
Chapter 27 The Cat's Winter

Translator: 549690339

When November came and the first snow of the winter began to fall from the sky, Gaijiatun's entire production team officially entered the winter hibernation period.

Shen Yunfang no longer had to lead the sheep up the mountain every day, but she did need to feed the sheep dry grass every morning and evening, as well as clean the sheep pen.

When she came out of the production team's area with her arms huddled and shivering, she didn't return to her own home but went directly to Old Lady Wang's house. She was so cold she couldn't stand it and needed to buy cotton as soon as possible to make cotton-padded clothes.

The reason she went to Old Lady Wang's house now was to inquire whether Dashuan's wife was still planning to go to the county. If she was going, they would go together; if not, Yunfang still had to go.

Otherwise, she definitely would become the first time traveler in history to freeze to death.

"Is sister-in-law at home?" Shen Yunfang shouted loudly as soon as she reached the courtyard entrance.

Dashuan's wife was sitting with her mother-in-law, darning shoe soles and chatting while watching Xiaojuan play when they heard Shen Yunfang's call from outside.

"Ah, why do I hear that it's Yunfang's voice? What's happened? Has something gone wrong?" Old Lady Wang's heart raced a bit when she was startled by Yunfang's quivering shout.

Back when Yunfang's mother had passed away, the girl had cried out in the same way outside.

Dashuan's wife peeked out the window, "Mother, it's that girl Yunfang."

Turning back to see her mother-in-law getting ready to put on shoes and step outside, she hurriedly said, "Mother, don't bother; I'll go see what's the matter."

"Alright, that works. It's terribly cold outside; have her come in if there's something she needs to talk about." Old Lady Wang withdrew her foot back into the quilt.

"Alright, I got it." Dashuan's wife put on cotton shoes and went out the door.

"Yunfang, what's going on? It's cold outside, come in quickly to talk." Dashuan's wife hastened her steps and, upon opening the courtyard door, pulled Shen Yunfang into the house.

Shen Yunfang didn't refuse and quickly followed her inside.

She immediately greeted Old Lady Wang upon seeing her on the kang bed.

"Come take off your shoes and get on the kang; it's warm here," Old Lady Wang moved over to make space for Shen Yunfang on the kang.

Shen Yunfang, not standing on ceremony, took off her shoes and climbed up.

Old Lady Wang pulled the quilt over to cover Shen Yunfang's chilly feet.

"Old lady, your place is truly warm; I feel alive again," Shen Yunfang felt warmth spread from her feet to her heart.

"Hehe, what's the matter, your house isn't keeping the cold out? You can take some firewood home later," Old Lady Wang was amused by her and could tell that Yunfang was probably not in any serious trouble if she could still joke around.

"No need for that; I gathered quite a lot of pine branches a while ago, enough for burning," Shen Yunfang quickly shook her head, not wanting to take advantage of Old Lady Wang's generosity as her own home had sufficient supplies.

"What brought you here today? You wouldn't come when I called for you a few days ago," Dashuan's wife also took off her shoes, got on the kang, and picked up the sole again, not letting the chat interfere with her work.

"Hehe, sister-in-law, I actually came to see you today," Shen Yunfang felt tempted as she watched the other woman work on the shoe sole; she lacked not only cotton-padded clothes but also cotton shoes.

"What's up?" Dashuan's wife scratched her head with the needle.

"I mentioned wanting to visit the county a while ago, didn't I? I came to ask if you're still planning to go." Shen Yunfang noticed the sole in Wang Da Nainai's hand, so small it must be for Xiaojuan. The one in her sister-in-law's hand was larger; it seemed to be for Brother Dashuan.

"Today, in this weather?" Dashuan's wife was somewhat surprised. With such a heavy snowfall, the journey would be difficult.

"Yes, I had to work the last couple of days and didn't have the time to go. Now that it's snowing, I have no choice but to go," she said, opening her cotton coat to show Wang Da Nainai, "Look at my coat, how thin it is. The moment I step outside, the cold wind cuts right through me, as if I'm wearing nothing at all. If I don't buy some cotton soon to make a thicker coat, I'll freeze to death in a few days."

Last time I went to the market, I couldn't find any cotton and thought buying it in the county would be just as good. These days I haven't had the chance to go to the county, and so I haven't been able to make the cotton coat. Who knew the snow would come down so suddenly? If I don't make it now, I'm sure I'll freeze to death.

Wang Da Nainai reached out and felt Shen Yunfang's coat, frowning as she noted its thinness. She wanted to ask what happened to last year's clothes but then remembered, back then Yunfang's aunt had spent quite a lot of time at Yunfang's home. When she left, she carried a big bundle, and not a light one either.

At the time, she didn't think much of it. Now it crossed her mind that probably every decent thing that could catch one's eye had been taken from the child.

"Yes, you need to buy some. If you can't make it yourself, buy it and I'll make it for you," Wang Da Nainai said, her hand stroking the little girl's head, feeling pity for the child who had no parents.

"Thank you, Da Nainai. Sister-in-law, are you coming?" Shen Yunfang had intended to ask her own Da Nainai to make it for her, not expecting Wang Da Nainai to volunteer.

Dashuan's wife didn't speak but looked at her mother-in-law instead.

"Why are you looking at me? If you want to go, just go. Can I stop you?" Wang Da Nainai glared at her daughter-in-law. She always considered herself an enlightened mother-in-law, never interfering in the young couple's affairs.

"Oh, my mother is the most enlightened of all." Dashuan's wife, regardless of Yunfang's presence, started to flatter her mother-in-law. The relationship hinge was in the handling, a soft and timely word contributing to a good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship.

"All you're good for is to flatter," Wang Da Nainai scolded with a laugh.

"Mom, I want to go too," said Xiaojuan, who had been playing by herself until she heard her mother was going to the county and quickly ran to Dashuan's wife, tugging at her sleeve and acting coquettishly.

"Xiaojuan, we're not going. It's a heavy snowstorm outside, too cold," Dashuan's wife was about to object when Wang Da Nainai scooped her granddaughter up.

Xiaojuan pouted slightly, not happy inside, but being a good-tempered child, she didn't cry or fuss.

"Xiaojuan, when your mom goes, Nai Nai will make you something delicious, cook an egg just for you to eat, okay? I won't save any for your mother," Wang Da Nainai whispered into Xiaojuan's ear, trying to console her.

Xiaojuan, still young, perked up at the mention of a treat and imitated her grandmother, whispering into her ear, "Nai Nai, you have to save some for mom. We'll quarter the egg, and each person in our family can have a piece."

"Ah, my dear granddaughter."

Watching the happy family before her, Shen Yunfang felt immense envy; she too longed for a lovely daughter to cherish.

If others heard this, they'd surely laugh her to scorn; how ridiculous for a fifteen-year-old girl to long for a baby already.

But Shen Yunfang's heart was not that of a young girl; in her past life, she'd been successful in her career, but her home life was far from perfect. She had put off having children because of her career; little did she know that, when she finally stabilized her career and wanted to enjoy life and a warm family, everything had changed. Her once doting husband now only glared at her, and with the money she provided, he had already started a second family. She was nothing more than an ATM to him.

She had calmly filed for divorce without letting her ex-husband take advantage of her. Looking back, she wondered if she hadn't invested enough into her former husband.

In the end, she lived the life of a wealthy single woman, financially secure but emotionally yearning for family warmth. But in that society, sincerity was rare, and finding a man who genuinely wanted to settle down was not easy for someone of her wealth. So, until her fatal car accident, she remained single.

Now, beholding such a warm scene, she felt nothing but moved and yearnsome.