
With Her Vampire King

Mature Content. Explicit Language. Explicit sex. Please Be Advised. Adrianna lived her life in reckless abandon. Always tempting the devil with her deadly stunts. But what the Devil failed to take, other's successfully took. She died in the hands of unknown people with unknown reasons. She is unresolved! And when Adrianna Clay next opened her eyes, she knew. She was given a miracle. A miracle to restart her life and return the favor to those who harmed her. But in the midst of her quest to find out the truth, Adrianna realized, all isn't as simple as she thought... And she is not what she thought herself to be...

babyPig · Fantasie
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50 Chs



Adrianna stood spellbound as she looked like an idiot staring blankly at Damien.

Why did he turn up two years earlier than expected? In her past life, Damien showed up a month before she turned eighteen.

See you at the rooftop on lunch break.

Adrianna's eyes almost popped out from their socket! She staggered back as if hit by a blow!

She heard Damien's voice in her head! Its as if Damien was just standing beside her, whispering those words in her ear.

D...did Damien just do that?! What the hell is going on?! He wasn't.. We weren't..

Adrianna felt like she just had a roller coaster ride!

There is an evident rise and fall on Adrianna's chest. Evidence on how strong and deep the turmoil Damien had caused when he spoke to her through telepathy.

Damn! Someone is playing a sick joke on her in her past life!

With her hands clenched into tight fists, she glared at Damien!

Then she turned her head and grabbed Steffie's hand. She dragged Steffie to their classroom ---wanting to escape from Damien's eyes.

"Where do I sit?"

Steffie looked at Adrianna with a weird face like she is looking at a strange looking specimen.

"Beside me?"

"I see. So where do you sit?"

"Adi, what's up with you?"

Adrianna just kept mum.

Steffie walked at the far back. Then motioned for Adrianna to take the window seat.

Adrianna sat down and looked at the tall trees outside the window.

Does she have her period? Steffie shrugged as she placed her bag on her chair.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Adrianna glanced at Steffie and nodded absent mindedly. Then she looked back at the trees outside the window.

Under her table, Adrianna's hands were clenched into fists. Her lips pressed into tight lines.

She felt deceived! Damien wasn't able to talk to her like that before. Why is he able to talk to her telepathically now?!

Adrianna's heart felt like being squeezed tight by a heavy hand. She felt suffocated. She doesn't understand anything anymore!

What is real? What is truth?

Was everything in her past life a lie? How about the things she suffered before?

Adrianna felt like crying. She really, really felt deceived! And she doesn't like the feeling. She felt tricked! Taken as a fool!

She wants to violently hit her hands on her desk and smash it into pieces! Or kick her chair and slam it repeatedly on the floor until splinters would fly everywhere! She wants to go wild! Do anything that could vent the frustrations clogging in her chest!

Did she live her past life in vain?! Who can she talk to?

Adrianna closed her eyes tight as she clasped her hands together and pressed them to her forehead.

She can feel her head swell as her blood pressure rise. The more angry and confused she is, the more she can feel her blood rushing to her head. She is like a balloon subjected with too much pressure and is about to explode!

To others who sees her, they would think she is fervently praying.

What they don't know is that, Adrianna is on the verge of rage.

A blood rage.


Damien was greatly delayed by some unexpected issues but he was glad his mate has not awakened. Yet.

When he arrived in the Philippines through normal means, he was greatly surprised!

When he was at the airport, he heard Cebuanos talking and he felt like he instead landed in Mars! Maybe because their language is not what he understands. And their dialect sounded unusual to his ears.

But, what surprised him was, how most people he encountered speak English! And all of them understood him! While he, he couldn't understand their language!

Huh! He even heard some words in Spanish.

And all the people he met were very polite, patient and helpful. He just doesn't understand why they use their lips, instead of their fingers, when they want to point at something.

From the airport, he was greeted by the hotel's chauffeur holding a placard with a welcome note and his name on it.

On the way to the hotel, he saw tables set up on the side street with various pots. Maybe selling dishes?

He also saw a man carrying a pole, with two aluminum buckets on each ends, shouting "Taho".

When the car stopped at a red traffic light, he also saw another man, carrying a pole with two aluminum buckets on each ends. But he has this pump which gives a put-put sound.

When the peddler handed what he was selling to a buyer, he saw the item was a small and reddish plump cake? Then there was also grated coconut on top.

Filipinos are interesting.

When he arrived at the hotel, he did not stay for a day as was booked. He directly hired a car that would take him to his mate's hometown.

From the city to Adrianna's town, he suffered two hours of road travel. He wish he can teleport but he can only go to places where he had previously visited. Or at the very least, he can go to places where he has a clear, distinct picture of the location in his mind.

When he finally arrived at his destination, he realized that Moalboal is a town greatly known for its fine white sands and beautiful beaches. He doesn't know if the beaches are as beautiful as they claimed. But he will find out soon.

The moment he arrived, all his sufferings were forgotten as he can feel his mate's close proximity. Using his perception, he immediately scanned the entire province of Moalboal for Adrianna.

That was two days ago.

On the first night, he visited Adrianna's home.

It was a two storey brick house with corrugated tin roof and a gate made of bamboo that is 5 feet tall.

While standing in the shadows, he heard his mate talking to his parents in Romanian! They did not speak the Filipino dialect at all!

Damien's brows drew together in confusion. Then he remembered.

The first time he merged with his mate, she was speaking Romanian. When he surveyed the area through his mate's eyes, he saw a castle. Then guards. Vampire guards.

How come she is living in the Philippines now?

He can connect to all vampires and communicate with them regardless of distance. With Adrianna being a true blooded vampire, her parents should be vampires too.

But how come he cannot connect with Adrianna's parents?

Damien closed his eyes and opened his senses. He then meticulously perceived the essence of Adrianna's parents.

After a few moments, Damien opened his eyes with a frown. Both of Adrianna's so called parents are humans!

Adrianna's unusual state of affairs is more complicated than he thought. There must be a conspiracy at play in here.

He has to connect the dots soon. Adrianna might be in danger.

Damien was deep in thought when he felt something. A gate stone was used in Virginia.

Before he could teleport, he saw a girl enter Adrianna's home. He waited for a bit.

He found out that the girl is called Steffie. And they were speaking in English. How unusual.

Do Filipinos grow up speaking in English? Its not their first language, is it? Damien can't help but question inwardly.

While listening intently on their casual conversation, he found out that Adrianna was recently ill and has just recovered.

Damien was bothered by this discovery. Is her body really like a normal human? What kind of spell was she under? Its unlike any spell from this dimension. Its more like a spell from the Mythics.

This is worth investigating. Damien mentally took note of this.

Then he continued to listen again. He learned that Adrianna is about to graduate High School.

Is she eighteen then? Damien pondered.

If Adrianna has to go to College, he has to convince her to go to a school for vampires or the Shadow Academy for paranormals. But that would be overseas.

Damien set this thought aside. He has to talk about this with her.

When the girl, Steffie, went out, he asked her at what school they go to and made arrangements.

He would have loved to visit his mate and at least see her when she sleeps. But that night, he teleported back to New Orleans and then went to Virginia to take care of some important things.

He just got back earlier.

And as luck would have it, he saw Adrianna the moment he arrived at the school gate. And his mood is pretty good. Like sunshine after long days of darkness.

He missed her.

Right now he is masquerading as the school principal's nephew from overseas. Yes, the principal is under his compulsion.

And he is on his way to the principal's office to ask about the school's curriculum. Maybe he can see an opportunity to be close with Adrianna?

When he was about to turn at a corner, he felt Adrianna's chaotic emotions.

His gut tightened.

She is on the verge of rage!

Baby, come meet me now. You are about to loose it.

Instead of going to the principal's office, he went directly to the rooftop.

This is bad.