
The Elven Hand of Healing

"It was getting dark, and when you didn't return, we got worried. I was the only one fit enough to go search for you, so Shadow and I set out in the evening. We found you tied to the pole, surrounded by villagers.

"I had to act fast to help you. If they had seen me then, I would've been in the same trouble. So, I quickly fashioned a bow and arrow," Kaitlynn explained.

"Shadow helped you?" Azrael asked in disbelief.

Kaitlynn nodded, her hand affectionately stroking Shadow's mane.

"He's smarter than you think, and fiercely loyal."

"Well, I owe you both my life then," Azrael said, his gratitude evident in his voice.

Kaitlynn simply nodded, a pensive expression crossing her features.

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of recent events. Eventually, Azrael broke it.

"I need to clean up. Let's head to the lake. I'm covered in blood."