
Wishing Dragon

What am I going to do? To avenge my mother's death or not? Should I kill this dragon and end my journey? ---------------------------------------------------------------- A boy, who lives in a village, a cursed village. It landed upon them by a mystical dragon. The most powerful dragon with the ability to destroy the world with just one thought, the wishing dragon. A few years passed by after his mother's death, he decided to embark on this journey to find the dragon... What allies would he meet along this adventure and what would he do when he found this dragon?

ChristyLEY · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Finally Out!

Liam stared at the centaur's majestic figure as they lead them further away from their territory and to the place they wished to be at. Liam felt like he was some sort of important guest while the centaurs were like his bodyguards, protecting him out of this place. He was still in his imagination until something hit the back of his head.

"Ouch!"He yelled then turned to his back."What was that?"

"Oh, that was my hand," Leo told him while Liam looked at him, confused and mad.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Well, you kept staring at them."

"So what?!"

"They don't like the stare.See."He moved his head to look at them.

Liam looked at them and they were glaring at both of them with annoyance while the leader didn't even glance at them and continued to walk.

"Can't you see they dislike the idea of letting us go from the very start?"Leo whispered, trying not to let them listen in on their conversation.

"Then why aren't we running? Isn't this a good time to escape before they attack?

"No, they won't attack unless the leader orders them to. And if we run now, we would seem suspicious. And that will lead to a higher chance of getting ourselves killed."

Liam felt a shiver up his spine from the word death.

"So...we're just going to follow them? What if the leader really change its mind, wouldn't we die for no reason?"

"If he did, I'll talk him out of it. I do know some items they like."

Liam felt uneasy but still believe in Leo. He looked away from the centaurs and stared into the woods as they walked. He would sometimes peek at them and noticed them, looking at both of them from time to time. Their actions made Liam feel unsafe and whenever they looked back, Liam would look at Leo as if asking for help with his eyes. While Leo would try his best to calm him down during the whole trip.

Soon, they saw lights at the far end of the endless trees. Liam wanted to run to it but Leo held him back.

"Remember what I said..."He whispered into Liam's ear as his eyes indicated to the centaurs.

Liam looked at them and saw them all staring at him with glaring eyes-a creature's murderous gaze. He flinched and hid behind Leo.

"Is anything wrong?"The leader spoke as he turned around and walked past his fellow centaurs and to them.

"Nothing!"Leo said while trying to stay calm as Liam tightened his grip on Leo's shoulder."We were just a little tired from all the walking..."

"I see...Humans are really feeble beings."He said as he turned around, swiping his tail in front of them."It's only just a few steps away from your palace and remember my conditions."

He gave them the fierce gaze of an alpha while Liam gulped his own saliva.

"I remember and I don't expect you to do so too."Leo returned his fierce gaze and Liam panicked.

Why is he glaring at the one that could take our life in a minute?! We're going to die! Stop it, why are you trying to kill us so badly?! Liam thought as he nervously stared at both of them.

But unexpectedly, the centaur's lip craved into a smug as he turned his head back onto the path.

"I won't, "He said and continued where they left off.

They were walking closer to freedom and before Liam knew it, they were out again. The light shone, brightly into Liam and Leo's eyes as they blinked while covering their eyes with the back of their hands.

"We're finally out!"Liam yelled, cheerfully and the centaurs flinched instead of their leader.

"Yup!" Leo smiled and turned his gaze to the leader.

Leo bowed down.

"Thank you for helping us!"

The leader stared at him for a second and bowed back.

"It is an honor to help you."He said while keeping a cool, expressionless face."I will be leaving now."

He turned around, readied to leave but suddenly he stopped. He turned back to them and stared into Leo's eyes.

"Do forget about the first condition. You can come back any time."

"Thanks!"Leo replied.

Then, the group of centaurs left, back into their land while leaving Leo and Liam at the very bottom of the hill.

"Guess it's time to go hiking...You excited?"Leo said as he looked up at the hill and then switched his gaze to Liam.

Liam looked at him with a ready-to-panic face. Leo sighed and Liam burst.

"The hell you do that?!"He yelled at the verge of fainting.

"Do what?"Leo asked, tilting his head."We can talk while hiking. Come on! Do you want to stay in the sun?"

Liam followed as he continued his speech.

"You know what I'm talking about!"

Leo gave him a question face.

"Provoke him...why did you provoke him?!"

"I didn't provoke him. When have I done that?"

"When...when you glare at him back!"

Leo stared at him, dumbfounded while Liam didn't know why he was stunned like that.

"Ah...right.All of this it's new to you..."Leo mumbled while Liam knew he judge the situation wrongly.

"Then...what was that all about?"

"Well...when a centaur stared at you with those scary eyes even when he decide to help you. He is actually testing your courage and trust in them. And judging from his reply I think I did great."

"But that still doesn't make sense why he let you meet them again!"

"You could actually tell by his reaction to me just now when we were still in the forest. You saw him smug, didn't you?"

"Yes...I saw that..."

"Well...you could say he thinks I'm an interesting fella."

"Don't start boosting about how good you are now!"

"I'm not! it's actually the truth!"

Liam fell silent for a second before he spoke in a low tone.

"They sure are weird creatures..."

"They're not. They are very intelligent, they judge people by your expression and reaction."

"Fair enough, I guess...So...could they count as your friends now?"

"Yup... from their reply. Yes, they are with us."

They continued up the hill while the sun shone brightly on them.

"So hot!"Liam said as sweat formed on his forehead and slowly roll down to his neck."It's like we're walking under lava."

"Geez...Stop being dramatic. We just walk half the hill!"Leo too was sweaty but not bothered by it and was still energetic.

"I'm tired! And I'm melting because of this damn sun!"

"You were so happy to see it just now..."

"Like you said Just Now!"

Leo sighed.

"The only thing you can do now is get used to it."


"Bear with me."

Liam was frustrated by the fact they still have a long way to go and not only that he had to stay under the flaming hot sun.

"Can we at least take a break first?!"He requested.


Leo looked around the place.

"But there is no shelter..."

"So what?! I'm tired as hell right now!"

"Alright, just calm down already!"

Liam silently sat on a rock while catching his breath. He looked to the ground while hiding his face with his hands, trying to block the sun. Leo, who still have the energy to take out a bear stood there, looking at the walls.

Then, he turned to Liam and noticed his action. Leo sighed again and walked to stand in front of him. Liam shut his eyes, trying to get himself together and when he opened his eyes again he saw another shadow instead of his own. He looked up and saw Leo standing in front of him, blocking the sun.

"Thanks! I appreciate that!"Liam thanked him.

"No prob!"He replied."I'm fine with getting a little tan."

"... You're already tan..."

"That's not the point here! I mean I'm fine with the blazing sun."


After some time, Liam couldn't stand the huge guilt of letting Leo stand next to him like an umbrella helping him block the heat.

"I'm done now. Let's go!"

"Oh? But you just rest for a little while...You sure you want to go?"


Liam stood up from the rock and continued to walk up the hill while Leo followed from the back. After a long torturous hike, they made it. Liam's legs gave up and he sat on the ground, breathing breathlessly. While on the other hand, Leo seemed completely fine.

"You did great! I'll deal with all the talking, you get some rest."Leo said while petting Liam's shoulder.

Liam nodded, he was too tired to reply to Leo. Leo walked to the gate and two guards appeared behind the gate. They were holding spears while questioning Leo. Leo seemed unbothered by their weapons and talked to them with a smile on his face.

After talking for quite some time, one of the guards gave him a piece of paper and a pen. Leo wrote something on it and walked back to him.

"Let's go!"He said while holding out his hand to Liam.

Liam held it and Leo pulled him up without a single struggle. Then, both of them entered the castle's walls.