
Like the Movies

[Word Count: 2674]


As the sun began its graceful descent below the horizon, casting hues of gold and orange across the Tokyo skyline.

The first signs of twilight enveloped the bustling streets below, as the warm glow of the setting sun washed over the city. Tokyo's iconic skyscrapers stood tall and proud, their silhouettes painted in shades of copper and rose against the darkening sky. The fading sunlight played a delightful dance with the glass windows, creating a spectacle of gleaming reflections that seemed to mirror the captivating scene above.

As the sun's rays weakened, the city's streets were bathed in a serene, golden light. The shadows stretched long, embracing the buildings and streets in their gentle touch. The usual chaos of Tokyo seemed to momentarily hush as if paying respect to the stunning display taking place above them.

"This sake sure hits the spot!" Ichigo blurted out, holding a fresh bottle of sake. His cheeks were turning flushed from the savory alcohol. Aqua sat uncomfortably next to him, with his knees tucked into his chest and Ichigo's arm draped over him.

Overlooking the dimming city was the new Tsukumo family residence.

"Here, have a drink to celebrate our new home!" Ichigo cheered, swinging the bottle of sake around in the air, making Aqua sink further into the couch.

"Woah, and it's a top-tier sake!" Ai commented with a smile, reading the label.

"No, you can't drink yet," Miyako shot down, taking the bottle away before turning to find Leo. "And that goes doubly for... you."

Miyako's voice lost volume as she saw Leo downing a bottle without a worry in the world.

"Pwuah," Leo smacked his lips as he savored the sake. "Hey... that's pretty good."

"Give me that," Miyako demanded, reaching for the bottle in Leo's hands. "Ai's turning 20 next week, but you still have another year."

"Yeah, Nah, yeah, nah. I'm not listening to you, you're boring. Buzzkill," Leo jovially insulted, effortlessly keeping his bottle away from Miyako's grasp as she tried and failed to confiscate it.

"You little!" Miyako felt personally attacked, even though this was meant to be a celebration. She knew that someone had to keep the peace, and reluctantly, she found herself taking on that role as she attempted to take the bottle away from Leo. However, he effortlessly moved around the living room, displaying the skills he had learned as a devil hunter, outmaneuvering Miyako at every turn.

"GAHAHA!" Ichigo's laughter nearly caused him to spill his drink as he playfully draped his arm around Aqua's head while celebrating Ai's success. "Ai's drama is skyrocketing in viewership! We've got numerous job offers for B-Komachi too! And to top it off, Tokyo Dome awaits us next week!"

"Seems like the President is in high spirits," Ai commented, shifting her attention from Leo to address Ichigo.

With a resigned sigh, Miyako glanced at Ichigo. "He's always dreamed of taking one of his idols to Tokyo Dome. But it's not just him; it's been a dream for all our staff too."

"Psshh, it's just a dome," Leo scoffed dismissively. "If it's so grand, why won't it fight me?"

"It's not just any dome!" Ichigo retorted. "Getting a spot there requires immense effort and hard work, brat!" he scolded. "It's a prestigious stage reserved for only a select few artists. It's not a place you can buy your way into!"

"It's a stage where only the best stand," Miyako chimed in, pouring herself a drink. "The dome represents the dream of every artist."

Leo's cheeks flushed slightly from the alcohol as he scoffed. "Yeah, okay, cultist. I'd still kick your precious dome's ass."

"Listen here, brat!" Ichigo's voice grew stern as he tossed his empty glass in Leo's direction. "Mind your tone when talking about the dome. Only top-tier artists perform there, and we can't afford any scandal arising because of your attitude."

"Huh?" Leo glared, assuming a drunken Yakuza posture. "I don't give a damn about those so-called big-shot artists or your fancy dome. All I care about is Ai and the tots."

At that moment, Ichigo and Miyako's arguments seemed to lose their potency. How could they rebuke Leo's dedication to Ai's success in the industry? Undeniably, he had played a significant role in her journey. Would she have made it this far without his help? Perhaps, but the fact remained that Leo cared deeply about Ai's career and future, and that spoke volumes.

As Leo's heartfelt words hung in the air, an unexpected hush enveloped the room. Ai, quietly observing the exchange, felt her heart swell with emotion. Beneath all the teasing and banter, she could see the genuine and unwavering affection that Leo had for her and their children. It was a rare moment, and she knew it might be the closest they would get to hearing his caring words.

Leo's brows furrowed, and a faint pout formed on his lips. The blush on his cheeks intensified as he averted his gaze from Ichigo, fixating on the view outside the window. Despite the soft footsteps approaching him, he hesitated to meet Ai head-on, held back by embarrassment.

A gentle touch on his hand and a soft whisper of his name made him look down, meeting Ai's warm smile. Delicate fingers intertwined with his own, and the affection in her voice melted away his tough exterior.

"Are you having fun?" she asked softly, her voice filled with affection and sincerity.

Leo's tough exterior began to melt as he let out a snort followed closely by full-blown laughter. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe Ai just had a way of breaking through his walls.

He playfully pointed at Ai with his free hand, smirking down at her. "Thief," he remarked, the smile on his lips now sincere as he squeezed her hand.

The tension in the room seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of warmth and ease. Others couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene unfolding before them. The love shared between Ai and Leo was palpable, and it was only a matter of time before one of them would properly voice it.

As the evening continued, Leo's laughter echoed through the room, no longer restrained by his tough demeanor. The teasing and banter resumed.



The next morning, Leo felt his head throbbing in pain. If there was any justice in the world, the ⬜⬜⬜ Devil was suffering just as much as he was.

"How much did I drink?" Leo thought to himself as he rubbed his head.

Ai had already gotten up earlier to check on the twins, leaving him alone in their room.

Moments like the one they shared yesterday weren't uncommon, where Ai and he would exchange affectionate glances. It had been like that ever since she bit his finger way back when. However, these instances always reminded him that neither of them had ever said "I love you" to each other. Even when he lived with his mom, he never uttered those words to her.

A part of himself despised his inability to express his feelings. So many opportunities had come and gone, with Yuki telling him she loved him, and yet, he had never said it back.

"I'm not going to live forever," Leo mused to himself, getting up and stretching his back, relishing the satisfying pops.

"Nor do plan to live forever."



The doorbell's sound echoed through the halls as Leo stepped out of his room, with Ai coming out of the twins' room at the same time.

"I'll get it," Leo said lazily, scratching his stomach as he headed toward the front door.

"'Kay~" Ai replied, going back into the twins' room, the door closing softly behind her.

"But I wonder," Leo pondered as he reached the door, a smirk forming on his face. "Will my death be as epic as I think it'll be? I hope so, nothing would be cooler than an epic death, one that gives a sense of completion."

As Leo opened the front door, a hooded figure charged at him, holding a bouquet and aiming straight for Leo's chest.




The knife hidden in the bouquet found itself lodged in Leo's chest, tearing through his shirt and leaving a small scrape on his skin. The initial confusion on Leo's face slowly transformed into a wider smirk, relishing the sight of the hooded man's expression contorting into a panic.

"You picked the wrong house, fool," Leo taunted a hint of amusement in his voice.

As the hooded man attempted to flee, Leo's amusement grew, and he swiftly subdued the intruder, putting him into a chokehold and bringing them both to the ground.

"Let-" The man tried to yell, but Leo tightened his grip, cutting him off.

"You know... you're lucky I'm in a pretty good mood. Otherwise, you'd be seeing your life flash before your eyes as you plummeted down into the pavement," Leo said nonchalantly, slightly loosening his grip to allow the man to catch his breath.

"Let go!" the man's voice sounded panicked as he struggled, futilely trying to pry Leo's hands off him. He attempted to kick, but Leo's legs wrapped around his torso, immobilizing them both on the ground.

"What's your name, fella?" Leo asked but received no answer as the man continued to fight.

Leo sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and resignation. He leaned back, tightening his grip around the man's neck, applying enough pressure to keep him subdued but not causing serious harm just yet.

leo's sigh mixed with a tinge of pity as he tightened his grip around the man's neck. "Poor parasocial bastard," he muttered.

The man continued to struggle on the ground, fighting tooth and nail to break free, but Leo's hold remained unyielding, his strength giving him a clear advantage.

"Shhh," Leo silently hushed, leaning in closer to the man's ear, trying to calm him despite the tense situation.

The intruder's panic intensified, his movements growing more chaotic as he spasmed in a futile attempt to break free from Leo's grasp.

"Shhh," Leo hushed again, his voice calm but authoritative. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions and maintain control of the situation. "You'll wake up later... just go... to... sleep..."

Leo's words held an eerie calmness, almost hypnotic in their effect. With a sudden twist, he applied just enough pressure to render the man unconscious, allowing him to slump limply in Leo's arms.

Relaxing his grip, Leo carefully laid the unconscious stranger on the ground before getting up and brushing the dust off his clothes. He grabbed his shirt and couldn't help muttering, "Gross," noticing the unwashed smell of the stranger that had rubbed off on him during the altercation.

Running his fingers over the hole the man left behind, Leo realized that the knife had failed to penetrate the Glass Devil's basic defense.

With the immediate problem handled, Leo was left with the unconscious intruder and his family waiting for him inside. As he contemplated his options, he caught a glint of light in his peripheral vision. Something had dropped to the ground, and Leo turned to squint and investigate.

A smirk played on Leo's lips as he stretched, feeling the adrenaline still pumping through his veins. "I haven't hunted anything in a while. Hope I haven't gotten rusty," he muttered to himself.


Heading back inside, Leo started putting on his shoes just as Ai stepped out of the twins' room, curious about the commotion.

"Who was at the door?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Salesman," Leo replied nonchalantly as he continued tying his shoes.

"You're going already?" Ai's expression turned slightly dejected.

Looking back at her, Leo gave her a warm smile. "Only for a bit."

Ai crouched down, wrapping her arms around Leo's neck and pressing her chest against his back. "How long's a bit?"

"Long enough," Leo replied vaguely, finishing tying his shoes.

Ai remained in the crouching position as Leo stood up and turned to face her, smiling.

Her eyes traced up Leo's figure, but they soon landed on the hole in his chest, and her concern became evident. "What happened...?"

Their eyes locked, and Ai suddenly found herself losing interest in her question, her heart skipping a beat as she got lost in his gaze.

Without warning, Leo cupped her face, and instinctively, she leaned into his touch. Their foreheads touched, and they became lost in each other's eyes.

In that intimate moment, time seemed to slow down for Leo and Ai. The world around them faded away, and they were left with only each other's presence, their emotions swirling in a silent dance.

Ai felt a mixture of emotions, her heart racing with the unexpected closeness to Leo. His touch was gentle, yet firm, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She found herself captivated by his mesmerizing eyes, their deep, alluring gaze.

In that intimate moment, time seemed to slow down for Leo and Ai. The world around them faded away, and they were left with only each other's presence, their emotions swirling in a silent dance.

Ai felt a mixture of emotions, her heart racing with the unexpected closeness to Leo. His touch was gentle, yet firm, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She found herself captivated by his mesmerizing eyes, their deep, alluring gaze.

In a heartbeat, their lips met, and a familiar rhythm quickly formed as they shared a tender, passionate kiss. The connection between them was electrifying, and Ai couldn't help but sigh softly into the moment.

As they separated, Ai felt a pang of reluctance, wanting to remain in that embrace forever. She leaned in again, hoping for another endearing kiss, but this time, Leo didn't meet her halfway. Confused, she reluctantly opened her eyes.

Her gaze met Leo's again, but before she could question his hesitation, her words got caught in her throat.

"I love you," Leo's heartfelt declaration broke the silence, causing Ai's eyes to sparkle like fireworks.

For a moment, time stood still as Ai's heart soared. The weight of those words sank in, bringing warmth and joy to her soul. The emotions that had remained unspoken between them were finally given a voice.

Tears welled up in Ai's eyes as she finally got to hear those three little words.

As she tried to return them, her words got caught in the traffic once again, and she let out a gasp instead.

Going for another try, Ai closed her eyes, swallowing her nerves. But as she opened her eyes to return Leo's feelings wholeheartedly, she saw Leo stepping outside with a smirk, playfully sticking his tongue out at her before closing the door, leaving her stunned.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the rapid beats echoing in her ears as her emotions became a whirlwind of confusion and surprise. Her legs felt like jelly, and they gave out under her, causing Ai to stumble and collapse to the ground. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, she instinctively covered her face with her hands, hoping to hide the rush of emotions that were now painting her cheeks a deep shade of crimson

In that vulnerable moment, Ai couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She couldn't believe what had just happened between her and Leo, and her mind raced to make sense of it all. Her heart was still racing, and her thoughts were a jumble of questions and emotions.

Lying there on the ground, Ai took deep breaths to calm herself, trying to regain her composure. She peeked through her fingers, stealing a glance around to see if anyone had witnessed her sudden collapse. Thankfully, the coast seemed clear, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her.














Unbeknownst to Ai, the door to the twins' room closed softly as Ruby and Aqua exchanged astonished glances.

"Woah..." Ruby breathed out, her eyes wide with surprise. "...just like the movies..."

Aqua nodded, still trying to process what they had just seen.

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