
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Bücher und Literatur
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75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



After what Elmi had said, most of them looked skeptical, and Harry, intrigued, pressed for more details. "Can you give us an example?"

Elmi turned towards Harry and said, "I've seen things before they happened. Why do you think I was there when the troll attacked? Pansy was my cover story. Even if she was not there, I would have found a reason to be there." 

Zabini looked a bit skeptical and said, "Elmi, while it feels weird to agree with him, I have to agree with Weasley; this seems a bit hard to swallow." 

Elmi took a deep breath, looked at Harry, and said, "When I came to your school, it wasn't a coincidence. I knew who you were, and I knew what you were experiencing with your family." 

Ron hid his hand behind himself and said, "If you can see the future, tell me how many fingers I am holding." 

Elmi smiled wearily and said, "It doesn't work like that. I can't control it, and it doesn't work for inconsequential things. It could be about past events or the future, but It happens sporadically. The first time it happened, it was about a past event."

Elmi looked at Harry pityingly and said, "It was a dark night. A couple with their newborn son were in hiding, but someone had betrayed them, and their enemies had found them. The father fought bravely to defend his family, but the dark wizard was too powerful, and he died while defending them. While the father was holding him off, the mother started to cast a spell, but I could not hear what she was saying. All I knew was that it was powerful and ancient magic. She put a defensive shield around her son."

Everyone was listening to Elmi with full attention. Harry didn't know why, but he was feeling a pain, a loss in his chest. "Dark wizard came into the nursery and faced off with the mother, and she didn't stand a chance either. She, too, lost her life defending their precious son. This dark wizard was hunting them down to kill their son. He cast a killing curse on the baby boy, but a fascinating thing happened: a pinkish aura burst forth from the baby boy and hit the dark wizard."

Daphne was the first one to realize who Elmi was talking about, and she looked at Harry with wide eyes. After her, everyone other than Harry and Hermione realized who the dark wizard and the baby boy were.

"The mother had sacrificed her life for her baby, and this magic had protected the baby boy, vanquishing the dark lord. You are that baby Harry."

When Elmi said that, Harry's eyes started to tear up, and he sobbed. Everyone showed support for him and consoled him. To convince them, Elmi had to give some events that happened in the books, so he decided to talk about the day Harry's family died. This would be an impactful story, and it was. Harry was crying and said, "They died because of me."

When Harry said this, Elmi grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him,

"Harry, come to your senses. Any parent would give their lives without a second thought if it meant their child could live. Do not sully their sacrificing with self-pity and loathing. The one who killed them was Voldemort, not you!"

After crying some more, Harry realized something and said, "But Elmi, you said Voldemort was alive, but now you are saying he is dead?"

Elmi shook his head and said, "That is because my vision didn't end here; that is why I am sure he is not dead. After his spell backfired, Voldemort's body turned into a pile of dust, then from this dust raised a dark, manovelent, and mangled wisp."

This revelation caused some of them to lose their color because Elmi was telling them Voldemort was alive. "This was Voldemort's soul; I don't know how, but the dark lord had found a way to cheat death. That is why I never believed he was dead; he must be hiding and trying to heal himself."

Hermione connected the dots and said, "That is why Quirrell needs the philosopher's stone to heal Voldemort."

Elmi nodded his head, showing she was correct. Ron was still skeptical and said, "That was a good story, but how are we going to know it is real? This doesn't prove anything."

Elmi said, "The only way for me to prove to you guys is for you to have a leap of faith. If you listen to me and do as I say, I can prove it. My latest vision was about Quirrell. I want you guys to know this, but my only request from you is that you do not share this with others, not even your parents."

Everyone was waiting with held breath, and Elmi said, "Quirrell is not a dark wizard or a death eater."

Everyone had confused looks on their faces, and Elmi continued, "Voldemort himself is possessing him."

Now it was Hermione's time to be skeptical, "Possession, there is no such a thing."

Elmi looked at her with a serious face, "Hermione, do not judge the abyss called magic with your limited learning. Do not be arrogant just because you read some book and know a thing or two."

Daphne said, "But, Elmi, none of us ever heard a case of possession. Ghosts possessing people are just muggle fantasies." 

Elmi shook his head, "We have all seen something similar to a real poltergeist, Peeves. He is more of a nuisance, but if he had a malevolent soul, I believe it could be different. Peeves is different from other ghosts; he can touch people or cast spells. You all must have heard he uses the curse of the bogies to make students sick and..."

He turned towards Daphne, Zabini, and Tracey, "You all were with me when he made food out of thin air to throw at us. This is a direct violation of one of the five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. We learned this in Professor McGonagall's lessons: no one can make food out of nothing. This could mean that poltergeist magic might have had otherworldly powers. As for Voldemort, I never said he was a ghost; I said he was in a soul form, and he is more similar to a poltergeist than a ghost. He didn't possess Quirrell by force; he can't do that. You need to accept him."

He sighed and continued, "I just said Quirrell was not a dark wizard or a death eater. Quirrell was always looked down on and treated as a joke. So he took a sabbatical to find power so no one could ever treat him as a joke. He was one of the few who believed Voldemort was not dead but got defeated and was trying to find his strength. Quirrell fantasized that he could be the man who tracked Voldemort down, or he might learn skills from Voldemort that would ensure he was never laughed at again."

Elmi shook his head like he was pitying him, "He found what he was looking for in the forests of Albania. As I said before, Voldemort was closer to a poltergeist than a ghost. He was able to use magic in that cursed form. So he managed to bend Quirrell to his will, promised him power, and convinced Quirrell to accept him into his body. Quirrell's soul is still in there, but the one driving is Voldemort."

A clamor rose among the group. The things Elmi was saying looked too far-fetched to them. "Everything can be proven by Harry touching Quirrell's body; if I am right, the ancient protection magic his mother cast on him is going to exorcize Voldemort, and if I imagined all of those, we will at most have an awkward moment with Quirrell."