
Wolf vs life

Ethan silver was your average high school Student. Not the top of his class but not failing either. His life since birth has been "OKAY" to say the least. But it all changed when he was walking his dog on a school night, when a beastly figure ran at him and bitten him on his leg. Ethan thought he was gonna die but after biting him the fugure rushed away. After this situation Ethan start realizing he body is slowly changing, Read along as Ethan finds out of these changes are good or bad. And how he will be dragged to a war that he had no right being a part of.

Cold_elf · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 transformation

"Arggggghhh" Andrew kept wailing in pain, while holding his chest.

No one knew what to do, steven was thinking of grabbing Christ hand, and getting out of there, but it was too late.


a voice resounded louder that Andrew's who was crying in pain. It was the voice of the principal.

With an angered expression, the principal walked over to see, andrew wailing on the ground holding his chest.

"OMG!! this looks serious" Said the principal, he kneel down, to check on, Andrew but, andrew didn't bother with him, as he was in to much pain to comprehend.

The principal quickly, pulled out his cell phone, he called an hospital, who said an ambulance will be there in 10 minutes.

Whiles he was doing this, Him and the bystanders notice, Andrew stop screaming, as he was passed out. So he checked his vitals

"Ohhhh shit, is he dead" One of bystanders asked.

"No just passed out, Now tell me Who did this!!" The principal said in a very angry tone.

"It was Chris Sir" Said a female bystander.

"Who is Chris, show yourself" The principal remarked as he looked around at the students.

"Damn chris, you done it this time" said Steven as he turned to his friend, only to realize that Chris was no longer there.

Both him and the bystanders were shocked that Chris slipped away without them noticing, The principal on the other hand was very angry by this news.


What's going on


Chris yelled in his mind, he was running through the forest, close to his school, tears was slowly running down his face.

'All the things that happened couldn't be a mistake, What's happening to me'

From this morning when he realize he, had more muscles than before, to when he punch Andrew in his chest, nothing was normal.

What's even worse is that, he didn't want to stop there, he wanted to kill him. Only when, andrew stop screaming and passes out did, he finally catch himself.

'What's happening to Me' Chris started doubting himself. He just kept running far in the forest.

After sometime he finally stopped, he fell to his knees.


chris put his hand on the ground, the tears started running down his face, even more than before, as he thought of andrew who wasn't breathing.

'I killed him'

'I broke his bones'

'I wanted to do worse'

'i wanted to rip him apart limb from limb, no not just him.....'

slowly Chris stopped crying, his eyes started turning yellow, hair started growing excessively on him. His body started growing bigger.

'I..... wanted....to....Rip...apart...EVERYTHING!!'

"AWOOOOOOOO" Chris started howling like a wolf, his body started growing taller faster than before.

He slowly lost the Form of human, he gained the form of a wolf that was taller, by normal wolves about 3 times, his height was slight shorter than his old height, and this was him being on all fours.

"AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he howled again, this time it was way more beastly. by the way he carried himself, one could tell, it was nothing but a wild animal, with no sense of humanity.

He walked, around the forest for a bit, as if noticing something, he growled as he turned to the direction, of a tree.

"Ohh so you noticed me" a female voice, came from behind the tree. With it, a girl with the same uniform, as Chris stepped out. She was beautiful, with silver hair, but in the condition that Chris was in he couldn't understand it much less appreciate it.

*Geeeerrrrrrr* Chris growled even more warning who ever it is that he didn't like them.

His huge body took, a stance as if ready to attack at any time.

The girl, just walked closer not minding this, she looked at Chris with a smile on her face.

"GRAAAAA" noticing that she wasn't stopping, chris attacked instantly.

"Sigh, when we are, not in control we really are nothing but animals huh" Sighed the girl as she shaked her head, not worrying about, how quickly chris was approaching her.

Her eyes started changing colour slowly, first into a yellow colour, then into a deep golden colour.

"I guess I have no choice" said the girl, as Chris was infinitely close to her.

chris opened his jaws ready to bite the girls head off.


"SHOUT UP AND RETURN" With the echo of her voice, Chris stopped, like he was in a trans, looking into the girl's eyes.

His savage eyes started turning more human, with it also his body, started going back to normal.

After some moments he was back to his old self, albeit he was naked. causing the girl to turn her face away.

"What...Happe..." before he could say anything, he fell asleep from exhaustion, falling to the ground.

"Keizer" The girl called out.

a middle age man, in a black suit came out of the forest. halted a few meters away from the girl, and he bowed slightly.

"Yes young miss" He said respectfully,

"Take this boy, back to my den, ohh and GET HIM SOME DAMN CLOTHES" she said out loud.

"As you wish, young miss, but miss do you think this is a good idea, you don't know who beat he is, he might be a beta off that person" Said the middle age man, he had a concerned expression, especially when he mentioned, the person at the end.

"Kaizer did I ask your opinion" Her eyes flashed yellow, as she looked at the middle age man whose name, happened to be Kaizer.

"N..no young miss" said Kaizer, seeing the girl eyes staring at him, sweat formed on Kaizer's face.

Not wasting time, he picked up Chris and put him on his shoulder.

The girl looked at Chris being taken away with a smile on her face.

"I wonder, who your alpha is"