
Willowcreek: Prescott Academy

Rheeaahh · Teenager
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 ~ Monster

Unknown P.O.V

My heart was in my throat as I ran through the forest. The tree branches hitting my skin and giving me cuts, but that was the least of my worries.

I tried hard to avoid tripping on anything because I could feel him hot on my heels.



I wasn't just afraid, I was horrified.

The pouring rain didn't really help my situation as I struggled to see where I was going.

There was only one place I could go, a place where no one would find me... no one except her.

She was the only one who could read me like a book and decipher my thoughts without me speaking.

My feet picked up faster when I heard him growl, probably in pain or frustration of chasing me like a cat would a desperate mouse.

It wasn't long after that my legs began to ache and I slowed down.

He was still chasing after me but I knew he was far behind.

I stared up into the grey skies as the rain that was molesting me earlier had turned to a light drizzle.

Running my fingers through my damp and dark hair, I licked my lips trying to steady my breaths as I leaned on a tall oak tree.

His footsteps were closer as I stood straight against the tree, holding my breath in and squeezing my eyes shut.

As if he could feel my presence, he paused a few feet behind the tree. My eyes shot open immediately as my mind went haywire trying to think of an escape route.

I couldn't go back there, I simply couldn't because I knew if I did I would end up like him.

I wouldn't even live there for up to five seconds, he would kill me in an instant

The ruthless beast finally let out a low growl before running towards the left.

I waited 10 more seconds after he left before I finally released a breath of air. Never letting my guard down, I ran towards the waterfall and used all the strength I could muster to climb on the boulders that were just beneath Willow Creek Hill.

I was close... so close to my haven and that was the only thing that kept my feeble legs moving. Well, that and the burning feeling of anguish, fear and pain of him catching up to me.

I hadn't been there in a while so it was kind of tough, crossing the not-so-wide river and maneuvering my way through the even more narrow walls that led to the Cove.

As I stood in front of the entrance, my knees met the wet moss on the floor. My forehead and neck where moist not from the rain that had almost stopped but from the anxiety that built up in my belly as I ran through the thick forest

I swung open the small door which I remembered decorating a few years back. The cove smelled bad... not like how it used to but it was better than where I was coming from, definitely better because back there all I could smell was blood, sweat,tears and fear

I walked into the cove, shutting the door behind me and sitting on the floor as my hands went into my hair. I shed tears for the first time since everything began.

I couldn't believe I made it out alive but there I was sitting on the floor of a place I once considered home and trying to gather myself together.

What I went through... what I saw... I knew was only the beginning so I needed to brace myself for the dark future that layed ahead



My shoulders were slumped as my bag hung on one of them, Idly swinging as I walked into Prescott Academy.

I had two tests today and I really didn't care


Who the fuck was I and what did I do with Sabrina Brooks?

I mentally laughed as a small smile played on my lips when I reached my locker.

I often found myself amusing, odd how I could amaze my own self.

Ian didn't drive me to school so I walked. He was busy at home or some shit.

After I shut my locker, I noticed how loud the murmurs were getting and the gathering that was starting to form at the far end of the hallway.

"First, the disappearances and now this?" I heard someone say to another person as they walked by me.

What the actual fuck was going on? I wanted to go check it out, I really did. Heaven knows I wanted to but I couldn't seem to move my feet from the position I was in.

Call it fear, call it laziness, but I just had a feeling that I wouldn't like what I would see.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked grabbing a random guy by the sleeve of his shirt

"Go check it out, it ain't pretty" he shrugged and curiosity enveloped my being, moving my feet from beside my locker to the scene.

I had to squeeze through some taller people to get a clear view of what was going on. I saw Ian in the crowd and moved closer to him and as I opened my mouth to speak, something hanging from the ceiling caught my eye.

My expression changed from curious to horrified to just being numb as my mouth was left hanging.

No wonder people had gathered and their phones were out. No wonder some students were running away from the scene.

My entire being was completely paralyzed and my brain wasn't functioning as I saw Damon Grayson's head hanging from the school's ceiling.

His green eyes that were once full of life were left open and cold.

His auburn hair was tied to a small rope which was attached to the ceiling. His face was pale and dried blood surrounded his amputated neck.

I didn't even realize the warm pair of hands that circled my waist as I watched the horrific scene play out

I really wanted to be in a dream. I really wanted to wake up and find Ian next to me with his arms around me. Call it childish or stupid but I pinched my fucking self not believing shit was real

Ian pulled me closer so that my head would meet his chest I inhaled his perfume while staring at the pool of blood that gathered below the amputated head

"How can someone do this?" I whispered holding Ian tightly.

How did this turn from mysterious disappearances to horrific killings? I asked myself as

Ian took me away from the scene

I really almost started crying. I was so scared and pained. Damon and I weren't close but he was my classmate and he was so nice to everyone.

He was a good person and he really didn't deserve that.

Ian took me to the field and we both sat on the grass in silence.

It felt like an hour before he spoke

"This is not good. This isn't good at all Sabrina. I didn't even know the kid but I'm sure he didn't deserve such a death. Seeing his head like that... I've never seen anything so intense and scary and I'm positive it's gonna scar me forever. It's gonna be imprinted in my fucking mind Rina. I'm scared but at the same time upset... that doesn't even make any fucking sense" he breathed out with a little edge to his voice.

"This person... this killer... I don't know what he's aiming at but i know that this is definitely not the end" He sighed.

I stared at the empty field, my mind going haywire. I looked so calm and unfazed, my face holding no expression but my heart feeling like it was about to explode.

Ian stroked my hand softly.



"Jerome is missing" Kiara said immediately she sat at the table. I ran my fingers through my hair and Jack's Jaw ticked. "This is getting serious as every fucking second passes" He growled lowly and me being the odd bitch I was, wondered why he and Ian liked cursing so much totally ridding the rest of the sentence off my mind

"And we haven't really gotten anywhere" Ian pointed out

"All we've been able to do is analyze what we already know" Dave sighed.

Everyone was tired and hopeless, I could just feel it. Jerome was not there to tell us to keep pushing.

Jerome, I hoped he was okay. He was a good friend to me. I didn't expect him to go missing but in reality anyone could be the next victim

"Please let's think and let's not let this bring us down but instead push us forward. We need to get the bottom of this and stop this person" I said and I saw Jack nod once in the corner of my eye while Kiara smiled briefly

" Sabrina is right, let's break this down."

"Okay, our killer... we have no facts about him or her. It could be any body" Dave said

"Why don't we start from the people who are getting missing" Ian suggested

"He took Skye first, the bubbly girl who is friends with everybody then Damon, the class clown then Jerome, the hot boy who every female is crazy about" I spoke and Jack's face lit up

"Hey I just realized that these people aren't just people, they are our classmates. Mayybe that person is going for people in our class but the real question is why"

"Yeah, accurate Jack, but why don't we also bring up the fact that we only know of Damon's death. What of Skye and Jerome? Does this mean they're dead too?" 

Ian asked and Kiara jotted down what we were saying

"We literally can't know for sure if they're dead we can only hope that they're not" Dave stated and I let out an exasperated sigh

"The thing is, we don't even know who is next. Skye, Damon and Jerome literally have nothing in common. Is it possible that the killer is just picking people at random?" I asked and Kiara's browse drew together

"But why though? There has to be more to this story because shit is not adding up" she said

We remained quiet for a while.

We were all probably going over everything in our heads.

" I don't think there's any possible solution. This is what it is I guess. Some random dick is killing people mysteriously and we don't know how to stop him because we don't know what his motives are or the people he's targeting" Dave said before leaving the table, anger tattooed on his forehead

"Let's all just take a breather and remain safe or at least try to. The tension is definitely getting to us and we're all scared but let's stick together. Whether we like it or not, we're kind of close now. We need to have each other's backs and put our heads together to crack this ourselves. Don't lose hope guys" Ian said before standing up and taking my hand in his, leading us both out of the dining hall.

Unknown P.O.V


You must think it's easy.

Kidnapping and killing people,

It really is not. It's not a roller coaster ride.

It's stressful and exhausting, energy and brain draining and also time consuming.

Time, the only thing I didn't have at the moment.

I dragged Simon's lifeless form in my hand through the woods as tiny droplets of sweat beaded on my forehead.

If I had a choice I honestly wouldn't do it. I wouldn't go around killing them but it's either this or death and I have to do what I have to do to survive.

When I got to the cabin I threw her aside and sat down. I ran my fingers through my hair, rummaging my mind through all that has happened.

I was tired and angry. The scowl on my face visible through the reflective mirror by the corner. I felt so lost and at the same time not so lost.

My actions were calm and calculated, you wouldn't even suspect a messed up creature like me.

I picked up an axe, trooping over to meet my dead prey--Simone.

She was a feisty one I had to admit. She fought and cursed me with every fiber of energy she had left after I tortured her

Swinging the axe above my head a frown crossed my lips when it met her arm and I didn't hear a scream.

Call it psychotic but it hits different when you hear at the cry of pain from your prey.

I probably would have been hearing her loud and obnoxious screams If she wasn't such a bitch and tried to run away. She was so fucking close, but I found her where she was hiding.

What a bullshit hiding place.

I killed her in an instant out of rage and now I was regretting it

'Don't worry, There are many more to come' I gave myself a pat on the back.

My mind went back to the fucked-up life I was living and how I was aching to escape from reality.

If you look at it closely, I wasn't all that bad I was just surviving.

The people I called friends were so fake. I could see through each and every one of them... well, accept her.

She was out of this world. I couldn't forget the first day we spoke, her nervous stare, her beautiful golden eyes... those were probably what drew me in.

It felt like decades ago that we met but in reality it was way shorter than that. It was hard, I have to admit.

I couldn't explain the effect she had on me anytime she was around. She made me want to be a better person, she was my only constant and the odd number that my heart belonged to.

What would she think of me? A monster who doesn't even deserve her breathtaking smile?

A wave of anger washed over me as I raised the axe over my head again and brought it down to meet her right thigh.

I stared down at my bloody hands and boots.

"Monster" I repeated.

That's all I was, a fucking monster that nobody could fix, that nobody could love.

Everything was happening so fast and I wanted time to slow down so I could ease my mind and breathe.

My head felt light and roomy and my heart cold, leaving me soulless and somewhat empty.

Even when surrounded by friends I felt totally alone, like I was in a desert but she...

She was my escape.

The dim light at the end of my exhaustingly long tunnel and sometimes even she wasn't enough.

I'm trying to make you understand, to let you in my head. To make you see my point of view.

I'm trying to make you see things from a monsters perspective but does anyone actually even understand?

Nobody does.

In everyone's mind, a monster is just that... a monster

Unable to feel, but it's best not to judge a book by its cover because underneath my mask lies a broken human, a scared human, a friend, a traitor and a lover.

Insane is it not? That I write these things when I should not.

Monsters aren't meant to feel or care. They are meant to be soulless but my eyes carry every emotion but happiness.

I picked up Simone's head which was separated from her body. Putting it in a small bag like I would a laptop or a huge textbook, I walked out of the cabin heading to the place where it all began ~ Prescott Academy.

The second to last paragraph was fire tbh

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Rheeaahhcreators' thoughts