

Soon after they arrived, they began preparations for Aurora and Andie's wedding because the two of them couldn't wait to be together any longer. They had waited enough and everyone appreciated them for that kind of patience.

The wedding ceremony was a grand one and as earlier promised, Neel made sure to invite everyone over especially those who threw ill words to her sister in-law, Aurora the other day when their wedding was put on hold.

Everyone ate to their satisfaction, danced and enjoyed the party but unfortunately Trion stopped the music and requested everyone to go home while they expected and prepared themselves to fight Jann if he showed up.

They knew he wasn't someone who would give up so easily.

Although he was so powerful, Tia's magical bead cast sleeping spell on him the other time and then he slept suddenly and that's when Trion dressed as him and married Araxie in Jann's place instead.

They knew fully well he'd come over to fight so keeping music on with so many people at home could prove hilarious to them, that's why.

All seemed well untill midnight arrived so quickly like a thief in the night, Sara heard a loud noise that woke her up.

At first, she assumed it was Aurora going to the kitchen for something to eat since she was a bride and didn't get to eat properly at the function, however that wasn't the case.

After a few more unusual sounds, Sara got up from her bed and went to the kitchen to see what was going on.

But nothing was there other than the strong wind that blew up from the small opening on the wall.

"How can this small opening bring in such a strong wind? And these whispers in my ears....it feels like someone is calling for me.

I hope everyone is feeling the same."she didn't take it serious so she walked a few steps backwards and went and sat on a couch in the living room waiting to see if the wind would blow further after she had closed the opening!

Usually Sara was brave and could let no one take her down or scare her up, however, that day was different. Fear controlled her like nothing else; it kept her quiet and hopeless.

"Listen, Sara What are you doing here," Aurora asked while joining her sister on the couch.

"Hmmm, Andie was right about you. You know what, he's sent me to put you to sleep first and then join him later."

"I'm going to bed anyway. You don't need to put or sing me to sleep, I'll learn to do it myself gradually.

It's getting late, you need your beauty sleep."Sara sighed.

"You're right. Okay, give me a hug first." The two girls hugged one another before Aurora headed to bed but to a different bedroom this time ain't things had changed and she belonged with Andie!

Aurora went upstairs to her room while Sara stayed downstairs on the comfy couch, alone, and in the dark.

"Ouhh! Who are you. Leave me alone!"Sara screamed in shock on seeing a strange man who had a rope in one hand and a black mask in the other.

She wanted to scream louder and wake everyone up but before she could do so, she heard him say,"I've come for you and I won't leave without you."the man said with an evil gleam in his Mariner-blue eyes.

"W-hat are you talking about?

I don't know you. I bet you don't know me too so...how's that possible?" Sara took a step back, looking at the get-up this man wore. He was in a black suit and red tie and was wearing matching gloves.

"Listen to me,Sara" the man said abruptly, "you're mine from now on . You and I will make a great couple together. Do you understand me?

Well, Araxie and I were supposed to get married today but then,they cheated and she got remarried to the same man so.... it's you who will pay the price. You're going to suffer the consequences of their mistake. How dare they mess with me."

Oh my gosh! It was Jann, no wonder everyone slept off suddenly! Unto hearing such, Sara didn't realize that she had peed on herself and her night gown revealed the stain.

"Oh! Did I scare you this much.

Look at what you've done to yourself. I'm very sorry for scaring though I was telling the truth.

Why are you so beautiful?

Why are you this gorgeous and why couldn't I notice this before!

But I know why, Araxie's obsession couldn't let me to. You know, I always kept my eyes on her alone. I didn't have time to look at others because I was more like a possessed lover! I always thought she'd be happy once she finds out about my true feelings for her but you know what she did, she betrayed me! She backstabbed me the moment she touched on the bead.

How could I be so foolish. It's all my fault but don't worry. I'm going to shower you with all my love that she'll have to come to me begging for me to take her back and do you know what I'll say to her! I will just stare at her, read her body with my penetrative eyes, and then walk a few steps to her and embrace her with love, that pure love that'll make her forget about her good for nothing husband, Trion!"

Wait! Was she expressing his love for Sara or ? Sara only hoped she could be spared in all this after all she didn't have anything like love for this strange man.

"He's indeed crazy! Trion was right, men like him don't deserve beautiful women! He's not my type actually."Sara found herself mumbling, however that man couldn't let her finish her thoughts because the next time she tried to breath, it was all difficult as her head was already inside tied the black mask.