

GIRLS FIGHT BACK NOW Mary, Amy, Pan and Zara made a perfect BFF squad. They got an exciting mission of revealing some jerks' masks. When they entered into a well-known and reputable University of LA to pursue their future, they got into' THE THICK TIDE, MANY ROCKS ARE HERE TO BLOCK THEIR WAY. But they are smart, ambitious and game turner yet it's still a DO OR DIE!!! So did they succeed to complete the mission they took or they will also fall in to the victim list?

Arnee_Haug · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs



|Female leads;

• |AMILIA ANISTON [ Amy ] : A girl who is hard working, straight A student and tough. A great mathematician and creative|•

• |MARINA VARMONT [ Mary ] : An ambitious & smart girl. But sometimes lazy. Brilliant student. Kind of unromantic but polite to all. An excellent outsourcer|•

• |FRANCIA PANDA [ Pan ] : An average student but very romantic. She's a perfect tracker|•

• |ZARA STEAR [ Zara ] : A clam girl but kind of rough behaved person. Also not so romantic. An awesome hacker|•

|Male leads;

•|JUSTIN MENDES [ Mendes ] : A calm boy. He's protective, clever and very smart one|•

•|SAZID MEGNUS [ Sazid ] : A cool guy. He's caring and always laughing. Likes pop music very much|•

•|NION ROY [ Nion ] : A funny guy, casual and smart one. Always flirting with girls, the tallest one|•

•|ALAN WALKER [ Alan ] : He is the most calm one among all, doesn't talk much. Mysterious one|•


•|MATAL MAY [ Matal ] : She's kind of slut one. Always with random guys. Looks like she's drunk 24/7|•

•|LARA TASK [ Lara ] : She has a good relationship with Amy, Mary, Pan and Zara. She's fool, has a crush on every boy she sees. Plumpy one|•

•|SAMUEL SUNNY [ Sunny ] : He's very rich, powerful one, very charming and has perfect abs|•


[ This characters are completely unreal and doesn't exist in real life. All the names used & characters were made from author(s) imagination. From starting to end of the story completely made by I.S.S. team and edited by Arnee in Webnovel app and Tazalli in Wattpad. Do not plagiarize. Just share this story to others by Webnovel app ]