
Wish of a self-proclaimed loner

Our protagonist is Kojou Akatsuki, a quiet, honor student whom everyone looks up to. While he pretends to act like an honor student, and a perfect role model for his little sister, Sayaka, he lives and fights desperately the fears of his past. What he looks on the surface, and what he is in real life are the two sides no one knows about, except Kirihara Hana and Yamamoto Sousuke, the duo he met when he first stepped in the grounds of Setsuna Academy, from where his life changed.

Chemically_Inert · realistisch
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3 Chs

Arrival -1 (Chapter -1)

"The flight JK68 will take off in ten minutes."

I unfolded my legs and leaned back to relax. I closed the web novel I was reading and turned on airplane mode. I put on my earphones and played some relaxing music, and closed my eyes.

After a while, the plane took off and left the airport. I woke up from my nap due to the turbulence and removed the earphones.

"I guess I have to wait."

I spread my arms and yawned. Nobody was on the seat next to me, neither was anyone on my front or back. Not many passengers boarded the plane, and therefore the flight looked ghosted. I turned my head around and counted. There were maybe hardly ten passengers on board. It was a given fact as our destination wasn't ordinary.

"Nisan? Are you feeling well?"

I turned back to the voice and replied with a smile. "I was feeling a little tipsy earlier, but now I am fine. You don't need to worry about me."

"If you don't mind, can I sit next to you?"

"Yeah! Sure."

I picked up my backpack and threw it onto the seat in front. I wouldn't have done it, but since no one was around and the plane was empty, so no one bothered.

"Sorry, Nisan."


"You left your school just for me. I feel sorry. I am pathetic. I can't even live outside your shade."


I turned my face to hide my tears and rubbed her hair. "If my little sister won't hold me back, then who will?"

I wiped off my tears and spread my arms across her. "We are away from the mainland, and our parents can't stay here. So you don't need to feel sorry for asking me for anything. We need to look for each other while we are here, right?"

Sniff! Sniff!

I continued to console Sayaka until she stopped crying. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, but- I miss father and mother."

"Let's call them as soon as we reach the hotel."

I checked my watch and continued.

"What will you do after landing? You have a whole day ahead."

Sayaka pulled herself back and wiped her tears. Her swollen eyes looked like a red tomato as she tried to hide them.

"M-Maybe we can go and see the campus?"

My smile faded as I scratched my cheeks in nervousness. "W-W-Why not?"

I tried to notice my nervousness, but Sayaka was quick to catch my reaction. "On second thought, since we will be living together, why don't we unpack our things today?"

"I-If. Thanks,"

I was going to reject her consideration, but knowing her personality, I gave up the idea.

"Can I lean on your shoulder for a bit? I am a little tired."

"Do you even need my permission to do that? And when will you stop asking me for every single little thing?"

I scolded her. I was a bit annoyed, but I calmed down and offered my shoulder. Sayaka leaned her head and quickly fell asleep.

The plane landed successfully after an hour, and Sayaka and I went to the lobby.

"Nisan, is anyone going to pick us or should I book a cab?" asked Sayaka as she opened the cab app on her smartphone.

I smiled as I took the bag from her hand, "The school told me before takeoff that they will be sending a guy to pick us."

"Wait here! Don't go anywhere."


I left Sayaka and went outside to look for the cab that was supposed to pick us.


Sayaka was already tired from the journey. Though she tried to hide it, I noticed her face and decided to give the guy a call.

"I am here already."

I kept looking outside for a cab. The airport was nearly empty, with hardly any people roaming around other than the staff. I gave the man a call again and went back to the waiting area where I had left Sayaka.


When I arrived, I couldn't find Sayaka anywhere. I looked around, but she wasn't there, so I asked a lady guard about her but she too had no idea.

I took out my phone and called her, but she had left it with the luggage. I couldn't think straight. The whole airport was empty, and Sayaka went missing. Ominous thoughts came to my mind as I continued to search for her.

"Sir, can you help me find my sister?"

I went to the reception to use the mic and give Sayaka a call. The receptionist let me use the mic, and I called out Sayaka. I waited for a while, but Sayaka didn't come.

"Where is she?"

I rubbed my temples as I went to the nearby shops and asked them about her, but just like the guard, they too didn't know anything.

"Hey! Officer!!!"

I waved at the officer and told him the matter. He consoled me and checked the footage. I was with him too.

Four big-screen monitors played the view from different angles.


In the footage, Sayaka quickly rushed to the washroom and never came back. The officer and I asked a lady guard to find out what had happened? After a while, the lady officer brought Sayaka, who was unconscious.

We managed to lay her down. I checked her for fever. I previously had noticed she had a slight fever but nothing worthwhile. Her forehead was hotter than before, but it wasn't burning or anything.

"She just had a mild fever-"

I took a breath of relief and thanked the officer.

"What the hell were you even thinking?"

I rubbed my temples as I closed my eyes. Sayaka was lying on my lap. Her face looked paler than before.

"Sayaka? Hey! Wake up!"

I gave her medicine for fever and waited for the cab to arrive.

"Where are you?" I called the driver once again. I was sick of hearing petty excuses. I wanted to check into the hotel as soon as possible.

I looked at the contacts and dialed a number. My hands trembled, but I soon cleared it and decided to give a final call, but the driver didn't even pick my call.

My blood boiled as I nearly broke the phone.

"Hello? Can you tell Mr. Hose that I am trying to contact him? My name is Akatsuki."

I didn't like the idea of asking others for favors, but I had no choice.


Sayaka opened her eyes and got up. Her body drooped like a withered flower.

"I'm fine. It's just a little fever."


I bit my lips before I scolded her and caressed her gently. "When did you grow up so old?"

Hello? Akatsuki? Is this the boy who-

"You have your branch on the island, right?"

Just how many people want to be on the line with me, and here are you. Not even a good night?

"Can you send someone to pick us from the airport? If possible, can you also arrange a professional doctor?"

Take this for sav-

I had already grown irritated by his annoying voice and disconnected the call.

"What a pain! These bas-"

I stopped myself from saying anything further and took a deep breath. Sayaka didn't bother to pay any attention to my words.

"The cab will come here any minute."


I heard the loud noise of tires rubbing and picked up our luggage. Sayaka grabbed my shoulder and followed me.

Outside was a black Rolls-Royce standing with the doors opened. We went to the driver standing next.

"I am Ak-"

"We already know who you are, please!"

I helped Sayaka get in and sat next to her.

"Please put on the seat belts."

The man turned on the engine and looked back. He had no intention of letting us go without the belts, so I buckled us both.

"Can you please not drive too fast?"

I asked him, hinting at Sayaka's condition.

"As you wish."

The man pressed on the gas, and the wheels screeched. I managed to cushion Sayaka using my hand from the sudden jerk and glared at the driver.

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

The driver turned back and took off his sunglasses.

"Is that fast?"

His blue eyes resembled sapphires and looked untainted, brimming up with innocence, while his face showed visible confusion.

"Damn this place and its laws!."

I forgot where I currently was. I forgot that commonsense didn't apply here. I gave up on being redundant and requested to drive at 60 km/h.

His face looked quite shocked as if he was asking for confirmation. I was already annoyed with the previous driver and didn't hold back.

"Do as I say, understand?"


I had just arrived, and I was already starting to regret my decision.

"What lies ahead is nothing but trouble."

I sighed and finally relaxed for the first time on reaching the island.

I had fun writting this chapter. I had a warm talk with my sister a few days ago and some parts were inspired from it.

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to either PM or comment.

Chemically_Inertcreators' thoughts