

[Word Count: 1349]


"This is life now, huh?" Leo muttered to himself, a tinge of wistfulness coloring his words.

Months had passed since that fateful brawl against the glass devil, and Leo found himself longing for the exhilaration and thrill that had accompanied those early battles. Back then, every fight had held a sense of danger and uncertainty, pushing him to his limits and testing his skills. But as time went on, the novelty faded, and the opponents he faced became increasingly lackluster.

Leo had grown stronger and more skilled, honing his abilities through countless encounters with fiends. But with each victory, he couldn't help but feel a sense of monotony settling in. The fights lacked the same intensity and challenge that had once made his heart race. The adrenaline-fueled battles against the glass devil and plastic devil seemed like distant memories, and the current opponents paled in comparison.

The plastic devil had been the closest contender to the glass devil's level of difficulty. Its malleable body made of various plastic products proved to be a formidable opponent, constantly reabsorbing launched objects and prolonging the fight. The warehouse had transformed into a battleground, the air thick with the scent of molten plastic as Leo's determination clashed with the devil's resilience.

Since that encounter, however, the fights had gone downhill. Leo couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment with each new opponent. They seemed like mere stage bosses, lacking the complexity and challenge he craved. The battles had become predictable and routine, failing to ignite the same fire within him.

But fighting wasn't the only aspect of Leo's life that left him yearning for something more. The mundane cycle of school seemed to stretch endlessly before him, an unfulfilling routine that he longed to break free from. The approaching end of the year brought with it a glimmer of hope, a chance for change and new beginnings.

As another break loomed on the horizon, accompanied by the celebration of Leo's birthday, he couldn't help but reflect on the passage of time. It seemed to slip through his fingers, moving swiftly and without warning. Moments that once felt eternal had now become distant memories, and he found himself questioning how he had arrived at this point.

Yet, amidst the monotony and longing for excitement, Leo remained hopeful. He knew that life was full of twists and turns, and change could arrive when least expected. So he held onto the belief that new challenges, thrilling battles, and meaningful experiences would come his way once again. Until then, he would continue to navigate the ebb and flow of life, embracing the fleeting moments and cherishing the journey that lay ahead.

Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as she reflected on the time when she first crossed paths with Leo, the day that forever changed her life.

In the beginning, even after discovering Leo's devil contract, Shouzou and Leo continued their joint ventures in the form of Ethylene Invasions. Under the cover of darkness or the early morning light, they unleashed their destructive forces upon various Yakuza homes, offices, and warehouses. The flames consumed these locations, and the news reports only hinted at the casualties and the mysterious source behind the chaos.

For a while, Yuki had allowed herself to turn a blind eye to these operations, captivated by the drop in crime rates along with the blanket of security it provided for the people of Tokyo. But as time went on, she realized that she couldn't stand idly by while Tokyo suffered from such destruction and panic. With determination in her heart, she confronted Shouzou, urging him to put an end to the Ethylene Invasions. While the operation was officially scrapped, it was never fully shut down, remaining as a contingency plan in case the Yakuza posed a significant threat once again.

Yuki's group, equipped with the necessary means to eliminate any bold Yakuza who dared to rise up, stood ready in the shadows. Although occasions that called for such actions were rare, Yuki understood the importance of being prepared to protect their newfound way of life.

With Operation EI temporarily suspended, Shouzou ventured into exploring alternative methods for keeping the Yakuza in check. It was during this search that they encountered a group calling themselves the "Blokes." These individuals emerged as a formidable force, ready to swiftly and efficiently eliminate any unwanted pests that threatened the peace they had worked so hard to establish.

As Yuki reminisced about their journey, she couldn't help but acknowledge the transformative power that meeting Leo had on her life. Together, they had experienced thrilling adventures, taken risks, and forged a bond that would withstand the test of time. The road ahead was uncertain, but Yuki remained resolute, knowing that they had each other's backs and were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Kishibe found himself in his dimly lit apartment, comfortably seated on his couch. The television, which had been on earlier, had mysteriously turned off some time ago, enveloping the room in complete darkness. As he settled into the solitude, memories of the day Quanxi officially retired and returned to China flooded his mind.

In that moment, Kishibe stood by the sidelines, observing as Quanxi triumphantly stood atop the lifeless devil's body. Meanwhile, Leo sat nonchalantly, leaning against the devil's head. It was a rare collaboration, where the three of them had joined forces to bring down a big adversary. The execution was swift and efficient, and although Leo may not have possessed the same speed and strength as Quanxi or Kishibe, he managed to keep up better than most hunters.

With Quanxi gazing into the horizon, Leo couldn't resist asking if things would become more exciting from there. Quanxi's response, asserting that ignorance is bliss and it's better not to know what the future holds, elicited a scoff from Leo. In his characteristic straightforwardness, Leo proclaimed that ignorance only made one stupid, expressing his belief in denial as a form of intelligence. He preferred denying what he disliked rather than remaining blind to the unknown, speaking with an unexpected passion.

Kishibe, observing the banter between Leo and Quanxi, couldn't help but let a smile escape. Despite their occasional arguments, the two seemed to enjoy engaging in playful bickering whenever they had the chance. Despite their differences, Leo and Quanxi managed to get along reasonably well, and together with Kishibe, they formed Japan's most formidable devil hunting trio, despite Leo not being an official member.

However, as with all things, their time together eventually came to an end. Quanxi made the decision to retire and return to China, leaving behind a void in the once-strong devil hunting squad. In the weeks that followed, Kishibe felt a sense of melancholy over Quanxi's departure. After every successful hunt, he would ask her out to dinner, only to be rejected repeatedly, a pattern that had persisted since they first became partners.

Deep down, Kishibe knew that a romantic relationship between them was unlikely to work, despite the rejections and mistreatment he endured. Yet, a part of him couldn't help but miss the partner he had fought alongside for so many years, despite their differences. While he still had Leo by his side, Kishibe considered him a brat, albeit a brat he had taken under his wing to mold into a better hunter. Their history together couldn't compare to the bond he had shared with Quanxi.

With Quanxi absent from their lives, the dynamic between Kishibe and Leo shifted. Their training sessions became less talkative, as Leo no longer had someone to engage in spirited arguments with. Kishibe, preferring the solace of his drink over constant bickering, found himself in a quieter and more contemplative state. Nevertheless, the partnership between the two remained lethal and effective.

Despite attempts by the Public Safety Division to assign Kishibe a new partner, he adamantly declined. He would occasionally accept students to mentor, but for the most part, it was just Kishibe and Leo, facing the challenges of devil hunting together in their own silent yet formidable way.