could do since no one seemed to pay attention to him when he tried to bring the situation to his office.

Within a short time, it had been established that both Fleur Delacrue and Harry Potter were not on the Hogwarts grounds.

" Wake him up! " Amelia said. " He must have the answers we want."

One of the aurors cast the spell.

As soon as the fake Mad-Eye woke up, he knew he had been discovered. When his body began to change, he could no longer deny anything.

" He's changing!" said one of the aurors.

In a few moments, the place occupied by Mad-Eye Moody was taken by…

" I can't believe it! " said a surprised minister. " It's the son of Bartemius Crouch! Barty Jr. " many joined in his surprise.

" But he died more than ten years ago in Azkaban! " Dolores Umbridge protested.

" Well, it seems not." Andromeda intervened to speed things up." Where have you sent Harry Potter and Miss Delacrue?!" the Death Eater smiled.

" To his death," he said smiling.

Amelia made a signal and an auror forced the prisoner to swallow veritaserum.

" Where's Potter? " Amelia asked.

" With my master," he replied.

" Explain yourself!"

" My lord prepared this plan to get the champion and Potter." replied the wizard.

" It's impossible! He who must not be named is dead! " said Cornelius Fudge.

" No, he just lost his body." answered the Death Eater.

" Merlin help us! " said the frightened minister.

" Why does he want the girl and Potter? " Amelia asked.

" He will use the champion's blood to recover his body and then kill Potter, so that everyone knows that he is the most powerful wizard of all," Barty replied.

" It's impossible! " Dolores protested. " No one can return from the dead!"

" Are you deaf? " Andromeda interrupted her. " He didn't die, he just lost his body. " She looked at the prisoner. " And it seems that he is going to perform a ritual to get it back."

The minister looked at Dumbledore.

" Albus...!" he said approaching him." What can we do?"

" We need to get organized." he said." Tomorrow we will hold an emergency meeting and take the necessary steps to increase the number of Aurors." He looked at some of his supporters." In addition, we need to find a way to paralyze his former followers and remove the support of the giants and werewolves.

" And what about my lord and young Delacrue? " Andromeda protested.

Albus looked at her with a sad face. He didn't notice that young Fleur's parents were behind him.

" I'm afraid it's too late to do anything for them, " he said sadly. " We can only fight so that their terrible loss is not in vain."

" Damn old charlatan! " Cyrus Greengrass protested.

" Mr. Greengrass! I don't like the way you…" the old man tried to correct him.

" Stop the nonsense!" he silenced him." This Death Eater has been here all year and you didn't even notice?!" he snorted." And now you don't plan on doing anything for the two of them?!" he crossed his arms." If you think I'll give you my support after this behavior, you're crazy."

" It is imperative that we unite to face this new threat! " said the old man.

" And when it suits you we just have to die, right?!" Jonathan Davies protested." Of course, it will all be for your...! What do you call it?! Your greater good!" many looked at each other nervously upon hearing this." We are not your pawns for you to move as you wish!"

" This is not the time to discuss this! " the old man tried to confront him. " Later I guarantee that I will give you my reasons and you will understand them!"

" Forget it!" said Andromeda." I will not collaborate with someone who has abandoned the head of my house!" as she said this she turned around and her allies nodded.

" Would you be able to turn your back on the entire wizarding world?!" said Dumbledore trying to convince them by turning them against everyone.

"The entire magical community has already turned their backs on us!" Hermione replied." Why would we have to help you now?!" The old man couldn't respond to that quickly as something happened that silenced them all.

In a flash, Harry Potter appeared, holding the Delacrue girl. They both looked wounded.

" HELP!" he shouted.

[T/N: NOOOO!! FUCK THIS CLIFFHANGER! If you enjoyed this chapter then why not drop some stones, leave a comment telling me of your favorite parts, and write a review. If you can't wait for the next chapter then check out my Patreon for more chapters, it's just $5. ]

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