

Not less than few minutes past, and I was already getting hungry, maybe because I was alone and bored staring at the ceiling and I also realized that I was thinking about Nathan nor what had happened yesterday.

Someone decided to finally save me from boredom when the metal clicked open for the second time today but this time it was a girl probably my age with a blonde pixie cut, she was taller than me, but I could tell she was older to me.

Her skins were very light as they radiate, she smiles at me as she sits close to me on the bed.

“ Hi! Am Mira and you are the famous hunter slash werewolf”

She spoke as grin from side to side displaying those set of white teeth.

“ Famous? Why?”

“ Come on, you are like a legend, a hunter who became a werewolf, this has never happened before”

“ Is this really real or you guys are living in some fantasy world here”

“ You know it true, you can feel and hear your wolf deep inside. Alpha Dario send me here to help you understand more about your new life”.

“ I see….”

“ Let walk over to the training ground while we talk”

“ Finally, I get to leave this room”

I announced happily as I walk behind her.

“ We are shape-shifters with unusual speed strength, that you might have noticed about yourself. ”

“ Some of us were born a werewolf while some of us were bitten, we survive together that why we are called a pack, the leader of a pack is called an Alpha. ”

“ And I am guessing the Alphas are known to be ruthless?”

I ask as she stopped walking and turned around to stare at me.

“ Am not trying to scare you, but the world of werewolves is brutal and the only way we survive is by being brutal”

“ Is it not possible to just live a simple life?”

“ We live a simple life, but your kind will not let us be, they believe we are cursed creatures”

“ Are you cursed creatures?”

She furrows her eyebrow as she stares at me in disbelief.

“ You are one of us now and No, we are not cursed”

As we walk down the street, I noticed how everyone was staring at me as they whispered to their selves.

“ Why is everyone staring at me like that?”

“ I told you, you are famous”

“ So why do you think I was able to survive the bite?”

“ I don't know it either you broke the hunter's curse or there was a loophole, maybe there is a history of werewolves in your family, that I doubt considering the history of the both”

“ I see”

“ We are here! This is the training ground”

She mentioned pointing at a direction and I turn to fixed my gaze there.

There were several training instruments there, the whole place was filled with both boys and girls fighting, their speed and strength was indeed nothing like have ever seen before.

“ Welcome to the pack”

A smirk on her lips as she spoke.

“ Thanks…em mm what am I to do”

“ Do nothing. Alpha Dario will instruct you on what to do”.

I stood there staring at them as Mira joined them in the training. After countless hours, I finally felt his presence behind me, there was these feeling in my heart each time he is at sight, maybe it is a werewolf thing.

“ So, are you ready to become a werewolf?”

He asked, still standing behind me.

“ I need to go back please, my dad will be worried sick about me, please”

“ You can't go back, you are one of us now”

He was already standing in front of me now, both his hands crossed, those green eyes piercing at me.

“ I still have a life out there, I just graduated from college, this was the time I needed to start my life back”

“ Your parent will kill you the moment they sense you have become one of us”

“ What!! Are you stupid! I am all my dad has got in this world”.

“ Watch your tone! You do not speak to your alpha in such manner!”

“ Then my so-called Alpha should learn to mind his business, if you are going to kill me, then do so, if not, then get the hell out of my way”

Despite how fierce those eyes of his were, I knew he was capable of doing anything to me, and yet, I couldn't tell where this courage came from as I walk away from him.

I stopped abruptly when he started speaking again.

“ Let me tell you a story of a girl who was madly in love with her perfect boyfriend, he was every woman's dream, she loved so much without knowing that he was secretly planing on getting married to her best friend”

He stopped talking as he walks towards me, he was just a few inches away from me, I could feel his breath on me, he smelled nice, a mixture of lemon and whiskey, that was a risky and toxic combination and even as he moved closer to me, all I needed to do was move backward, and yet, I stood still enjoying the intoxicating scent coming from him.

“ The rest of the story you will have to figure out on your own!”

“ Good luck out there but be warned a lone Wolf never survives out there”

And with that, he walks back to the training ground.

I stood there for several minutes trying to grasp even a single meaning to his words, but after fruitless thought, I waved it off and headed back home.


As I walked past FRITZ AND FRITE, I couldn't help but recall my last date with Nathan, it was supposed to be the best date of my life and yet, it turned into my worst day throwing me into a world of werewolves.

As I arrived back home, the house was empty and locked, grandpa never left the house which left me wondering where could they be, perhaps they had gone searching for me?

After many hours of standing out, they finally came back, a relief on Dad's face the moment our eyes met.

“ Aurelia!! Where the hell have you been?”

Dad barked, a worried look on his face.

“ Dad! I need a shower first, I stink!”

“ Yeah I can tell”

Grandpa chipped in, a smirk forming on his face.

“ Fine! But we really need to know where you were the whole night, we searched the whole community, we even asked the help of the local police”.

“ Dad. Why would you do, I am no longer a kid, I am eighteen”.....

“ You keep reminding me that all the time and yet, you always do reckless things”

“ I wasn't reckless, I was heartbroken”

“ So all these were about Nathan? I told you from the start that he was not into you, the way you were into him”

Dad spoke pinching the tip of his nose, he looked so innocent and sincerely care for me, why would the alpha call them hunters.

“ Dad, please spare me the lecture now”

“ Mark. Let her be, she has been through a lot”

Grandpa finally came to my rescue and I quickly took the opportunity and rushed upstairs.

For the first time in forever, the cold water in my bathtub felt so important to me. I sat in the bubbling water, my thoughts running wild.

Staring at my leg, where I was bitten by the wolf, the mark was completely healed, not even a sign of scratch, could all that happened yesterday and today be a figment of my imaginations, that what I thought until I could hear dad and Grandpa speaking downstairs, their voice was clear, and it sounded so close to me.

“ I told you the werewolves would not dare lay a finger on her, Alpha Dario and alpha presh are at war now, the last thing they would do is start a war with us”

Grandpa explained to dads. Although I could hear them clearly, but I could still tell they were whispering.

But one thing was clear to me now, Alpha Dario was right, my family wasn't as innocent and naive as I thought, but would they dare kill their only surving child if they found out I was now part of the enemies?