
Wizard: A scientific explanation of magic

Slow paced, absolutely rational protagonist, no mercy, never lost, slightly cool. Medieval European background. Magic and wizards. A young man of the 21st century who travels to become second in line to become a baron, Richard shrugs off the decadence of aristocratic life. Instead, he accidentally learned about the extraordinary powers of wizards through scientific research. From then on, this dull life is gone forever. Richard set out in the magical world with a scientific vision and started a legendary wizard journey.

3544104217 · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 16: Arrest



The trigger was pulled.


The crossbow bolt transformed into a black streak, aiming straight at Richard.


"Go to hell!"


The woman's voice was cold, her face as frosty as her demeanor.


No longer the farmer's daughter, she now resembled a trained assassin.


Watching the bolt approach Richard, the woman envisioned his demise from poison, a cruel smile creeping across her face.


But in the next moment, her smile froze because it missed.


Missed the shot?




The answer lay in Richard's enhanced perception and reflexes, honed through meditation.


He swiftly dodged the bolt, narrowly avoiding it.


It's impossible!


The woman stared at Richard in disbelief, seeing him almost like a monster, while Richard squinted back, his gaze dangerous.


Suddenly realizing her failed assassination attempt, the woman knew she was in danger.


"Damn it!" She cursed and turned to run.


But the fiery-tempered Tuku wouldn't let her escape easily.


Furious that she had almost killed Richard, he swiftly drew his knight's sword and chased after her.


With Tuku in pursuit, who would win this race?


The answer was clear.


The one with a horse would win.


Realizing he couldn't catch her on foot, he quickly returned, mounted his horse, and galloped after her.


Two legs couldn't outrun four.


Within minutes, Tuku caught up and kicked the woman down.


By the time the rest of Richard's guards, protecting Richard and his maid Lucy, arrived, Tuku had his knight's sword at the woman's neck, contemplating the quickest way to behead her.


Richard spoke up:"Wait. Let's keep her alive. She might come in handy."




Tuku hesitated, displeased, but dared not disobey Richard. Reluctantly retracting his sword, he delivered a harsh kick to her abdomen before stepping aside.


After a moment, the woman struggled to her feet, surrounded by wary guards and Tuku's hostile gaze, knowing escape was impossible.


Defiantly, she met Richard's gaze and declared, "Don't expect me to spill the beans, even if you threaten my life!"


Ignoring her, Richard turned to Tuku, asking, "Is there a suitable place nearby for interrogation?"


"Interrogation room... well..." Tuku pondered, frustrated at missing the chance to execute her.


However, a common rider among the guards spoke up, suggesting a village half an hour west, where his family had empty rooms.


Richard nodded in agreement.


"Yes," the rider confirmed.


Immediately, they rode westward, with the assassin securely tied to a horse.




True to the rider's word, after half an hour on horseback, a village appeared ahead.


Overall, it looked decent. Houses lined neatly along the road, with trees scattered around, a mill, and a well in the center.


As Richard and his group entered, curious villagers cautiously peeked out before quickly retreating upon seeing armed riders, especially one with a bound woman.


They shut their doors, wary of trouble.


Richard ignored the villagers, letting Tuku lead the way with Hughes in front.


After another five minutes, Hughes stopped at a courtyard on the village's western edge.




Hughes dismounted and knocked forcefully on the door, shouting, "Alice, open up! I'm back."


"Brother!" A surprised voice rang out, recognizing Hughes.


Soon, hurried footsteps sounded inside the door, which squeaked open.


Out stepped a girl about seventeen or eighteen, also with golden hair, tall, just shorter than Hughes.


Fair-skinned and delicate, she could easily be called a beauty within the Baron's domain.


As she dashed out, intending to warmly embrace her brother Hughes, she froze upon seeing the people behind him. Slowly turning to Hughes, the girl whispered, "Brother, who are these people?"


"Uh, this is Lord Richard," Hughes immediately pointed at Richard, then at Tuku and the others, "and all of them are Lord Richard's guys, just like me."



The girl was bewildered, staring at Richard on horseback, even more dumbfounded than before.


She couldn't imagine the second heir of the Baron's castle appearing here.


"Well, Alice," Hughes explained, "Lord Richard needs to use a few rooms for some urgent business nearby, so I brought them here."


Hughes kept quiet about the assassin's identity for safety reasons.


"I see." Alice nodded, seemingly understanding, though still somewhat stunned.


After a while, Alice suddenly snapped out of it, turned around, and ran into the courtyard. "Um... I'll go tidy up the rooms."


Leaving everyone outside, she gave them a bewildered look.


Scratching his head, Hughes seemed embarrassed to face Richard.


"Sir, sorry about my sister. She doesn't get out much and her nerves are a bit shot."


"Eh, it's okay," Richard shrugged.


He dismounted and walked into the courtyard.


The courtyard's several vacant rooms were quickly tidied up.


However, after locking the female assassin inside, Richard didn't rush to interrogate her.


Instead, he immediately began another task—preparing plant specimens. Time was of the essence; the longer he waited, the poorer the quality of the specimens would be.


It wasn't until late afternoon, when all collected plants were nearly processed, that Richard remembered the interrogation.


Stretching lazily, he stood up, delegated final tasks to the maid Lucy, and walked out into the courtyard.


The western sun was preparing to set, casting a golden hue over the ground.


Walking across this gilded ground, Richard approached a cluttered room in the corner of the courtyard where the female assassin was confined.


Tuku and several guards stood by the door.


Upon Richard's arrival, they relaxed, indicating all was well.


"Nothing unexpected happened?" Richard inquired.


"No," Tuku replied.


"That's good," Richard nodded, about to push open the door.


Just then, a voice sounded behind him: "Lord Richard."




Richard turned around to see Hughes' sister Alice standing not far away, looking both nervous and determined, as though gathering courage to do something undoubtedly right.


"Yes? What is it?" Richard asked.


"I... I have something to ask of you."


Alice nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and said seriously, "Lord Richard, you are the Baron's heir, and we are all commoners on the barony's land. The clergy say that nobles should care for their subjects, so..."


"What exactly are you trying to say?"


Richard raised an eyebrow, puzzled.


"Please, spare me the human rights lecture. I mean, it's a nice idea and all, but let's be real - the world needs a few more centuries to get on board with that. It's just not the right time for it yet."


"Oh, no, not that!" Despite not fully understanding Richard's words, Alice vigorously shook her head.


"Actually, I want to request,. please don't harm the girl locked in the house?"


"Hmm?" Richard frowned slightly, skeptical.


"Why? Please don't tell me you know her, or you're in league with her."


"No, no! I don't know her at all."


Alice lowered her head and whispered, "I just feel sorry for her..."


Richard's expression was quite vivid.




Using the word "sorry" to describe an assassin?


That seems a bit inappropriate.


"And... I think she seems very innocent. I... I guess she must have been cautious, causing offense to you over some trivial matter. Please, Lord Richard, spare her, I beg you..." Alice pleaded.


Richard's expression became even more vivid, as he accurately guessed Alice's multiple motives.


Next moment, Richard spoke, looking at Alice: "Hey, do you really think the person inside is innocent? Do you believe she just did something small to irritate me and now I'm about to go all out on her, ready to torture her? You're hoping that I'll listen to your pleas and let her go because you can't stand the thought of it. Basically, you see the woman in there as a good person, and me as a bad guy, while you're the brave and kind one."


Richard's tone was calm, neither mocking nor angry, just recounting what was happening.


Alice felt embarrassed, tugging at her clothes nervously for a long time without saying a complete sentence: "I... I didn't mean that. I didn't think Lord Richard was a bad person. It's just... just..."


"Just what?"


"Just... I just think she is pitiful." Alice's face turned red, like a ripe apple, looking shyly at Richard, stuttering for a long time without saying a complete sentence: "Lord Richard, "I... I..."


Richard just waved his hand, said nothing, turned and pushed open the door into the house.




The door closed.


Alice looked a little nervous at her brother Hughes, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, is Lord angry?"


Hughes smiled bitterly: "You think too much. Lord Richard won't be angry because of such a small matter. He has more important things to do."


"But, after all, I misunderstood him before."


"Tonight I need you to step up your game and make the dinner extra tasty. I don't want it to be like every other time when it's barely edible.""


"Is that?" Alice said, asking, "What did you manage to get then?"


"Um, I got some meat from the hunters and some white flour from the miller," Hughes replied.


"Meat and white flour?" Alice pondered.


"Then let's make pies, bake some onion rings, and cook a pot of mushroom soup."


As she spoke, Alice walked into the kitchen.