
With Naruto's abilities in another world

Read with me and see what our hero has achieved

Zahar4ik · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

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В комнате Линь Чуань стоял в центре с закрытыми глазами. Были колебания чакр по всему телу, а также колебания слабой духовной силы. В следующее мгновение его глаза внезапно открылись, меридианы вокруг глаз мгновенно вспыхнули, и глаза открылись, а затем его Фигура вытянулась и сжала кулак.

"Сяньфа Мягкий Бокс!"

После небольшого глотка Линь Чуаня его тело сразу же задвигалось по комнате, чакра Сяньшу задвигалась в его ладони, бледно-фиолетовый свет был отчетливо виден, издавая уникальный звук.

Ling Chuan's speed is getting faster and faster, and every punch he lands can cause a faint sonic boom. As the speed increases, his body seems to have turned into an afterimage, flooding the entire room, and he has his fists faster, and he can land more than ten punches in the blink of an eye, which is amazing.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Chuan's speed finally slowed down until he completely stopped the soft fist, and then sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Это отнимает много физической силы.Увеличение скорости движения и скорости выстрела в режиме феи делает слабое тело Линь Чуаня немного подавляющим, но усиление мягкого бокса с помощью чакры Сяньшу также очевидно.Если Линь Чуань достигнет первой стадии периода очищения ци, то он определенно выиграет битву с культиваторами шестого уровня во время периода очищения ци.

"Fairy mode is indeed designed by me, but entering fairy mode requires a process, and once I enter fairy mode, I can no longer absorb the aura from the outside world, which means I can only absorb the aura in my dantian. If the aura is used too much, it will automatically exit fairy mode."

"But it's all worth it. Fairy mode really improved my ninjutsu skills. Just now I've just started practicing, it can also multiply many times and even allows me to use some of the less complex ones at this stage. Ninjutsu! "

Линь Чуань отдохнул, медленно поднялся с земли, сел на кровать, скрестив ноги, и начал развивать свою духовную силу.

Zhuquan is the basis of other ninjutsu in the Hyuga family. Therefore, Ling Chuan was practicing Ruoquan these days to improve his strength. At the same time, he is also constantly developing other unique ninjutsu related to the Hyuga family, such as acupuncture, Huitian and Baguazhang, and so on.

However, these ninjutsu do not have low requirements for control and the amount of chakra, so Lin Chuan at this stage can only develop it approximately and wait for the conditions to be met before practicing.

Another reason why Lin Chuan is so obsessed with Roquan is because of the Eighty Gods ' Air Strike! This is Datongmu Huye's powerful physique, this move is obviously the latest version of soft boxing.When Lin Chuan's round-eyed reincarnation is fully revealed, soft boxing can become the eighty gods ' air strike on the blood trap. There is no doubt about the powerful attacking power.

Naruto's assessment of this physique is as follows: shake the sky with immortality, attack and defense, and a ruthless fist!

Just thinking about it made Ling Chuan envious.

For the next four days, Lin Chuan conducted intense training. Every time he was exhausted from practicing Ruquan, he would go back to bed and rest while practicing spiritual power. At the same time, he did not forget to develop in his spare time. Ninjutsu.

It is said to be a development of ninjutsu, but in reality it is mostly based on memories.Because of the relationship between Naruto fans in his previous life, Lin Chuan even seriously studied the book of Naruto formulas and is well acquainted with the printing methods and activation conditions of many techniques. Coupled with the fact that he was the ancestor of the Chakra, in a sense, after taking the fruit of the sacred tree, it allowed him to develop the most familiar techniques in a short time.

Especially ninjutsu, which is often used as a fire escape, the art of the fireball, and the spiral pill, Ling Chuan is even more familiar with it.

However, these ninjutsu are only developed, and it is almost impossible to practice them now. As for the forbidden techniques, such as the ghoul seal, the flying thunder god technique, and the muddy soil reincarnation, it is impossible to touch them. Wait for the powers to increase in the future and see if you can tinker.

Time passed quickly, four days flew by in the blink of an eye, and finally waited for the day of the Lin family's assessment.

Early in the morning of that day, a devotee came to this place to gather all the students who were to participate in the assessment. Lin Chuan probably took a look at it. There were about three hundred people there, which isn't even the Lin family.

"There seem to be a lot of people in this world!" Lin Chuan curled his lips and looked around curiously. More than three hundred people have already divided their team members into groups of 3. Lin Chuan is naturally a group with the previous coach Qin Langbu.

This is very similar to the groups in Naruto, and more like most groups are made up of two men and one woman.This makes Lin Chuan think of the various classes that often appear in Naruto, which are mostly made up of two men and one woman. Girl, Lin Chuan once thought that it was Kishimoto who wrote more love triangles for convenience!

Seeing Qin Lang and Bu Trainer from a distance, Lin Chuan raised his foot and walked over to them. The two of them had spied on Lin Chuan's cultivation more than once in the past half a month. They thought they were doing it very carefully and hiding them. However, it was all in vain under the white eyes, but they didn't have any evil intentions. They only seemed to see if Lin Chuan was doing it. Practice seriously.

"Lin Chuan, don't worry, we shouldn't have any problems this time! For your serious cultivation, I will definitely guide you through the assessment!" Qin Lan was familiar with Ling Chuan's shoulders, the corners of his mouth. With a relieved smile, as if looking at his own son who had finally grown up.

The corner of Lin Chuan's mouth twitched, and there was no telling who would lead whom! But I didn't refute anything. After Qin Lang suddenly released his hand, Lin Chuan smiled at Bu Lianshi, " Thank you these days. If it wasn't for you, I'd be practicing hunger. ! "

"It doesn't matter, we're in a group!" said Bu Lian with a slight smile, his voice still very low.

Lin Chuan smiled and patted the coach's shoulder, she felt that this girl seemed very soft and easy to push! But he quickly dispelled this evil idea, because he was only eight years old! !

"Well, everyone, pay attention, let me tell you about the precautions for this assessment!" a loud voice rang out in the hall, and everyone's attention was drawn.

"Today's assessment will be different from the last one. The supervisor's words immediately caused a storm of indignation from everyone below.

"Quiet!" the warden shouted, instantly calming the scene, and continued: "All of you will go to Hunting Ground No. 44, where there will be the first to tenth floors of the Qi Purification Period. Spirit beasts gain their inner alchemy after hunting, kill spirit beasts at the first level of the purification period to get 10 points, kill second-level ghosts to get 20 points, and so on! After seven days of evaluation, score the most points Ten groups have passed the evaluation, and the rest are eliminated! "