
Will of Light

The world of humanity will face a great threat that will bring all of them to the brink of extinction. Anarkion, a young man is chosen for a huge task and that is to find the other righteous humans who will fight with him. Unfortunately, the world starts to change into a world that he didn't know can comprise.

Ink_Fire · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: His Vow or Is It Just A False Hope

"What arose was awful," Helkrias stares at the unconscious young man near him, "I am frightened…"

Lina swings her hand towards her head yet it shakes and fall to her side, at that moment, she shifts her eyes to Helkrias and chuckles.

Helkrias shifts his attention to the sniggering young woman. "What's the matter, woman?"

Her lip turns back to its normal state and she answers, "You're afraid, aren't you?"

Helkrias stares at Lina, clenching his hand, he glances down onto the ground. Hence, he moves his foot one by one and while ambling he speaks, "You never know anything about me, so shut your ill-informed mouth, woman."

Lina then lets out a flamboyant laugh, she lifts her hand and points her index finger at him. "I-I'm so sorry! Please! Save my friend."

"Or what?" Helkrias holds the doorknob, "I won't do anything for a person who disparage someone so easily."

Tears fill her eyes and she move herself from the couch then he turns around only to witness Lina kneeling on the ground. He moves his hand to the handle of his sword.

"Wait, please!" she held her chest as her breath got quicker.

"And why are you so resolute to save this friend of yours?" Helkrias glared at her.

Helkrias breathe in. "Having a friend is… but if she matters to you the most then you with conviction you cherish her so much."

Lina looks up and sees Helkrias walking closer to her, and on his face, it is painted with peace. He pauses in front of her and kneels. Helkrias grabs her forearms and then both of them stands up.

Helkrias guides Lina onto the couch as she remains gazing at him.

Lina speaks, "Why are you so sympathetic to a person that judged your character so easily?"

Helkrias shifts his gaze at her eyes; those eyes that are being filled with questions and sadness as well. He then replies, "Because I know what it feels like to lose someone dear to you, the one that you're loving unconditionally."

Elsewhere, a large invisible cube is hovering above the city of Laman. Inside of it a young man is sitting on a throne while gazing upon the red clouds travelling above him.

A young woman's eyes remain sealed as her whole body is laying on the red field. Her eyes begin to move at a snail's pace. Her dark lip begins to open and her eyes open.

She moves her upper body and she turn her eyes everywhere. A masculine voice echo everywhere. "If you haven't wake up then I'll wreck everything that you love, sister. I will also take in that woman that you appraise then I will burn her to her very end."

"Don't you dare to include her in this, Chrollos!" she raised her hand and pointed it at him.

"You are chosen, aren't you?" Chrollos, the masked young man spoke.

Trifa moves her hand down and she looks down. "I never wanted it in the first place, I only wanted to settle in this world just like them."

A dark cloud appears in front of her, and a young man steps from it, then it stares at her with furious eyes. "Trifa, don't be a mindless, pathetic creature. Don't you remember what mother said?!"

"She's dead! She's dead Chrollos!" she holds the collar of his coat, "learn to clear that heavy toll in your heart!"

"You are not my sister anymore," he holds her wrist and yank it from his collar, "I can't believe that as you settle too much in peace, peace made you shallow. Where's the Trifa that I know?! The one that I adore? The one that I look up to."

Trifa grabs his hand as fluid fills her eyes. "You can still change; it is never too late."

Chrollos stares at her eyes before it close then he utters a wave of laughter, and Lina let go of his hands. He steps back from her as his laughter comes to an end.

Chrollos speaks, "I can't remember that I kidnapped a clown."

Chrollos is raising his hand as Trifa turns around and scrambles from him. His lip curves upward and he speaks, "Time Seal. Sorry this is for your own good."

In the meantime, among the moving crowds, a young man is sauntering among them; he's wearing a thick clothing and a dark cloth covering his entire head. He gulps and touches his pocket. "Damn, even in the future I'm still impoverished."

Chrollos is lifting his hands as he speaks, "I call upon thee the sacred dark mystical power, bestir the catastrophe of the colossal beasts!"

The young man among the moving crowd looks up and then waves of deafening roars echo throughout the clouds; the clouds is beginning to collide as thick strains of red lightning appears on the darkening clouds.

"Shit," he shifts his eyes everywhere, "what are all of you doing here?! Get some sense and scramble away!"

The crowd remains staring at the clouds, and their eyes are beginning to get red, then their head is inflating. The young man runs toward one of the people among the crowd. He puts his hand on his shoulders and shakes it. "You, mindless creature! Sprint for your life!"

His head is expanding until it bursts yet the young man was soaked by the red fluid. He looks at the man in front of him only to see him fall and a creature with multiple tentacles and wings soar to the sky.

The young man steps back only to look around and downwards; his eyes widen as a creature with multiple tentacles release a roar at him; a soft roar.

"Are you kidding me?" he opens his hand and it manifests onto a large, long blade, "die wretch."

He swings his blade and it cuts the creature in pieces. Hence, he looks upward and red lightning manifesting a large monstrous entity appears on the clouds.

"It really is happening." He turned his hand to its original state and then he jumped; releasing a force which caused big and long cracks on the ground where he stood.

Chrollos smirks and turns around and his eyes sees Trifa; she's completely immobilized while her eyes displayed an emotion of fear and anger.

Chrollos tells Trifa. "Sooner or later, my eyes will finally be a witness to the end of the humanity."

He raises his hand as he moves around and he catches a curved blade, then Chrollos' smile fades from his lip. "Arkra Helkrias, the last descendant of the Arkra clan and known to be a great threat to our kind."

"Your father slaughtered my grandfather," Chrollos tightens his grip on the curved blade, "I'll kill you slowly."

The curved blade bursts to pieces and Chrollos opens his hand and pieces of the curved blade falls to the ground. Helkrias is ambling towards Chrollos and Helkrias halts. "I only desire to recover Lina's friend."

"She was a nuisance." Helkrias snarled.

Helkrias narrows his eyes at Chrollos. "Just give her back and I'll leave as well."

"Leave?" Chrollos chuckles, "you're on my priority list now."

"Good. I'll have you on my death list, brat," Helkrias told him.