

He is in his bed, dying. This seems sad, at first. But he has been waiting a long time for this day to come. 150 years he had walked this continent, and he felt fulfilled. His three children- no longer so childlike- are gathered around. Their children are gathered outside the door. When he speaks, his voice is as coarse as the forest floor that they live upon.

"You kids be good now-" he coughs. "I can't wait to see you on the-" another cough, this one more like a choke. He truly is getting on in age. "-other side. Don't fight, and always live my name."

The phrase 'live in my name' was said often throughout his life, and it was taken literally. These are the children of Peacemaker, and they just watched their father die.

Out in the other room, the youngest kid is shaking. She speaks slowly, deliberately, but it still doesn't hide the fear. "Is he really gone?"

The other children looked at their claws. Too scared and sad to believe it. Soon they would get over it, but no one would forget him.

"Yes, be calm, children." Thinks the mother. "He will always be remembered. Don't forget that." Although the children couldn't hear her thoughts. They were too scared. "Jade?" She thinks. Jade was always the most attentive with her mind reading.

"Mother? Will he wake up?" She responds.

"I'm afraid not, darling." The mother comes out and ushers her children to bed.

"I'm scared." says Lily. "What if I don't wake up, like grandpa?"

"Hey," reminds the mother. "If you don't, then Ned will steal your toys."

"No!" screams the startled kid. "I'm a super good boy! I'd only steal the ones she doesn't play with!"

"Actually, none of us will pass tonight. There are no futures where we will die… until 10 years from now." Kira pipes up. Her future seeing powers are exceptional, comparable to Clearsight's.

The kids hustle to bed, and life seems normal for a while. For a long while. Five hundred years after this day, something strange happens. Animus magic comes back.

I am so far ahead...

I'm on chapter thirteen right now...

let me know if you want to see anything...

Creation is hard, cheer me up...


Wish_Dragoncreators' thoughts