
Wills of the Withering Ones

The daughter of a retired adventurer turned farmer, Sofia Alaric is shaken to the core by her father's death. Deciding to follow his footsteps as an adventurer and step by step uncovering more of the story of the magical world of Farghen her father never told her, Sofia finds herself in the harshest of situations that would break the toughest of the tough. Relying only on herself and her select few companions she must survive innumerable dangers that lay in her path to understand what her role is in this vast, uncaring world. ---------------------------------------------------------- Author's notes Categorized as a male lead because webnovel likes to stick 'romance' after the fantasy tag if the leading gender is set to female. Romance is not the focus of this story, so I've set it to the traditional fantasy genre. Hope you enjoy this novel. Feedback is more than welcome. Good reading, folks I do not own the rights to the cover image.

turtlemanhybrid · Fantasie
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17 Chs

By day's end

A worn-down wooden door opened with a soft creak. Along with a sigh, a man ever so slightly taller than his peers leaned on the doorframe. Streaks of gray hair could be seen on his head, a sign of a rather rare thing on Farghen: long life. Even his modest clothes could not hide the numerous scars on his aging body.

"I believe I told you to get up at dawn, lass. This farm doesn't tend to itself."

Ludwig Alaric was a loving father, and the owner of Beor's only surviving farm. He took farming very seriously, since after being stripped of his title as a C- ranked adventurer that was the only work he could do. The Alaric family has had an affinity for earth magic since the dawn of time, but Ludwig has been the only one to manifest it strongly enough to become an adventurer. In a small northern town like Beor, his skills were very much appreciated by the other residents.

A meek reply came from under the warmest blanket a farmhand could afford.

"Just let me sleep, dad. I'll work on the garden tomorrow."

Another sigh could be heard. Ludwig had hoped Sofia would help him without coercion today, but it seems he was sorely mistaken.

"If you do it today, I'll tell you a story from my adventuring days in the evening."

As if lightning had struck the room, the raven-black haired girl sat up and practically jumped out of the bed. A whirlwind of chaos was forming in her room, and before Ludwig could even say anything, she was already dressed and in the garden studying the condition of the plants there. Ludwig Alaric, a hardened veteran of many battles, let out a soft chuckle that evolved into fit of coughing.

"The kid has energy, I'll give her that. Now where did I put my journal again?"

In the same room, a woman was tying up her hair while looking somberly in the mirror. Her shoulder-length hair was now in a neat ponytail, and as she put on her pants and cloak, the sounds of a man coughing could be heard descending the stairs.

"Father! What are you doing out of the bed? If you want something ring the bell and I'll come to you, dummy."

"By the Lords, I'm not bedridden yet, girl!" Ludwig growled as he knocked Sofia lovingly on the forehead with his cane.

"And I'm no longer just a girl. Now come father, let's get you back to bed." An adventurer's pride never falters, and some disgruntled mutterings were received with laughter from Sofia.

"Are you going to the town, lass?" Ludwig asked once they were upstairs again.

"Yes, actually. Do you want me to bring you the tea that you usually drink?" Sofia replied.

"Bah, forget the tea. Get me some Dragon's Breath ale if you're going to bring anything. I want you to pick up a package from the guild branch. Tell Gregor to give you the letter, he'll know what you mean."

"I thought you didn't like dealing with the guild, father? I'll fetch the letter and a mug of that ale since you're so grumpy today." Sofia said with a slight smile on her face while helping her father get on his bed.

"I don't, but Gregor is a good branch master and an even better man. I don't mind him as much. Now those pompous bastards in bigger branches? That's another story. Get going Sofia, I'm getting sleepy."

Sofia left the farm on the edges of Beor and walked towards the town while pondering about what would await her once she reached her destination. Beor was a remote town, located in the Kingdom of Crevim. Even the nearest town was a long ways from Beor, let alone Crevim's capitol, Crownflow, which was several weeks of travel away. Thus, it wasn't a small amount of silver one had to expend to have even a letter delivered here.

With a clink from the bell above the door, Sofia stepped into the northernmost branch of the adventurer's guild. It was a rundown house, with a wall of scrolls and documents behind the counter. A noticeboard was on the wall, although it only housed a single request. The entire building smelled of dust and it caused Sofia to sneeze.

A booming sound came from the backroom, and a man the size of a cabinet emerged from what was most likely hours of boredom.

"My my, what errand did Ludwig send you on this time, Sofia?"

"Just some food, Gregor. I also had some business with the guild this time. Long time no see."

Gregor Brenin was a bald man with a marvelous beard. Years of adventuring were clearly on display, scars on his arms from blade and fang alike, though for an adventurer they were more akin to accolades than anything else. Even in a remote town like Beor, he had a sword strapped to his back and light armor made of the hide of a beast hunted likely decades ago.

"Oh? Well then, what did you order this time? Hopefully something not too draining on the old man's purse."

"I didn't order anything, father said you had a letter for me. Is that true?"

Gregor's face immediately lost all resemblance of the playful nature he had on earlier.

"It's time then."

He walked to the backroom, and after a few minutes of rummaging around, came back with a sealed letter bearing the crest of the adventurer's guild headquarters in Crownflow. A silver shield, adorned with a rose was meant to symbolize the protection that the guild offered to the people.

Sofia hesitated slightly before taking the letter out of Gregor's extended hand. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, she headed for the tavern.

With a bottle full of ale, she went back home, questions racing through her head. A blizzard was looming on the horizon.

After taking off her shoes and putting up hear black cloak, a gift from her father, she yelled to the old man while beginning to climb up.

"Father! I got you that ale. I'll set it on the table"

Since there was no reply, she figured her father must've been sleeping.

Sofia went up the stairs to ask about the letter before opening it. After reaching the side of her father's bed, she knew something was off.

A note was left next to the bed. It simply read :

"The farm's yours, lass. Take care of the garden, won't ya?"

Signed, Ludwig Alaric

As the blizzard raged in the dark outside, Sofia gently cried into a bottle of ale whilst staring at the crest on the letter.

Her only family was no more.

Greetings and welcome to my first novel! Kick back and relax as you read. Any and all support (and feedback) is highly appreciated, and more importantly, extremely motivating. So if you want to know more of what the world of Farghen has to offer and where this tale takes Sofia, make sure to let me know!

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