
Witcher : Divine Reader

Man travel through space and time by the battle of ashen hair lady.

joshua_martin_0566 · Videospiele
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52 Chs

Bitten Nipp.

[1250 - Morning - Deep within Magpie Forest, Temeria - 23rd Day.]

Looking at the five Nekkers in front of him, who had come after he finished off three more Nekkers, Zefron clutched the Crafted Temerian Poniard tightly and slowly strode further away from the two mages who were battling another group of ten Nekkers with their chieftain.

Then, placing his left hand over the blade and making a gesture of his variation of the Igni sign, with his index fingers touching the bloodied dirty steel, the sword's temperature suddenly rose to a warm level that anyone could touch without getting burned.

Taking his hand off the steel, his index finger was glowing red with a symbol of a cut-off triangle, and at the top of the hilt of the sword, the same symbol that had faded a moment ago was now growing brightly again.

Reading into the future, he knew he still had 15 seconds before they would attack him, so he quickly wove a gesture, making his finger glow a bright blue color. Slowly, Chaos energy from all around him shaped and formed into a flow of a talisman enchanting spell that he had modified from Triss Merigold.

With only 10 seconds remaining, he then drew another engraving at the top where the Igni symbol was located – a Water element symbol intersecting with an Air symbol, wrapping them with the Mind symbol. This image was etched on the blade side by side with the Igni symbol.

3 seconds before the group of Nekkers would attack (as they were already surrounding him from all directions), Zefron rapidly took out three vials of Quicksilver Solution that were already mixed with Sulfuric powders, and poured it on top of the engraving he had drawn just a moment ago.

Like a snake slithering back and forth, the solution that had been poured did not fall down to earth due to gravity but moved as if there was a Mind guiding it, dividing the three long blobs of water into three different sections.

One long blob slithered like Water near the tip of the blade, while the other two slithered to the sides of the blade, wrapping around its sharp edges. Not a single drop fell to the ground, seemingly held by the compressed Air of telekinetic force.

Taking a deep breath, knowing that seven iterations would only show him the death of his life, he fell into a trance whenever he wanted to create a miracle to happen.

Thousands, millions, billions of possibilities flooded his mind like phantoms, showing him the future actions and what he should do. However, he only needed to follow one. To follow his variation.

Like frogs, the five Nekkers jumped at him with their claws outstretched, all of them at the same time.

Two came from the front, and three approached from his back. Zefron spun his body in a circle like a beautiful deadly dancer.

He cast an Igni fire sparkle that was only useful to slightly blind, aimed at the three Nekkers at the back, disrupting their vision.

With the sword at full strength and a full spin of momentum, he slashed at the First Nekker's wrists, severing the two monster hands.

The trajectory of the tip of the sword was aimed towards the Second Nekker's eyes, and the slithering Quicksilver solution shot out like venom, blinding the creature.

Ducking from the three creatures that jumped past him, he rolled to the back where they came from and dashed nearest the tree, sprinting five meters apart.

Taking a deep ragged breath, for he is just a normal human with no enhancement, Zefron deduces inside his mind.

'First one amputated, no threat for three minutes, writhing in pain. Second one blinded, no threat for one minute, disoriented, and writhing in pain.'

Seeing the sulfur doing its job, melting under the heat of Igni, liquifying into the creature's handless wrist and eyesocket, while the quicksilver is distorting the connection to their magical flow, making the pain more intense, Zefron waited for the other three to attack him.

He needed to conserve energy to help the two amateur ladies who were constantly blinking out of danger using quick teleportation spell. They were unable to effectively use their spells since they had just come out of Aretuza.

Two Nekkers jumped first, while the last one arrived a little bit late, checking on its friend. Zefron took two steps backward and to the left, near a huge tree.

The Third one jumped at his head but met only with a dodge to the side by a millimeter wide and a sword stab. Meanwhile, the Fourth one was disrupted by the huge tree its claw dug into, unable to pull it out.

Following his variation, Zefron let go of his sword and immediately cast an unharmed Igni sparkle at the Fourth one, followed by two fingers aimed straight at the critter's eyes.

Pulling his hand out from the critter's eye socket, Zefron dashed out of the clawing range of the Third and Fourth Nekkers.

Three seconds before the Fifth one, still in top condition, got near him, he drew two of his stolen dark steel daggers and engaged in normal combat.

Ducking, he slashed, and the Fifth one's right wrist was now handless. Dodging again, he slashed, and the Fifth one couldn't use its claw. However, unlike the First one that was still writhing in pain, this critter was still able to endure because of its magical flow.

Roaring at Zefron, trying to intimidate him, the creature had no idea what was coming. Knowing this would happen, he just threw the dagger into its open mouth, putting an end to the threat.

Running back to his stolen Crafted Temerian Poniard, he did the engraving once again, as he had let go of the sword, causing the enhancement to lose its effect without his magic. Then, he finished the critters off one by one with ease, knowing their advantage was over.

After finishing with the five on his side, he then ran back to the two sorceresses who were still fighting the now six Nekkers. He kited one or two of them before finishing them off, as if in a Knightly duel, even though he cheated in the swordplay because he could already see the future.

[On the same day - Dusk - 30 kilometers away from the Nekkers battle.]

Pulling out his dick from Keira's cum-filled vagina, Zefron lay next to her and said, "So the basis of the element of Air is present in every element, huh? Like Oxygen in H2O, fire reactions needing Oxygen, and many mineral components that form chemical bonds, such as Silicon Dioxide."

"Oxygen? H2O? Silicon Dioxide? Your continent's people are really odd, Zefron. Giving the connection of every element to three short letters like that."

"But that's basically it. The first human sorceress, Agnes of Glanville, stated in her book 'The Secret of Secrets' that the element of Air is present in every element. The mages who find this relation between other elements are the ones who will master air-based magic."

In the slightly large tent, the light of the sun that shines through the gap of the canvas window is slowly covered by the blanket of the moon. Two naked friends with benefits are lying down in silence in each other's company. After three minutes without saying anything, Keira then breaks the atmosphere.

"Zefron, I am curious. Why did you not allow me to go to the brothel a week ago or when I bought the Megascope component? It was annoying to experience all of that misfortune before finally understanding what was happening."

Thinking back to a week ago, Zefron chuckled when remembering Keira's crazed state as she tried her hardest just to step closer to Passiflora.

All three of them went to Novigrad for a short day because he decided to sell his collection of monster parts and buy more alchemical ingredients for his potion study.

While Triss was helping him sell and buy from the herbalist shopkeepers in the Hierarch Square, Keira suddenly left all of a sudden after learning from Zefron that they would stay at The Kingfisher Inn for three days.

And when the morning came, Zefron suddenly got an earful of whining and complaining, just like the first time he met Keira in her crazed state.

Half of the money that he got from monster hunting and extra herb collecting was going down the drain, just to pay for the damages that the blonde had done.

Waving her hand to conjure up her undergarments, covering her bitten right nipple, Keira continued, "You could've just told me, you know, and I would have gladly shagged you. Sex is sex. Anyone I've slept with is a good candidate. Even though it's a loss not to be able to taste another."

"Like I said, I didn't know anything. The Fate Binding spell thought that your act of going to a brothel might harm me in the future. Perhaps, in the future, I will feel heartache when knowing one of my harem is sleeping with another man."

"Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming, handsome. In no way will I fall for you like a shitty two-crowns romance story about the noble and their prisoner. This relationship is just purely to scratch my itch, nothing more, nothing less."

Loosening up his sore body from the intense session, Zefron stood up, wanting to wear his clothes while saying, "Come, let's go. Triss might have already finished setting the magic barrier. And tonight's dinner is Shakshuka. You will love it."