
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Urban
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71 Chs


Chapter Sixty-Four

"You fooled me, huh? So, what do you expect from me? Jump with joy because you're back?" "No, but I am here now, Rielle, to let you know I am back for good and that we can start all over again."

The morning came with the sun's rays greeting them as if knocking on the windows of Rielle's room. A ring of the cell phone came instantly, making both startled awake.

"Hello, Mr. Hinode. We are so worried because you did not come home last night, fearing that the floods caught up with you. Tell me where you are so I can pick you up?" asked Fernan, the chauffeur.

"I'm all right, Fernan. I'm on my way home now. Thank You."

On that Monday morning after the storm, at Kio's Office, a folder was on his table, labeled 'confidential.' He opened it, and the contract needed his signature as an acceptance of investment entered into by his father with the KOR H&H Industrial Manufacturing Corporation; he was the co-signee as his father's representative. Kio had mixed feelings about this investment and was uneasy about this contract. Recalling Rielle once connected with Han Hyun-Ki as her Executive Assistant, he felt insecurities creeping in on him. And since his father was looking forward to this investment, he signed the documents and sent them back to the KOR Office.

Later that afternoon, Kio received a call from his receptionist informing him of an invitation for a Dinner Meeting with the Hans brothers in celebration of their new partnership this coming Sunday evening. He let Niki confirm, asked for the venue, and said he would bring a companion. Everything set, Kio was determined to take his chances facing the Hans brothers with Rielle.

The days passed with Mr. A getting busier with the conceptualizing and planning of the new subdivision his company would be building. He met with his associates and called for their assistance in naming the second subdivision, and Rielle suggested the name Hinode Eastside. Everyone in the Engineering Associates Room expressed their exuberance about the proper name for the new subdivision, especially since more clients were coming to the Hinode real estate office for appointments with the architects to design and build their homes in the Haven's Crest Subdivision.

Saturday came, the day of Rielle's appointment with the Chinese businessman. Rielle went with her team in the morning to tour the prospective clients in the subdivision while Kio was supervising the surveyors and contracted laborers in building landscapes, cairns, and boundary walls.

At nearly three-thirty in the afternoon, Rielle went to the mansion to meet the Chinese businessman. Rielle opens all doors of the estate to make it easily accessible as she tours the guest around the villa. She was near the poolside resting as she waited for her guest when he showed up. He stood by the opened main door facing the outside lawn when Rielle happened to him.

She coughed to know of her presence, and when the guest she was expecting turned to her, Rielle was appalled and astounded. It was Han Hyun-Ki facing her, and she moved back speechless.

"Hello, Rielle, why that look? You seemed to have seen a ghost?" Hyun-Ki uttered, grinning.

Rielle can't believe her eyes. She never in her dreams expected to meet Hyun-Ki again, but now, here he was, standing right before her. She was fidgety, on edge, and wanted to cry her heart out in anger, but not even a sound of her voice would come out.

Hyun-Ki took the chance of her shock, he walked briskly toward her and was about to embrace Rielle, but she fended off his hands from her.

"Why are you here, Hyun? Shin Dae told you about finding me here, am I right?" she coldly spoke. "Yes, that's right, Rielle. I am the Chinese businessman you are expecting to come." He replied. "You fooled me, huh? So, what do you expect from me? Jump with joy because you're back?" "No, but I am here now, Rielle, to let you know I am back for good, that we can start all over again. I missed you so much, Sweetheart." Explained Hyun-Ki affectionately.

"That's preposterous! Do you expect you can easily find a way to get me back? By what, buying this mansion? You're so presumptive, Hyun-Ki. Please leave." Rielle's pressure was getting high.

"Rielle, before you drive me away, let us talk or give me the chance to explain, please?" Hyun-ki implored. Rielle turned her back from Hyun-Ki, and her tears were about to fall.

"What else was there to explain? Wasn't it obvious when you abandoned me from your house without saying anything, not even the single word 'goodbye'? You just left me forsaken, Hyun!" she yelled furiously. Hyun-Ki went closer to Rielle, held her hands, and implored.

"It was all for a show, Rielle." She was shocked that she cut him instantly. "What? All for a show? What is this, putting drama into our lives, Hyun? Is that what you want?" Rielle in a sarcastic tone.

"Please listen before you judge me; let me explain how I felt then and why I left." Rielle turned her back from Hyun-Ki, but he caught her hand. "Please, listen to me." Implored Hyun-Ki. Rielle ran to the backyard garden and stood there; she gave in to her hurt feelings and cried. Hyun-Ki followed, hoping for her patience. She had no choice then but let Hyun-Ki speak.

"I felt it was the end of me, Rielle. I could not see, was paralyzed, and lost my work lifetime. I was so depressed and frustrated, more so, feeling your sufferings, your pain, I could not take them anymore. I hoped and prayed that you would leave me because I could not bear your sufferings. But you decided to stay, and I could not bear it anymore. I tried to be difficult for you, even if I was hurting inside; if only I could drive you away so you would not suffer anymore, I never expected you to be that stubborn. I felt so ashamed to have you carry my burdens, Rielle. And the more I felt so afraid, so frightened about the notion that what if I could be blind and paralyzed forever, and having nothing, that's when you would decide to leave me, wasn't that more hurtful, too painful for me?" Hyun-Ki paused for a while, waiting for Rielle to speak, but the silence was between them. So, he continued.

"When I thought of returning to Korea, I decided not to bring you because it would be more difficult for us both, for I do not know how to protect you there. And I could regain my strength and self-esteem if I were away from you for a while. And when I was there, I asked Benny to seek the assistance of a private detective to keep you under surveillance so the detective could watch you while I was having my treatments in Korea. Maybe the detective became lax on his job; he lost you under his radar. He tried to catch up, looking for you, until he discovered that your house went on the lease; he had no more traces of your family until his source said that you flew out of the country to live abroad. He cannot say what country you went to, and that became my deciding factor, to stay instead in Korea for good. I have no reason to go back since you're gone." The silence between them was deafening, and Hyun-Ki could not fathom what Rielle was thinking. All he could hear was her sobs, then finally, she spoke.

"You were so selfish, Hyun. You were thinking only of yourself, but how about me? You refused to talk to me! Maybe I could have understood you if you were only open with me, no matter how you or I feel about our situation. I am not close-minded, and that misjudged me was your mistake. If we only settle things amicably, you can be sure I am still waiting for you. You left me with no words, broke me into pieces with your uncaring, self-centered, and selfish attitude, and left me with only one decision: forget you!" Rielle started to whimper.

"It was true; I was hoping you'd come back because I still love you, I was waiting for days, weeks, and months and I continue to hold on to this half-moon necklace you gave me, whispering on it, kissing it, and playing it with my fingers, but the heart can also get tired, Hyun. And then, when I was already picking up the pieces, learning to be happy again, you come back, and for what? For what, Hyun?" Rielle faced Hyun-Ki with a disdainful look.

Hyun-Ki felt heavily guilty. He cannot look at Rielle with a straight gaze. He slowly knelt before her, broke down, and sobbed. "Please forgive me, Rielle. Give me another chance to love you; let me make up to you." Implored Hyun-Ki. Rielle stepped back and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry, Hyun-Ki, there's no more turning back for us. Please leave," Rielle's tone was forceful and decisive. She ran back towards the poolside and started to weep and lament. She moved to a corner and sat there, hugging her knees, sobbing.

Hyun-Ki was finding his way out when he passed by the poolside and saw Rielle at the corner, sobbing. He went close to her, but Rielle drove him away.

"Please go, Hyun, leave me alone," Rielle begged face down. Hyun-Ki left melancholy, and when he got inside his car, he uncontrollably wept, banging his hand on the wheel.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Rielle pulled herself together and patched up to remove the traces of tears from her face. Kio called a few more minutes, telling Rielle to get ready because he was very close to the mansion. While parking his car, Kio noticed a red sedan with a tinted glass window parked near the villa. He lowered his cap to cover his face so he won't be caught looking at the car and walked toward the mansion. When he saw Rielle closing the doors from the poolside, he immediately hugged Rielle and kissed her cheeks.

"Did the Chinese businessman come? Were you able to sell it?" Kio interestingly inquired.

"I don't think so; he never said anything that sounded positive," Rielle replied as she sniffled at her handkerchief.

"Are you having colds, babe?" Kio seemed to worry.

"No, maybe it was the cold side of the pool that made me chill." Rielle pretended. Kio brushed her arms to make her warm, then embraced her.

"Come on, let us leave; let the security lock this place. And by the way, there was this car parked near the mansion. Had he come to look at this place, too?" Kio asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe it was the Chinese businessman, had he never left yet?" anxiously asked Rielle. And as they exited the place, the red car was also moving away. It was Hyun-Ki, waiting for Rielle to leave the area, wanting to find out with whom she was going. And since Kio had covered his face with his cap, Hyun-Ki could not recognize him.

When inside the car, Akio told her he had a Dinner invitation on Sunday evening.

"Can I have you as my date on Sunday for that Dinner meeting? If you don't want to, I will not force you, but as your boss, you have to." Kio said, smiling.

"Really? So, I have nothing but to say yes, Mr. A." Rielle chuckled.

That night at Hyun-Ki's residence, he was still unhappy and bothered by how Rielle behaved during their confrontation. She was cold; she lost that warmth; she seemed like a different person, far from her sweet and spontaneous personality. Rielle was forgiving, but she found her firm and stern during their conversation. He thought that her pain and brokenness made her that way. Rielle had grown more mature and more substantial. Hyun-Ki sees a strong woman who stands for herself and is fearless in speaking her heart and mind. His harshness and selfishness changed her, and he was to blame.

Hwan Chul arrived at Hyun-Ki's residence mid-afternoon Sunday for their evening dinner meeting with Hinode. Hyun-Ki related to Hwan Chul his meeting with Rielle. Hwan Chul could see Hyun's face as bitter and gloomy. He felt something wrong.

"I never expected Rielle to be rash and repulsive toward me during our meeting. She hated me so much, Hwan, and I couldn't bear it! She has changed greatly. I cannot seem to reach out to her anymore." Hyun-Ki felt so guilty and ashamed of himself. Hwan Chul cannot say a word.

"But we are still married, Hwan. She is still my wife, and I will fight for that!" Hyun-Ki stressed.

"What is your plan? Does she have a boyfriend now? Is that why you said you would fight for her?"

"There was someone who picked her up at the villa yesterday. I could not see his face because he was wearing a cap," said Hyun-Ki.

"I will fight for my right as his husband. I will get her back." Strongly stressed Hyun-Ki.

Please follow Hyun-Ki’s fight for Rielle. The end is coming soon. Keep on supporting this book; thank you.

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