
Will of Light

The world of humanity will face a great threat that will bring all of them to the brink of extinction. Anarkion, a young man is chosen for a huge task and that is to find the other righteous humans who will fight with him. Unfortunately, the world starts to change into a world that he didn't know can comprise.

Ink_Fire · Fantasie
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9 Chs


The skies are grey as the clouds are dark and moving in different directions. Beneath the skies is a grey solid terrain with collapsed buildings that almost drowned in the grey solid terrain.

A young man walks without hesitation until he stops in one place. His hair is white and have dark lines on it and its edge is reaching his ears, and his bangs cover his right eye.

His left eye is silver; its pupil symbolizes a vertical slit matching the scar on his left eye. He's wearing a coin-colored coat and its edge is reaching his waist, his bottom clothing is dark thick pants with silver cross patterns on each of their sides.

His feet are covered by a dark boot, he inhales deeply as he looks everywhere only to see nothing but the abandoned sunken buildings.

"It has been too long since," he lands his eyes in front of him, "I've seen buildings."

He immediately jumps from his position, his eyes are looking down as he sees long cracks forming on the ground.

The ground explodes as the young man lands on the ground. A gigantic dark head with red multiple small eyes can be seen, it also has a wide mouth with multiple large teeth, and saliva is falling from the corner of its lip.

It arises from the ground, it is gigantic in terms of height and has a beastly humanoid body structure with a long pair of tentacles replacing its arms and hands; blue lightning is flickering around it.

"That beast can destroy a whole modern city," he moves his hand to the long sheath on his back, "I guess it is time for slaying some beasts!"

He holds the handle of his long sword and pulls it from its sheath. Hence he starts to run onwards the gigantic beast.

"I am Anarkion Kidlat De Hakit," he speaks to himself, "wait, who am I talking to? Today is so weird."

Thanks for reading, and have fun reading!

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