
will their be love in our relationship

Omegas who is struggling to love their Alpha who had done, so many evil to them, will they able to love them after so many days of staying together with each other..... omegaverse

impink_7985 · Ost
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23 Chs

chapter 18

At the base, Lieutenant General (two-star) Gui Qi Feng, lieutenant general (two-star) Lieutenant (one-star) Ru Junjie Wei, Lieutenant (one-star) Zhou Chengyi Wang, Xiaosheng Li Rong (one Star lieutenant) Major General Zeng gaung Fang, Major Geming Huan, they are in a conference meeting with High General with online communication.

First Chief of army, grandfather of Gui Qi Feng which is known as Old Feng- head of Commander Guo Zhi Feng, five-star rank general- father of Lieutenant General Gui Qi Feng and Zhaohui Lei Feng;

Second four-Star rank general, Kang Gen Wei- father of Niu Qiang Wei and Ru Junjie Wei;

Third, Four-star general- Qan Lee Wang father of Zhou Chengyi Wang and Xiaoli Qiu Wang;

Fourth, Four star rank general-He Fan Rong, father of Xiasheng Li Rong and Yuan Jun Rong;

Fifth, Four-star general, Liu Zhen Fang, Xing Yan Fang and Zeng Guang Fang,

Their is one more powerful as Feng family and had different form of Forced that is Royal Zhang family.

That's right, Zhang family is an old and royal military. But their duty is to only protect country and their Kingdom, they don't butt into different countries. If they where somehow provoked by others than they wouldn't show any mercy that is why they rarely butt in their business. King of Dragon Kingdom, Qing Lee Zhang, father of Prince Zhiqiang Zhang and Hai Chen Zhang;

Third-star general, Quan Hu Huan etc... they were present in the meeting. The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, The vice Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the chief staff of the army, the commandant of the marine Corps, the chief of naval operation, the chief of staff of air force, the chief of space operation, the chief of the National Guard Bureau... they are also present in the meeting.

They are the important people of the Military government of the Dragon region and most powerful. They are like a family to each other since their ancestors have been working together and have a strong bond. Highest rank general is the father of Guo Zhi Feng, grandfather of Gui Qi Feng and Zhaohui Lei Feng.

After the meeting, it has a tense conversation inside the room because it's a serious matter, though the B country is not their own but still many of there region people travel for jobs and works. They don't want them to be in harm and also the people in the country is innocent.

So for the time being, they have to keep silent and let's see what plot they are going to do.

At the office room,

Gui Qi Feng is thinking something while looking at files. Than his father interrupted with his grandfather who just come inside together with their leader of ministry. Leader of ministry come together with them that means it's about marriage but too bad, he had already someone he like.

"what are you doing here"asked with stone hearted, he is always like whether with family or his friends, it doesn't matter whether old or child to him. He is always cold toward others, sometimes his little dad become helpless with his behaviour and scold him "why is he like that can't he talk normally".

Tru be told no one can change his attitude, I think even if got married someday it's not gonna work in his behaviour. But who knows what is going to happen in the coming day, so might be his behaviour too.

"brat.. this is how you talk to your father, Grandfather.. hmph"scolded him angrily with stick in his hand, looks like he is in a bad mood. This old man is has a very nice temper but in front of his grandsons... no choice but to loss his cool because of his behaviour. He can't stand his poker face towards him. On the other hand, Gui Qi Feng don't take his grandfather anger in at all. "done scolding.. now what is it"asked while looking at his file again. They all sigh!! in there heart and thought "why?? how?? where??? is he made of". But what to say something like everyone has his own choice.

They all sit down and said to Guo Zhi Feng: "your little dad has.. arrange a blind date for you.. since you don't want to get yourself.."said his Father with calm voice. Actually his father isn't interested in this things because he believes that it's a modern world, modern environment, so the children thought also Change. His both son has grown up now, they have achieved enough goal in life, but it's a sad thing that they failed in love like. He was different from his children, he don't know how he managed to get married soon but his son is still single. They have tried to arrange marriage but they object or scared them away.

They were helpless and don't know what to do with them.

"again.. looks like little dad has still not given up"said Gui Qi Feng with smirk in his face while looking at his file. "brat.. because of rude behaviour.. everyone reject you... do you still have a face to say like that... you always give headche.. to your mother and grandmother.. "scolded his grandson with angrily. They have to suffer because of his rude behaviour. Everyone wants to have a close relationship with Feng family. Nobody can reject their family members. Gui Qi Feng is a handsome man, talented, sharp minded person, he had won many victory in a fight over the years. He is good at everything... that is why every girls and Omega is crazy about him. They even sometimes make an excuse for marriage and come to the family bravely and some wants to clime in his bed or seduce him but thrown out or loss life when someone approach him.

"you guys.. just tell me what's bring you here for.. I don't want to argue"said Gui Qi Feng while keeping his files on his table and walk towards them. He seat with them and looking forward what they are up to now. He already know what they are up to but don't want to disclose them.

"This is leader of ministry and head of ... who is incharge of the Military affairs and entertainment organization of the military general's celebration party organisation, art troupe etc. If the soldiers want to get married, they will look for match partner whether inside their art troupe or outside. The deputy head is also their along with his team members.

"sigh!!.. you guys are Frick.. why the heck.. do you need to bring all this here.. get them out for now" he is in bad mood now. They all went out only leader of ministry and the deputy head of art troupe stay back inside his office.

"now.. I will get to the point.. first.. I don't want any blind date, two I have already choose my partner.., three tell little dad to stop sending me all this blind date..., and stop bothering me"said Gui Qi Feng with frustrated and touch his forehead with frustrated. He feels hell in the world, do have brought a blind date.

But don't know that whatever he said just now, make them everyone in the room suspicious. Like really!! that's strange??

"What!!": he saw their suspicious looks in there face. "That's strange son!! I have never seen you closed to anyone.. before": said his father with suspicious looks in his face. Of course why they wouldn't be.

Gui Qi Feng the famous general who is known to be cold hearted and his heart is known as hard as stone have someone in his heart. His father wants to touch his face if he was ok. He could help him to see the doctor.

"Who said that I have in my heart.. I just I have someone in my mind.. not in heart": said Gui Qi Feng with stern look. Did they misunderstood something?? That statement come back to them in reality. He is still the same or else they feels like moon turn into black.

"Ahem!!.. if you have someone in your mind.. than we will not object you.. bring him to meet at home.. sometime and get married soon": said grandpa with stern action after getting shock from the news. While the deputy head of ministry become disappointed when he heard this news, before he thought maybe he could have chance to fix a blind date for Great Gui Qi Feng.

"When I have time..": with that said he went back to his work and others walk out of the office.

"fire": with that said a strange person fire a whole building with his Superpower. This person is Hai Chen Zhang, he is in military attire. The building was old and they want to replace with new one, so he burn them all. His element is fire and can burn anything.