
Winter never end

Hi, my name is Fuyu and this is my story.

Let me start by saying I wish I could changed what happened, when I was 2 years old my parents disappeared I never knew what arrived, apparently they were going to watch a movie, my grandparent were watching on me until they come back. Unfortunately we never heard from them again the police told my grandparent that they didn't find anything. My grandparent decided to raise me but they were already old at this time, so I had to learn a lot by myself, first thing I learned was that there's a lot of people can't be trust and i needed to be careful with who I trust because they could hurt me.

The beginning of my social life...

My first experience with someone like that I was 6 years old, my grandfather Haru took me to a park to make friends. When we arrived they were a bunch on child like me so I when I played with them, the first boy I met was named Shin he was taller than me had short black hair with blue eyes he was pleasant at first, at less that's what I thought but everything went down when his friends came to play with us they started asking me question because i was with my grandfather. They started with "You look like a girl", "Is he your father", "He is so old" and kept on going at this point i felt miserable Shin the kid that i trusted was insulting me. This is the moment I realised that I wouldn't be friend with him. This is when I started lying to my grandparents, I would tell them that I felt sick just to avoid going to the park. Later this summer the school was starting I wasn't excited at all I was afraid to be honest, so first day went as I expected everyone already knew each other or were making friends except for me. The teacher realized that I was alone so during this years she tried to make me friends with the other kids. This teacher was really sweet to me, I kind of hope everyone was like her. Someday this girl came up to me her name was Ayumi first thing she ask was "Why are you alone" I was shock and responded with my ego "Because I want to", I remember she look at me with this beautiful smile and told me you're not alone anymore i'll be your friend if you want to. Since this day we were inseparable she would always defend me when the other kids were mean to me. Ayumi was perfect she was cute , carrying she would always want to go on some new adventure with me, she didn't even care that I had long white hair and green eyes, just because i looked so different this used to scared every other kids. Ayumi was the opposite she had short dark hair and brown eyes she was so pretty. I remember one day we went on a boat with her family they were kind enough to let me go with them, I was surprised that was my first real social experience with someone. She would always come to my grandparent house to play with me, we would try to play the Koto of my grandmother even we were terrible, we had so much fun she was truly a good friend. At this time she was the best friend I could've ask for, but nothing last forever that's the second big lesson I had to learn. By the end of the school year she was moving from Chiba to Tokyo. We didn't have time to say goodbye, she was already gone I was confuse why didn't she told me that earlier. But I didn't have time to move on, as I expected Shin and his friend started to be mean to me again they would say that she moved because of me. At this moment I started to become more closed I didn't talk to anyone during my second year of elementary, the only good thing was that I was keeping the same teacher. This second year was hard Shin would always be on my back him and his friend would wait for me at the end of the class and start punching me for no reason. I would have to tell my grandparent that I fall or find a excuse because I didn't want more probleme. It was truly a harsh time but I was a clever i knew that I couldn't do anything against Shin i was small and I look different from them my dad was from Norway, I think that's why they were harassing me. So one day I knew they were going to catch me at the end of the day so I went and told my teacher that I would like to talk to her after the class, as expect they showed up and started harassing me. My teacher came and saved me, Shin and his friends all got suspended for 1 week it felt so good I finally got my revenge. My grandparent and my teacher talk a lot after that and decided that it was better for me to changed school. So I finished the couple months left to my year and my grandparent sent me to another nearby elementary school. Third year of elementary I lost the only person that I could trust my teacher, but it's was a new start so I was kind of happy. My first day in my new school was fun i've never experience anything like that before everyone was nice to me, it was the first time I played with someone since Ayumi left for Tokyo. Second day was a little bit more harsh the school was very strict on homework and more. I had finally made friends Aki and Rei. Aki was really shy, she was twins with her brother Rei they were both super fun. Rei became like my brother he was the only one I told about my parent. By the end of ur elementary school we were all best friend but unfortunately Aki and Rei were going to study abroad I was happy for them but sad because I would not be able to see them soon. The rest of my elementary went really quick, I started focus more on school so I was 24/7 studying I even started reading a lots of books. I loved reading books I would always go to the library this is where I saw her. Ayumi and Shin were together in the library but why I freezed, why were they together why is she here in Chiba she didn't try to contact me.

My regret...

First year of junior high I was 12 years old, I wasn't focus on school anymore i lost every interest in learning new thing. My grandmother was very sick a the time so I would always come back as soon as possible from class that made my lost a lot of opportunity to make friends but I wanted to be there for her cause she was the one who raised me. It was a snowing day in the winter I got a call in the middle of the class, they told me that she had passed away I ran outside and want to my grandparent house. Ayumi was there she knew my grandmother so they contacted her when I saw her she was crying, she was coming toward me I was furious why was she there I remember looking at her and told her "I hate you why are you here". I immediately ran outside I didn't have anywhere to go I didn't have any friends so I went to the library my grandfather Haru come and get me he took me back to ur home we didn't talk on ur way. When we arrived Ayumi was gone i went to my room layed down and cried.

( This is the beginning of my story and everything is subject to change just wanna put it out there for some feedback LUX. )

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I hate people who say nothing is impossible they are lying.

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