
Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me

In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.

Wicked132 · TV
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77 Chs

Unrest #27

Qhorin's concern for Gale's prolonged meditation was evident on his furrowed brow. He glanced over at Leaf, who had been patiently watching over the scene, and inquired, "He's been like this for two days... How long will this take?"

Leaf took a moment to assess the situation. She briefly examined Gale's still form and then turned her attention to the Three-Eyed Raven before finally responding, "Anytime now."

Savoring a bowl of freshly harvested fruits, Edd didn't share the same urgency. With a mouthful of succulent produce, he asked with a hint of amusement, "What's the hurry? We've been on the road for over a week with barely any rest. Let the lad take his time." 

Clearly, Edd relished the chance to enjoy the rare delight of fresh fruits the Children of the Forest had offered them, having endured a diet of Castle Black's stale rations and unappetizing dried foods on their journey.

Benjen, on the other hand, maintained a more serious demeanor. He sighed and stated, "There is no time to waste. We need to find out what the wildlings are planning. And we need to report back to the Lord Commander regarding the white walkers." The urgency of their mission weighed heavily on his mind.

Just as the conversation was beginning to take shape, Gale's body suddenly twitched, causing him to topple backward. Opening his eyes, he gazed around, slightly disoriented. 

Edd couldn't help but offer a sardonic comment under his breath, saying, "Just when this cave was starting to feel like home..."

Gale turned his head to Edd, offering a bemused expression. "Well, I'm sorry for bursting your bubble," he grumbled, his own discomfort evident. "I'm exhausted. I need something to eat and drink," he continued, the mental visions clearly taking a toll on him.

The Three-Eyed Raven himself seemed equally drained as his form slowly receded into the dry roots, vanishing into the depths of the cave. Leaf was quick to respond to Gale's needs, fetching a bowl of fresh fruits and a drinking horn before offering them to him. 

Qhorin and Benjen approached the young man, ready for answers.

Qhorin got right to the point, asking, "So... what did you see exactly?" He watched as Gale eagerly grabbed handfuls of fruit, shoving them into his mouth.

Still munching through his meal, Gale replied with a hint of grim resignation, "That we're fucked in every imaginable way." He paused briefly to take a hearty gulp of water from the drinking horn, his exhaustion showing.

Edd, having settled down with his own bowl of fruit, gave Gale a bemused look, clearly entertained by his downcast demeanor. "Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine," he quipped, but his teasing was short-lived as he witnessed Gale swiping Edd's bowl and greedily gobbling down its contents. 

"Hey! That's mine, you greedy bastard!" Edd's protest was met with indifference as Gale continued his voracious meal.

Benjen, on the other hand, rubbed his forehead in exasperation and leaned forward, urging Gale to clarify his dire statement. "What do you mean exactly when you say we're fucked?" he inquired, his expression conveying a sense of urgency.

Gale paused in his eating, locking eyes with Benjen. "I mean exactly that. The Night King is almost god-like, and if we give him a chance, he'll amass an army larger than the eye can see," he explained. 

There was a moment of contemplative silence as he grimaced. "And frankly, he might already have one." He shook his head and promptly resumed eating. 

"And that's not even all, is it...?" Qhorin interjected with a grimace, prompting Gale's attention. "If Rayder manages to rally all the free folk tribes, we'll have another massive army to contend with," he added, voicing the deeper concerns that had been brewing.

Gale regarded Qhorin with a steady gaze. "You're right," he admitted. "The way I see it, we and the wildlings share a common enemy—the Night King." He spoke with a calm certainty. "The only reason they want to cross the Wall is to escape the Night King's wrath," he explained.

Edd furrowed his brow in contemplation. "You're suggesting what I think you're suggesting... are you?" he said with a mixture of reluctance and apprehension. "It can't be done. There's too much bad blood between us and the wildlings," he argued, shaking his head.

Gale maintained his resolve, unfazed by the obstacles. "I think you're underestimating the severity of the situation. The wildlings know how terrifying the Night King is more than anyone," he countered. "As long as we can convince our people, the wildlings will be more than happy to work with us." His voice was resolute. 

"At the end of the day, we can either destroy each other and create more corpses for the Night King's army, or we can work together and try to survive somehow." He concluded, emphasizing the necessity of their cooperation.

"No. The lad is right," Qhorin finally spoke, his tone thoughtful. "As rangers of the Night's Watch, it is our duty to protect Westeros from all threats beyond the Wall."

Benjen Stark, who had witnessed the perilous threats beyond the Wall, nodded in agreement. "Right now, the only threat that matters is that of the Night King and the undead," he added. "We need to find common ground with the wildlings or risk fighting two wars, both of which we stand to lose."

Edd, having lost many friends to the wildlings beyond the Wall, couldn't contain his disbelief. "You must have lost your minds... do you even realize how many of our brothers those savages have killed?"

Benjen shook his head, his expression resolute. "And how many of their people have we killed? How many of us and them will the wights kill? We can't be picky, not anymore."

Before the argument could escalate further, Gale intervened, his voice calm and level-headed. "In any case, it's not our call to make. We need to figure out the wildlings' base of operations, their numbers, and bring our findings to the Lord Commander," he suggested. "He'll have the final say in the matter."

The rangers, although divided in their opinions, recognized the wisdom in Gale's words. The fate of the Night's Watch and the potential alliance with the wildlings rested in the hands of their Lord Commander, and it was imperative to gather information and await his decision.


Castle Black was gripped by chaos as a recently deceased ranger, his eyes aglow with an eerie blue light, rose from the dead and began to attack those around him. 

The commotion drew the attention of Ser Alliser Thorne, a stern and no-nonsense ranger, who quickly dispatched the undead creature and rallied a group of like-minded brothers to seek answers.

With resolve in his voice, Ser Thorne and his fellow rangers stormed into the Lord Commander's office, their faces etched with determination. Thorne wasted no time in addressing the leader of the Night's Watch.

"You've kept us in the dark for too long, Lord Commander," he said, his frustration palpable. "First, it was the sudden rapid recruitments and the patrols beyond the Wall... now one of our lads came back to life with blue eyes." His words were charged with a sense of urgency. "Please explain what's happening here!"

Lord Commander Mormont, seated at his desk, regarded Ser Thorne with a bemused expression, his piercing gaze cutting through the tension in the room. "Why don't you start by explaining what you think you're doing, barging into my office with a group of armed rangers?" He raised an eyebrow, his tone cold and calculated. 

"A mutiny perhaps?" The accusation hung in the air, causing Thorne's eyes to widen.

"I would never... but we need an explanation, Lord Commander," Ser Thorne quickly clarified, his voice steady. "We are all sworn brothers of the Watch. You cannot keep us in the dark." His plea was met with an expectation of answers.

The Lord Commander, burdened by the escalating concerns and the urgency of the situation, finally relented. With a heavy sigh, he acknowledged that he could no longer keep the grim events beyond the Wall concealed.

"Very well, if you must know, Ser Thorne," he began, the weight of responsibility etched in his expression. "Winter is coming, and we are ill-prepared to face it."

The words hung heavily in the room, and the gravity of the impending crisis settled over those present.


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