
Wizard: A scientific explanation of magic

Slow paced, absolutely rational protagonist, no mercy, never lost, slightly cool. Medieval European background. Magic and wizards. A young man of the 21st century who travels to become second in line to become a baron, Richard shrugs off the decadence of aristocratic life. Instead, he accidentally learned about the extraordinary powers of wizards through scientific research. From then on, this dull life is gone forever. Richard set out in the magical world with a scientific vision and started a legendary wizard journey.

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18 Chs

Chapter 002: The Lying Hunter and the Fire Bear

At the head of the cavalry was a rider towering a full head above the rest, with a face full of scars and a fierce expression accentuated by a long scar running across his face. His name was Tuku, the captain of the first guard unit of Baron Leo's Black Castle. Known for his brutal combat style, he delighted in decapitating his enemies and trampling their heads underfoot, his temper notoriously fiery.

However, at this moment, Tuku was biting his lip and bowing his head as he looked at the road ahead, his expression grim with fear of what was to come. The thought made him glance back at the "thing" tied to his horse, spitting angrily and cursing under his breath before reluctantly heading towards the baron's castle.

With a creaking sound, the drawbridge was lowered, and the castle gates opened as the cavalry approached.

Tuku led his men quickly into the castle, where they were met by a young man descending from a side tower. Tuku's heart tightened as he hurriedly dismounted, preparing to explain himself, but the young man spoke first.

"You're an hour early. I guess this is the worst-case scenario I anticipated," Richard sighed, his expression slightly disappointed.

"Master, I..." Tuku began, lowering his head.

"Enough, just explain. I figured the rumor was false and that the werewolf was a fabrication. But I'm curious about who did it and why. Hopefully, even though you didn't catch the werewolf, you caught the liar. Otherwise, I'll be even more disappointed," Richard said.

Tuku finally looked up, waving a hand to indicate the person tied to his horse. It was an older man, around forty, with calloused hands and a hunter's attire. Richard quickly guessed the man's profession.

If he was a hunter, could he have fabricated the rumor to...

"Master, this is a hunter from the village near the Black Forest. To prevent other hunters from entering the forest and competing for prey, he made up the rumor," Tuku explained.

Richard couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head. "I thought so."

"What should we do with him, Master?" Tuku asked.

"Him?" Richard glanced at the pitiful hunter trembling on the horse. The man had no idea a simple rumor would catch the attention of the baron's heir and bring such disaster upon him.

Turning towards the tower, Richard said softly, "Kill him. Cleanly."

No one would believe that a teenager could speak so casually about killing, but he did.

Tuku frowned slightly. He didn't mind killing, but he realized that easily killing this hunter could have negative repercussions for the barony. The hunter had only spread a rumor; whipping him or throwing him in the dungeon would be justified, but outright killing him was excessive. The people of the barony wouldn't dare voice opposition, but it would instill a deeper fear, which wasn't conducive to the baron's rule.

However, the order came from the baron's second heir, and with the baron and first heir absent, it was as good as the baron's command. Besides, the first guard unit was directly under Richard's control, so the order had to be followed.

Tuku opened his mouth as if to say something but ultimately closed it, clenching his teeth. He looked at the hunter on the horse, his eyes flashing with brutality, and pulled the man off, throwing him to the muddy ground.

With a whoosh, Tuku drew his heavy knight's sword, raised it high, and was about to bring it down on the hunter's head.

At that moment, the hunter screamed loudly, not pleading with Tuku, for he knew it would be futile. Instead, he shouted towards Richard, "Master Richard, I've never seen a werewolf, but I have seen a fire bear, a bear that's on fire just like in the legends. I know you're interested in such strange creatures, so don't kill me. I'll take you to it! I swear I'll take you to it!"

"Whoosh!" The knight's sword in Tuku's hand halted just inches from the hunter's neck, freezing in mid-air.

Because Richard had stopped in his tracks, raising his right hand slightly.

This tiny gesture made the ruthless Tuku stop his killing blow with all his strength. The next moment, Tuku sheathed his sword and looked at Richard.

"Interesting," Richard said softly, turning slowly to face the hunter. "You've seen a fire bear? Are you sure this time you're not lying?"

"No, absolutely not, I swear!" the hunter shouted.

Richard's face remained expressionless. He neither believed nor dismissed the claim, simply staring into the hunter's eyes and asking, "When did you see the fire bear?"

"About… about three or four days ago."

"Was it three days or four days?!"

"Uh… three days, three days! I'm sure."

"What was the weather like that day? Morning or afternoon?"

"Um..." The hunter's eyes drifted upwards to the right as he tried to recall. "I think it was sunny, in the afternoon."

"What did the fire bear look like?"

"It looked like a regular black bear but with slightly reddish fur," the hunter's eyes unconsciously shifted to the right again. "And I saw it catch fire with my own eyes, just like the legends say. I was going to tell others about it, but I thought people would believe a werewolf story more easily, so I said werewolf."

The hunter pleaded desperately, "Master Richard, please spare me. If you let me go, I promise to take you to the fire bear."

"Is that so." Richard remained noncommittal and turned back towards the tower.

"Master, should I kill him or..." Tuku asked coldly.

The hunter tensed to the breaking point, dreading Richard's response.

The next moment, Richard spoke, his tone indifferent, "No need to kill him. Since he's telling the truth, he didn't lie. Lock him in the dungeon for now. When the weather clears and it's dry enough for the fire bear to appear, we'll take him to capture it."

"Yes, Master." Tuku immediately carried out the order, grabbing the hunter and dragging him towards the castle's dungeon. Richard then continued up the tower steps.

Little maid Lucy walked silently beside Richard, but after a while, she couldn't help asking, "Master, how did you know the hunter wasn't lying? What if..."

"He wasn't," Richard shook his head, "because when he answered my questions, his eyes looked up to the right."