
Will Of The Universe

When two universes collide, destruction is inevitable..... The endless chaos will give birth to a new UNIVERSE..... Space shatters and timelines collapse and the world is turned upside down...... The entire Universe takes shape once more and natural laws are reestablished......  Kurt a typical 17-year-old high school boy, who in order to save his crush from terrorists, (could have become girlfriend later on, but....) Gets himself killed. Then gets reborn in the Alpha Centauri star system on an unknown planet, just in the earth's neighborhood (sun solar system) with a system made by an unknown entity. He made his settlement and found alien species. One day the planet to which Kurt was teleported, gets invaded. The invasion catches him off guard, and what he had to do now was already specified; [Alert!] [Forced emergency quest- eliminate the invaders. [Penalty on failing the mission- Death] “Death? and here I thought my system wasn't so bishy. Well, let’s do it!”   Is the world he was once still the same? What destiny holds for him in the future?  ---------------------------------------------------------- Complete 4 chapters first before deciding anything. English is not my first language, so please spare me for grammatical mistakes or nonsensible sentences (HARDLY ANY). And don't forget to write reviews please, I need to know where the improvement is needed. Keep reading, the rush has yet to begin. Wishing - Happy Reading to you all.

archmatrix · sci-fi
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31 Chs


My name's Kurt Blaid, I'm a 17-year-old high schooler, live alone because of some family problems, well… it's not like I have family or anything, but the early death of my parents made my other relatives clingy and annoyingly kind to me… which obviously was all an act. I knew there was greed for my family's assets hidden behind those fake smiles. So, I left the property behind and went to the city for further education.

I was spending my life as a careless youth on my parents' bank balance they left behind; it was quite the sum, which was enough to help me pass at least 10 years till I get a degree from a good college or institute and settle down with an easy-going office job. Well, I'm quite a bit of a sucker in terms of money expenditure, so I got myself a part-time job as well.

'My school life's also going smoothly....at least that's what I think, with above-average grades I have nothing to worry about. I'm not so good at sports, hell you can even say-I'm terrible at games as I lack skills and I don't have an athletic body.

Well, it's not like I'm a skinny kid, but also not a muscular one, I have some average muscles on my limbs. And like every other teen, I have love interests… it can be said as a crush, but let me tell you- IT's LOVE. It's not just an attraction to the opposite sex or seductive eyes.... well, that's also a part of it, but! Not the whole, okay?! I like her character, cheerfulness, and that bright, cute smile. Like an angel you would want to protect even with your life....haha pathetic, aren't I?

Anyway, it all started when I was sleeping in the classroom. My foot got injured that day during my P.E class. I was about to get up in a minute because school was already over. Eyes closed, thinking of how I was going to clear the new dungeon in the game at home after school, and out of nowhere, suddenly! no swiftly… something… a kind of softness reached my head, it was like a warm soft wind was blowing through my hairs. Passing through each fiber of my hair, it felt so good I moaned';



That softness abruptly left my head, I also got up and turned my head to see what was that just now? And... there she was standing, stunning silky black hair with a bewildered expression on her cute face. Oh, how I wanted to hug her and squeeze her in my arms… tightly!'

But then it hit me. That softness was apparently her hand, which made me moan. My face flushed red thinking about it. There was a long silence for a moment, then she said,

"O-Oh, y-you were awaql! {awake}... (SFX-gulp)." She stuttered and gulped down the saliva that was preventing her voice from coming out. I didn't notice her broken wording, and shortly answered;


"The school is over, s-so I thought of waking you up," she said, 'ah...! she is an angel'

"O-oh!, th-thank you for worrying about me.", 'Damn!, I won't be able to hold up with this conversation man, I would die!.'

My heart was racing fast, I got up and unexpectedly sprained my foot, and tumbled over.

"Wo.. Ahhh....!!.",


I opened my eyes, there was a plump SOFTNESS in my hands. After a moment of rubbing and squeezing that softness, I looked down.

And there she was!, looking at me with a facial expression I haven't ever seen on her.

I didn't have the time to appraise that red and maybe angry face, as I took my hands off of those soft plums, got up in a jiffy, and instantly apologized;

"Oh, I'm so-s-sorry…, my foot got sprained, and I accidentally fell for-ah, I-I mean fell over you", I tried to help her stand up, but she gets up on her own with haste, and with the same redden expression looked at me for some time. I closed my eyes tight as I was sure a hard slap was coming straight for my face, but nothing happened for a moment. So, when I opened my eyes, she was still staring at me with that same angry-red look.

"I-I'm sorr-", before I could say anything, she turned away and ran out of the classroom.

'I didn't know what to do? "Does she hate me now?", I was in a panic, couldn't sleep all night thinking about it. But it was a relief, the next day when I called out to her and said my apology again, she said- not to worry about it. She was not at all affected by it like it never happened in the first place.'




"Am-Am I going to die?", 'the thought of dying shook my soul to the core.'

"So who to kill~ who to kill~ who to kill~ hmm...?, you over there. Ya, that guy over there, ya you!. Come here" he pointed at me. It was the end, yes, I was meant to die today, my heart pumped blood like no tomorrow, tears just about to come out.

I stood up, or that's what I would have done when a fat guy next to me stands up reluctantly, tears flowing down his nose, mixing up with the leaking snot, then trickling down the nose tip and some from the chin.

Everybody was feeling somewhat better as they were not chosen, but they also felt what that fatty was feeling at the moment.'

'I sigh in relief as I was not the one chosen who'll be killed, but that fatty was surely living his worst moments at the coming end of his life.'

As the poor fatty stood up, the terrorist gave him a sign to come over, everyone was scared, nobody dared to look up in fear of getting into trouble. We all were praying to please The God to save us, but it didn't seem God was in the mood. I don't believe in God so I only had police and luck to rely on.

But then came a call, terrorists also changed their attention away from fatty to the ringing phone. Taking the chance fatty quickly sat down beside me.


(Aslam picks up the phone)

"Hello,...., ahan?,..... what!, NO! absolutely not. Who knows what you guys will plan in 2 Hours, just clear the road and give us a private plane or something!." in angry and loud voice Aslam yelled on the phone.

Aslam tells the Boss that Police management is asking to wait for 2 hours as they try to fulfill the demands as soon as possible.

"So, they are telling us to wait? ....., (with an evil smile) Alright! tell them they have an hour, we'll not kill anyone till then but if they are late even a single second,10 dead bodies will be the price of their laziness." (Terrorist-1)

Aslam nods and turns back to answer the call;

"Okay, hey! So we are agreeing to give you time for setting the arrangements, but only about an hour, not a single second more!" (Aslam)


"Hey boss, do we really have to agree to that, now what are we going to do for an hour?" (Aslam),

"well, they do need time and an hour should be more than enough. We can't kill anybody before that but.... We can have some fun till then, right? hehehe." Their Boss said while peering towards the girl's side.

'Everybody hearing this immediately got their intentions. I also understood what he meant, but refused to believe it. No, it isn't what he meant …. right? They are not talking about doing that, are they? … Hah! I'm going insane. I slapped my face on the sides.

'And then unknowingly, I don't know! From where?, But a bad feeling got into me and an image of Rena came to my mind, and I don't want to accept it but I imagined her to be....'

My mind process was being corrupted, filled with every hideous thought my subconsciousness could think of, now I was afraid, afraid of something bad happening in the future, not to myself but to the only friend I had, the only person I talked to, and the only person I love the most-Rena, the sole reason I cried less, and smiled more even when my loved ones abandoned me and I abandoned everybody else.

'I look to the girl's side to locate where she is, but I couldn't… I couldn't find her.'

'Terrorists were smiling mischievously and were checking every girl with their lustful eyes, like hungry hyenas drooling over its SOON-TO-BE-PREY.

It grossed me out and at the same time I wished they will not pick her up, I-I don't want anyone to be picked up, but my attention was only on her and where she could be. '

'Then suddenly Boss Terrorist said;

"Wait! everyone, we'll do it one by one, so that if they try they don't get any chance of breaking into the hall, okay? Keep your eyes open. Now then the first will be me, so... who, who....….....… hmmm? .... hehe..you girl, there, hey you!..get up!"

Nobody stands up. Then Boss yells;

"get up or I'll have to come there and might as well call my buddies for you, should I?.. "

'As I was thinking about her, I heard the boss terrorist telling a girl to stand up, I look up to who that poor soul was while hardening my heart as wishing my girl will not be the one, she will not be the one.'

'I looked up to the figure standing up. She was familiar, yes, I instantly recognized...those shiny-silky black hair, a cute face which was now ruined because of excessive crying.'

'She-there she was... RENA. I was appalled and petrified in an instant.'

'It has been 4 years since Rena and I were friends, as I had no other reliable friends I could talk to. She was the one who kept me going on. We would talk and laugh together. It was always enjoyable with her, though it got awkward sometimes.

I was going to ask her out this year, but today those happy moments, and those plans were all going to turn into ashes...'

"H..a....h.." I lost my breath.

"h.. a ... hah.. hhhh..." I was suffocating, my chest was in pain, my heart was failing to beat every second time.

"N-no, R-Rena? it's a dream, it has to be. It's a nightmare, obviously it's a nightmare, right? Hahaha, I was worrying for no reason, I will wake up in just a sec… but when will this end? I need to wake up"

I pinched myself, hard and pinched harder again. Fumbling my pocket, I took out a pen out and stabbed the tip in my thighs, hoping to wake up from this horrible dream, but to no avail, only a blood drop came out.

Not accepting the reality, I scraped down the pen tip still dug inside the skin, tearing the flesh about half an inch. Painful! it was painful! but....the reality of what was happening hurt much more.

"I-it's, it's not a dream? But then…" I looked towards the girl whose sobbing was resounding in the whole hall. Other than her cry, everyone was silent, most of the girls were also crying, but were suppressing their voices, sometimes the snickering of terrorists could be heard.

"Ya you!, come here baby, hehe, don't worry, I will take it slow, you'll start feeling pleasure after some time ", the Boss said

"khekhe…, hehehe.. " terrorists laughed like pack of hyenas, it was disgusting, repulsive.....everything happening around.....i felt worthless.

"hic!.. N-no, hic.. please hi-hic.. "


POV-Rena fox:-(two hours before)


'Today, we were to be given the info about the upcoming events in the auditorium, and of course, it also included the principal's long-lasting speech.

'I was talking to my friends when I saw someone entering the class door'. It was late and HE also hadn't arrived yet, so I looked over in anticipation of his arrival. And fortunately, he was standing on the classroom's threshold, clearly not expecting to see the homeroom teacher absent today.

'Kurt', he's quite a loner guy, but he's also very sweet. He didn't have a family, he lived alone. Well, my family has never been good to me too, but living alone must be very hard. Every time I talk to him, he gets flustered. It's obvious he has a crush on me! But what he doesn't know is that I started to like him even before we had actually started hanging around. When he first took admission to our school, he never talked much and always stayed silent for most of the part, with an above-average body build and that cool face, he usually got a lot of interest from girls, me including, but it wasn't anything serious, not till that day...


Me and my friends were travelling by train to our school. We were chatting when my eyes fell on a familiar face. There he was standing- Kurt, with another fat boy with spectacles. He was from our class; that fatty was a geek. Maybe they became friends?

We were talking about something, as I kept glancing over him, the train stopped, and suddenly the train was boarded with many people, more than what a normal train can handle, but it's a usual occurrence so...I complained little about it.

After some time when the train started, I felt my friend squeezing my hand roughly, she was shaking. I naturally asked what happened. She looked behind us and I also turned back. An elderly man was touching my friend's thigh, no there were some other men also, and my other friend was also being molested.

And here comes the worst part, somebody softly touched my butt, I was stunned; I had nothing I could do, there were people but, obviously they knew what was happening, some were even lusting at us with their eyes, I was horrified and was about to cry.

Then I saw him, Kurt, moving toward us. He was moving so easily and with haste from in between the people; it was like watching a snake slither. His friend had confusion written all over his face, but Kurt grabbed his hand and pulled him over, through the gaps from where he went, making people startled and somewhat angry. He came over to us while moving around us from behind, startling the molesters and pushing them back for a place to stand. He stood there covering me, and fatty easily covered my other 2 friends. It was really satisfying seeing those people so irritated and angry.

I was looking around about what was happening when he said something.;

"Mmm, hey! "

"yes?", I said.

"Wh-what's your name? Oh, btw I was thinking of asking about today's maths homework. My friend also doesn't remember," he said.

"Hey what are you saying Kurt? When did you ask me about homework? I know much!.. mpmph!.." Kurt placed his hand over fatty's mouth and signaled him to shut up.

"Hehehe, my friend here is just spouting nonsense, so can you tell me? ".

"Y-yeah, there's no maths homework today. The teacher said he will explain tomorrow about the topic. And you can call me Rena" I said.

"Nice meeting you Rena, no homework? that's a relief then..."

"THANK YOU", I said.

Kurt and my friends understood what I was saying while fatty was still confused.

"It's nothing much," he mumbled.


Well, from that day we were like friends but my interest in him started turning into something more and here I am waiting for him to confess to me, but there's no hint of him trying, well I think I myself have to ask him on a date, Sigh.....


