
Wise Skeleton Lich

Necromancer accidentally falls to spatial rift and gets on modern Earth.

Homeless1983 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Somewhere in the middle of the universe, there was a fierce battle. An infinite number of the living fought the dead. Magic skills of various types exploded over and over again, striking in their variety.

After another exchange of the strongest spells, the space itself could not stand at the place of the collision. After the strongest explosion of energies, a small spatial rift appeared.

Jack was just one of the low-level necromancers, there were millions around. After another encounter, he lost all his mana and was badly damaged. Having chosen the path of the necromancer, he was no longer a living person. His body was devoid of flesh, outwardly he resembled a skeleton. After another explosion near him, his body was badly damaged, part of his arm and face were torn off. The poor necromancer's body was in a terrible state. Moreover, the explosion carried him to the side with a huge momentum. He was completely unable to do anything, in this cruel world he was just an insect that was carried away by a gust of wind.

Fuck, how could this happen. The battlefield is so huge, there are millions of people like me around, but I was the one who was so unlucky. The universe is so unfair ... Why did some asshole shoot in my direction. I used up all my mana and miraculously survived.

Jack was being carried away at the speed of a meteorite, his body barely withstanding the load of such a speed. It seemed to him that if it went on like this, his skull would simply melt.

To his horror, he realized that he was moving towards the strongest warriors on the battlefield! He will be torn to pieces there in one breath! How could he be so unlucky?

Is it karma? Who cares if I killed a couple of million, which of the necromancers did not act this way? What an injustice. I do not want this! Universe save me! I promise I'll be obedient and won't be such a piece of shit anymore !!! I will be a pure and kind necromancer, I will respect and love all living beings!

While he was being carried away, Jack cursed everything in the world and prayed to himself.

I saw a black dot in front of me ... Damn! Isn't this a spatial gap? Are you joking?! After all that has happened, I am not yet lucky enough to get right into the spatial gap ?! Yes, it will tear me to pieces! I refuse to admit it! This is unfair, I will complain to the community of conscientious necromancers! Right after we create it ...

The next moment, Jack was pulled into a spatial crack, after which it immediately tightened and disappeared without a trace.

United States. City X.

For a moment, a spatial crack appeared in one of the lanes, after which a skeleton flew out from there and fell to the ground.

A homeless man who was rummaging in a trash can nearby jumped up when he heard a sound behind him. He looked at the source of the sound and was stunned.

- What the hell?

Coming closer, he began to examine the find. It was a black skeleton ... That's all, otherwise it cannot be described. The skeleton was lying in the middle of the alley, it was missing an arm and part of the lower jaw. And the rest of the bones looked damaged.

The homeless man began to look around, in particular, he looked up trying to find the bastard who almost threw some shit on his head.

- Freaking retards! I wish you die horribly! - Shouted the bum looking up

Probably some bastard threw this fucking props out of the window, but what if his head had been blown off? Obviously, this dummy was not easy, even landing marks remained on the asphalt.

Calming a little, he looked at the skeleton again. It was the eye sockets of the skeleton that he paid attention to, it seemed there was some kind of light ... Hmm, maybe this crap is worth what money? Once it lights up, then maybe this dummy is kind of advanced, technology and all that.

He came closer and kicked the skeleton, though there was no effect. But it became obvious that this thing is really heavy ... And since it is heavy, it may well turn out to be something valuable. He knelt in front of the skeleton and tried to look into its eye sockets to get a better look at what was shining there ...

Suddenly in the eyes of the bum it went dark, for a moment he felt pain, and then ... nothing.

I opened my eyes. Rather, I have no eyes, after all I am a necromancer. Or you can call me a lich. All the same, I long ago gave up the mortal body. In order to become a lich, you need to conduct a complex ritual, have a certain talent and achieve insight. Everything worldly is left behind, all flesh and blood, even the brains evaporate, only the skeleton remains. And thanks to the insight, mana in a certain way itself is attracted to your body, and soon it is transformed into dark mana. It is thanks to mana that the lich remains himself. His brain, senses and nerves are all replaced with mana. In such a magical way, a lich is born, an immortal inanimate creature! Well, sort of like that ...

In general, I opened my eyes ... I came to myself in short.

I was lying on the ground. To my amazement, I remained relatively intact ... I was always sure that if you get into a spatial rift, then anyone will be torn to pieces. But no, I'm still alive. After all the bad luck, did I finally get some luck? Is the universe still fair and impartial? I was tormented by vague doubts.

Don't move yet. I'll lie down calmly and try to put my thoughts in order. I was clearly not clear where ... The rift took me somewhere far from the battlefield, at least in that area there were no planets nearby. But now I'm lying on a kind of ground and looking at the sky ... Where the hell am I? I have to regain my mana ... Damn! I have absolutely no sense of the presence of mana in this world, what the hell is this? Is this even possible? Or did I really hurt my head ...


From my thoughts I was interrupted by a slight jolt. Moving my gaze a little to the side of my sunken eye sockets, I saw a man. Some hairy dirty man was looking at me and muttering something under his breath ... Damn! Maybe it's some kind of hermit? Did he think I was just a lesser undead and wanted to subdue me or something? But I do not feel mana in him, there is none at all in the area. What is he muttering then? This shit brought his face closer to mine ... No, man, this is overkill, I don't know who you are, but you're clearly not my type.

Mana was depleted, so I'll try it as it is first. I swung my whole hand and punched the asshole in the face. To my surprise, his face pressed inward, his eyes popped out of their sockets, blood splattered and the hermit fell to the floor ... You're not a freaking hermit! It's just some fucking bum.

But all the same, he died too easily. It seemed that people here are extremely weak. It was good news, of course it was just some kind of bum, so it's too early to judge. Should I turn him into undead? Mana is not needed for this. Rather, it is needed, but at least it is not spent on reviving the lower corpses. After using it on a corpse, it comes back. Considering that I don't have mana for other spells right now, at least I will be walking this meat shield to begin with. Concentrating, I touched his head with my hand, chanting the incantation mantra to myself and channeling the mana into the dead man. Soon the dead man came to life. It is a pity of course that they are stupid like plugs. Without a master's control, these undead are just a dull herd. And even with his participation, he will be able to perceive only basic commands for some reason. But so far there are no other options.

I got up and started looking around. There were tall houses on either side ... a little too tall to be honest, at least considering this weakling. Anyway. Nearby was a dark green chest. I went up to him and began to examine him with interest. I began to feel it with my hands, trying to open it, and soon I managed to lift the roof of the chest. True, a strange smell came from there. But the chest looked pretty decent ... Anyway, I started rummaging through the things of this bum. Obviously, he did not have spatial bags and he had to carry such a huge can with him ... Well, it was yours but now its mine hehe. Although, how could this dead man who died from a slap in the face could even carry this chest? Maybe it's magic after all? But no matter how much I examined him and tried to feel the mana, there was no sense. Well, okay, what have we got here ...

Examining the insides of the chest ... I found a bunch of incomprehensible junk. What is the meaning of these things? Some sticky crap clung to my hand. After a little digging, I found a piece of white cloth. Bringing it closer to my face and smelling it ... I seem to have begun to understand that this is not a hermit treasure chest. This is fucking rubbish! Why the heck did this bum carry something like that with him ?! I threw the cloth back. Of course, I was a little interested in this fabric, but after understanding the essence of what is in the chest, I decided that it was beneath the dignity of a true undead like me.

In general, to hell with this stuff. I turned my body and started looking around again. It was quite noisy nearby, people were passing by, as well as some strange artifacts ... But they were pretty noisy.

By the way, it would be necessary to restore my hand and jaw, and indeed to patch up the body. We'll have to get rid of this rebellious corpse. Bones are needed to repair damaged areas. I walked over to the mutilated corpse that was standing nearby and began using my mana to restore the body. All the same, for a necromancer this is one of the simplest and most basic things, this was far from the first time I lost parts of my body ... Sigh. I put my hand to the corpse, it glowed and the bone tissue of the corpse began to gradually flow through the dark mana to my crippled hand. Soon, the corpse completely lost all the bones of its body and fell to the floor like a bag of trash. Just looking at my hand, I realized that this was far from enough to restore it ... Damn, how weak they are. I will have to use quite a few people like this for a full recovery.

Well, nothing can be done. It's time to get to know the locals. I walked towards the noise and came out to a sort of road ... Looks pretty good. The truth is noisy here. Apparently I stood out a little, some passers-by looked at me with interest, although not many. Well, okay, I'll look normal again soon. So ... I caught some guy passing by by the neck and began to consume his bones. This guy looked more or less decent, although he wore strange clothes. Yes, everything is strange. In any case, soon his bones in his body were completely absorbed and he, too, fell to the floor like a rubber doll. Of course, while I was pumping the bones out of him, I carried him to the past corpse. It is necessary to check whether everyone in this world without mana and is such weaklings. If so, then you can have fun to the fullest hehe. Of course he promised the universe that there would be no more disrespect for the living and all that, but it was nonsense. In that situation, he would have promised anything.

Some people looked back into the alley, but still passed by. Well, it is quite possible that murder in this world, as well as in mine, is in the order of things. In any case, I began to extract bones from other passers-by, throwing them away at the garbage container. Soon, I finally recovered both my hand and my face.

But there was a couple of people which were pretty interested in what is happening. They tried to examine the bodies and muttered some nonsense. I killed them and turned them into walking corpses. But, looking towards the exit from the alley, I saw already dozens of people who were looking at me with horror. Everyone used some kind of crap in their hands and muttered something, or pointed at me. Do they really have some kind of ability or magical powers?

I even tensed a little, but those silly people just continued to scream something and nothing happened. Hmm, do you want to scare me? It made me a little angry. I went with my two corpses towards this wretched crowd. To my surprise, not all of them fled in fear. Some continued to point their toys at me in their hands. It began to annoy me, I gave the corpses free rein to attack everything and they slowly moved towards the people. Unfortunately, these undead were really trash ... well, at least free trash.

Soon, the undead reached the first victims and began to devour them alive. The little people were bursting out more than ever. Heh heh, weaklings! No one could stop even the lower undead! This world is really beautiful!

- Ha ha ha ha!

I laughed out loud, it was really funny. And I was still worried not to run into trouble, but even if thousands of such attacked me, they would only become my servants. While my undead chased the living, I raised the dead. True, some artifacts soon arrived, apparently this is such a transport. Similar-looking people began to come out of it and make a loud noise. Sound Attack?

All the same, there is someone here who dared to oppose me. I took a look at my undead, they actually managed to kill a couple. Although not surprising, these undead were just trash. In any case, the rest were all the same bitten to death, so the noise stopped. This noise really annoyed me a little. I looked at their so-called artifacts, but again there was no magic in them, just some kind of rubbish ... Even if their warriors are so crappy, then on this planet I have nothing to fear even without the opportunity to replenish my mana.

I killed a couple more people with my own hands, they were no different from everyone else, just insects. Looking around, I saw some kind of vegetation and water. I decided to take a closer look, maybe there are animals or other more interesting creatures. Commanding the undead to follow me, I slowly moved forward. For the most part, the insects around me dispersed, although sometimes another man with his pitiful artifact came across on the way. I certainly blew their heads off with great pleasure.

- I'm Jack! The Great Necromancer, bow down to me, you pitiful insects! Ha ha ha!

It was really fun. True, new vehicles soon appeared, and these were larger. I wonder if they are still capable of something else? Although no one else made a fuss yet, and kept their distance. So I decided not to be distracted by these beetles and continued to walk slowly towards the vegetation, looking around. I had to admit that it was quite colorful on this planet, although this is not to my taste.

Suddenly I heard a new noise, I paid attention, because it came from the air. Looking around I saw a flying creature. Is it some kind of bird? This bird was getting closer and closer ... Unfortunately, without mana, it will be difficult for me to show this bird its place. I decided not to rush for now, I will use the rest of my mana only as a last resort. Ignoring that yet another noisy bird, I went with my undead on. The next moment I heard something strange, I looked back at the bird and ...


Within a radius of ten meters around Jack, everything was torn to pieces, including him. The necromancer Jack has passed away. Only a small particle of dark mana that survived the explosion set off on a free float in search of a new owner ...

He was just on of millions low ranked necromancers in the universe, so he could not withstand a helicopter missiles fire. Anyway he is dead, just get over it.