
Witch Tamer In Half-Isekai World Of Monster Trainer

Jun had led a common life on the earth. But to the moment he was dead, the guy was detested for his bad look. Which was once ruined by an accident, where he carried that sin to his grave. There was not a soul which helped him to his grave. That is why was burned inside the regional police office burner. A normal pattern of burning those who had died. Without any family or relationship. Shaking his head Jun loathed his mindset, even in this empty world. He never felt lonely because it was just like before even when he was alive. He never realized that when the time he closed his eyes, he opened them to another world. His friends from the past were still there, at the time when he was not ruined by that accident. But the world he knew was not there, he was back at the time but in an alternate dimension.

Shubham_Gosai_0895 · Fantasie
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54 Chs


In his previous life, the so-called relatives were grandma Melissa and her daughter's family, who were like his aunt and her children. The two cousins had a pair of small sisters and one big brother who was very close to him.

Being called a genius brother, Jun had been their prime example until his death in the previous life.

These family members were the sole reason why.

Jun has been able to survive in that world for such a long time, so he was a little excited to see them back.

But then again, with the rose, there are always some thorns around.

So there was the second aunt, who had loathed Jun a lot for being more genius than her 3 sons.

Which had been proud and glory of her life, but Jun's appearance stole the thunder from their fangs. While his abundant talent, sent all five of them on a jealous spree, including her husband.

"Okay! Let me brush and all. I will come down for the breakfast, where I want to eat some choco Ice if possible as a sweet dish, to clear my mood."

Jun smiled at Alicia and Amanda, as he sent them away and started getting ready with a cold shower.

"Ahh! That was heavenly."

Getting out of the shower, Jun took the clothes that Amanda has prepared, as he walked out of the room. Heading toward the down floor, in which Mira, Alicia, and Amanda were waiting for him.

'Hmm! Aunt Ermine has been quite late recently. This vacation might have been the reason for it. Though! I am not sure what. Aunt Ermine do in this world. She seemed to be quite busy from time to time.'

Walking down to the ground floor, Jun keeps on thinking about Aunt Ermine's secret Job.

On the other hand, Jun was also feeling someone looking at him, due to which, he turned to look at Kiria who was walking toward him.

'Hmm! Is that Kiria.'

Jun noticed the ice-cold beauty princess from before.

Meeting her for the second time yesterday, he could not help but shake his head. As she looked as cold as ever, but that did not change the way several people that were staring at her.

"Sure enough! Your fan following is enough to make an army out of it. But I am happy to see you again miss Kiria. I hope, you will allow me to treat you for a breakfast."

Hearing Jun's first comment, Kiria's eyes flutter with annoyance as she turned to look around.

While thinking about it, she nodded to join him in that manner, she will be able to talk with him more freely at some place with less crowd.

"Okay! Though! I am sure you are aware that, I do not like them either pestering around everywhere and hope you can call me Kiria if possible. Jun-San!!!"

Speaking out with the same cold face.

Kiria looked at Jun, who was scratching his chin and nodding at her.

Without any sign of bootlicking and praising her, she found his natural attitude toward her more worthwhile.

"Sure! but then I can hope, that you will also drop the honorific and call me Jun. This way! I will also feel more comfortable when chatting with you Kiria."


Direct! and Intellectual, were the three qualities that Jun had gotten from his previous life self, which was something that got accumulated with time and experience.

That Jun has collected, with some bitter experience and talking with thousands of people with great thinking and rich environment.

"Did you watch my yesterday match? I was literally beaten up pretty badly."

Seeing the awkward environment between them after that little talk, he knew that Kiria was not the type to start the conversation.

"That was a great match, even I myself would have been much of an opponent for a guy like that. But you did great while holding him back like that."

Kiria's honest words with her insight about the fight, made Jun realize. His effort in that match was not a pathetic struggle, and there were people who understand that point.

"Wow! thank you Kiria, that worked like a charm to me. I had been waiting for someone to say those words to me, thank you."

Kiria turned to look at Jun, who did not face her and walked away quickly. At which, she smiled a little thinking 'What a sore loser! Just like me...'

Mira and Alicia both were astonished to see, Kiria joining them for the breakfast. But none of them were against it at all.

As they all had a common topic to discuss, and Amanda who have extra bits of knowledge that were hard to find even in the library. All four of them talked about many things before they all head out in their own way.

All out the way! Jun was totally ignored by the girls, but he did enjoy hearing them out. After all, sometimes topics and gossiping like this with intellectual subjects tend to have more information than any book.

Given! In this kind of discussion, the speaking person tries to tell something unique they had come out when remembering about that certain topic.

Which makes the detail present inside the words, more accurate and short.

"Sorry! We totally ignore you in that. But we had a lot of fun talking like that, along with her, so thank you for bringing her for the breakfast." Mira turned to look at Jun, who was sitting on his seat and looking at the paper in his hand.

Jun who was not bothered by it just shook his head. Given! Explaining further into this would only increase unnecessary thinking and energy.

So, he just smiled and stood up as he grabbed her hand and patted her head with his other hand.

"Don't overthink! That was completely ok, with me. On the other hand, I also enjoyed listening to your topic and details. They were really intellectual to the point, some of them were beyond my scope. Though it came as surprise to me too."

Thinking how! Kiria was so knowledgeable about this field of line. Along with being an expert trainer, her horizon seemed much broader than him.

Which piqued Jun's interest in it, as he look forward to meeting her in the battle arena.

"Yeah! I look forward to meeting her in the arena, we have to beat her to show her our respect for her hard work and knowledge."

Mira was excited about it, as she smiled thinking about the deal they had made with her. Which could only depend upon Jun, in the meanwhile he had to get stronger than he was to make their wish come true.

'Sorry, Jun! We cannot tell you about it, but I am sure that, you gonna be surprised by it for sure.'

Hiding some secret from Jun, Mira walked out of the hotel as she looked back at Jun who was paying the bill and coming behind her. With thousands of thoughts running within his mind.

Jun slept in his room for some hour before they could head out for the granny's house. Since they will be traveling on land, it might take around 8 to 9 hours, which can cost a lot of stamina. And aunt Ermine had asked them to take some rest.

On the other hand.

Emilia and Mira did not mind that advice, given both of them were already used to going on such a journey.

So, at the time Jun walked down to the waiting room, he was greeted by them, who were enjoying some tea time along with the old butler Lest.

"Good morning young master, I hope you had a nice sleep." Lest greeted Jun and walked away. While Emilia and Mira started to chat with each other.

Jun found something weird about it, but he was not able to pinpoint why he was feeling like that.

"What happened Jun!!!" Mira called out, as she looked at Jun who seemed a bit troubled. Which might be some kind of delusion on her part, but still she could not help and ask.

"Nothing! Nothing at all. I was feeling a little weird, maybe something due to drainage or sleeping in the wrong period of time."

Jun was habitual of sleeping at a fixed time period. That is why? He thought, that sleeping in the daytime might have affected his mind. Where Mira and Alicia could not help but chuckle at it, thinking if Jun was hiding something from them.

"Okay!!! Everyone it is time to go out, so go and wash your face who had been sleeping for all this time."

Ermine entered the room, as she helped Jun wash his face, and walk out of the house to head out for granny's house.

Where Emilia and Mira seemed very excited about it, as they were looking forward to camping and other fun things, they might get to do. Though, it would take around 8 hours of long arduous travel to get there.

"Eh! Welcome." Jun opened his eyes, as he looked outside view from the window of the carriage. From there he saw a beautiful vast land filled with green grass.

Though! The setting sun made them look sparkling like a golden hue, due to the droplet of water over them.

"Jun-Kun... We are here, wake up now!" Ermine turned to wake up Jun, who was sleeping by her side when she saw him awake.

Jun at the moment was looking at the view in front of him, with wide eyes embracing the beautiful scenery that he has never seen before.

"Eh! If you are wide awake, then let us wake up your sisters. The one who is drooling so cutely, while sleeping in that position." Ermine smiled at Alicia and Mira, where Mira was sleeping on Alicia's shoulder drooling like a baby.

"Don't tease her mom! It is at a time like these, that she allows herself to look so cute. Maybe! We should take some photos of it."

Alicia was only testing when she heard a shutter sound, as they looked at Jun.

Who was taking photos of Mira, where he even used 10 System points, that he got from the ash world to buy the photo application and shot more shots of her sleeping mode.

"Hmm!" Mira woke up!

When she looked at Jun taking picture of her. While looking at her drooling face in the carriage window, she blushed and jumped straight.

"Give it to me..." She looked at Jun and extended her hand, where Jun smiled and handed her the camera. As he showed her, the digital pad where he save the same photo in his folder.