
Will of Light

The world of humanity will face a great threat that will bring all of them to the brink of extinction. Anarkion, a young man is chosen for a huge task and that is to find the other righteous humans who will fight with him. Unfortunately, the world starts to change into a world that he didn't know can comprise.

Ink_Fire · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Masked Man

Inside the tremendous city of Laman, the entrance's white walls have numerous cracks with exposed wires with electricity flickering on it.

Helkrias remains standing in his position while his eyes linger on Anarkion and the man wearing a mask who's standing afar from his ground.

Helkrias releases a short breath from his slightly opened lip. "I sense something destructive. However, what is the intention of that masked person?

"Yet I will take no measure when the moment comes that he will pose a threat to the boy's life."

Anarkion takes a step toward the masked man while the masked man remains standing on his ground while remaining calm.

The wind blows gently over them. Anarkion vanishes and bright white light flickers in front of the masked man, and so he raises his hand to the level of his mask. A bright white light flickers in front of him and Anarkion appears after the light disappears.

He swings his foot hitting the masked man but his kick was thwarted by the other hand of the masked man.

Anarkion grits his teeth and he disappears once more. A bright white light flickers on the right side of the masked man, hence he shifts his whole body to his right side.

A bright white light flickers behind him, and Anarkion appears once the white light disappears. Anarkion runs toward the masked man, and then Anarkion's hand is beginning to be covered by white energy.

Anarkion halts his movements as his whole body remains moving forward toward the masked man. The masked man turns around and faces Anarkion, he raises his hand and points it at Anarkion.

A colorless barrier surrounds Anarkion, and his movement was completely put to a stop. Anarkion attempts to move either of his hands or his feet, but the boy cannot do it.

Helkrias runs so fast towards the masked man. The masked man turns his whole body toward Helkrias, and he raises his other hand. Helkrias inhales deeply and he swings his other hand while his eyes widen.

"NOW!" Helkrias yelled loudly.

A white line from above hits the masked man, causing strong bursts of fire to occur; affecting the masked man.

Anarkion suddenly falls to his knees and he moves his eyes in a certain direction, hence he witnesses Lina land perfectly beside the big cloud of dark, blazing smoke.

Anarkion arises from kneeling on the ground. He remains looking at Lina and she does the same, her pupil grows small upon witnessing Anarkion's voiceless words.

Anarkion smiles lightly while moving his lip to the words that are described: Thank you very much for the help.

Lina nods in reply, the masked man flies out from the smoke and Helkrias steps out from the smoke; he bends his forelegs a bit and jumps toward the masked man.

"YOU LOVE BIRDS! STOP FLIRTING AND FOCUS ON THIS FIGHT!" Helkrias yelled madly at the two.

The masked man flies toward Helkrias and a thin white light surrounds his whole body. The masked man continues to fly downwards but his whole body hits the thin white light.

"You cannot do this to me!" The masked man raised his hands and struck the thin white light prison that he was in.

The masked man shifts his eyes downward at Lina and he speaks, "My dear Lia, break me from this prison."

"His voice changed!" Anarkion yelled loudly.

"I sense something, kid! Encase that Lina!" the crystal told Anarkion through his mind.

"I-I can't!" Anarkion replied through his mind.

Anarkion shifts his eyes to Lina and her eyes are radiating a grey light. Lina begins to run swiftly towards Anarkion whilst Helkrias runs in between the two.

"Helkrias," Anarkion spoke lowly without any happiness in his voice.

"This will be your first time fighting an ally, right? In a short matter of seconds, you've put your trust in her without knowing her," Helkrias inhales deeply through his nose, "you pushed me to remind somebody that I don't want to remember."

"I'm sorry, Helkrias," Anarkion moves his face down as his eyebrows furrow and his eyes turn small, "I can't do it! I can't fulfill my job as a champion!"

"She'll kill you!" Helkrias pulled his sword from his back and blocked it on Lina's punch.

Lina, who is in front of Helkrias: begins to open her other hand as a white light with red particles is forming on it.

Lina thrusts her other hand towards Helkrias. Helkrias twirls his whole body and swings his foot towards Lina; hitting her abdomen. Lina bounces away from him and she rolls on the ground.

"Your heart is too soft!" Helkrias turns his whole body around, "If you're that kind, how did you manage to slaughter a human that accidentally turned onto a beast?!"

A white line hits Helkrias' back and it bursts onto flames with dark, filthy, blazing smoke. The smoke vanishes, leaving Helkrias and Anarkion which are covered by a white barrier.

The white barrier reduces to pieces. Anarkion's eyes go wide and he speaks loudly. "LINA!"

Lina is raised by a masked man by tightly holding her neck. Lina's eyes are widening as she's slapping the hands of the masked man.

The masked man laughs softly. "Truly an amateur. You're a champion of energy, aren't you? Sadly, you don't know to completely utilize that power of yours on your will."

"LET GO OF HER!" Anarkion yelled madly.

The masked man moves his face in the direction of Anarkion and he says, "What if I don't? You're just a champion of light, you don't have what it takes to overthrow a superior like me."

"Let her... Go," Anarkion began to close his hands.

Thence Anarkion disappears from his position, and a white light flickers behind the masked man, once it disappears: Anarkion appears. Anarkion steps closer to the back of the masked man then the masked man throws Lina.

The masked man turns his whole body around. Anarkion thrusts his white energy-covered hands on the chest of the masked man, and then a devastating force from the impact of Anarkion's attack spreads everywhere.

Anarkion tells the masked man. "I am not just a light, I am a champion of it."

At the speed of light, Anarkion performs more sharp punches on the masked man's whole body. Anarkion's final sharp punch sends the masked man flying away.

The masked man hits a nearby tall structure; his whole body is deepened onto the tall structure's wall, thence the tall structure begins to fall.

Civilians nearby begin to scramble away from the collapsing tall structure. Anarkion jumps from the ground and flies swiftly towards the wrecked building.

His eyes witness the massive clouds of dust and several big pieces of the wrecked structure and all of it suddenly flies away.

"That man!" Anarkion descended to the ground near the collapsed building.

Anarkion feels the cold wind blowing over him; touching his exposed skin. A white light appears in front of Anarkion's face and it shapes onto a mask resembling a face of an owl.

"Why am I... Wearing this awful mask?!" Anarkion held the mask and tries all his best to remove it from his face.

"It's for your good!" the crystal replies in the sharp tone of its voice, "Heroes wear masks, idiot! Do you want anyone to know your identity?"

"ENOUGH!" the masked man yelled loudly.

He jumps from his position and proceeds to fly towards Anarkion. Anarkion moves his face upwards and he is hit by the masked man's fist on his mask.

Anarkion forcedly steps aside, he raises his hands and catches the incoming dual punches of the masked man. Anarkion moves at the speed of light while carrying the masked man, multiple buildings fall to them.

The masked man flies out from the gigantic cloud of dust, Anarkion who is moving at the speed of light: jumps out from the gigantic clouds of dust.

Both men are facing each other while floating high in the air, Anarkion points his hands toward the masked man and a thick line of white energy occurs from his hands.

The thick line of white energy succeeds in striking the masked man. Anarkion lands on the ground causing a crater to form underneath him.

Anarkion straightens his upper body yet his eyes go wide. He speaks as his eyebrows furrow. "Ah, shit! My whole body can't move!"

Anarkion hears a wave of maniacal masculine laughs coming from a short distance. Anarkion moves his eyes upward and sees the whole figure of the masked man walking close and closer towards him while laughing.

"Do you got what it takes?" The masked man moves his hand up to his mask, "Before I finish you off: let me give you the complete look of my mug, Anarkion."

"Damn it! I can't even move my lip! He sure is more powerful than I thought!" Anarkion spoke madly to himself.

Helkrias is standing in front of Lina who's crouching while rubbing her hands. Helkrias stares at her in disbelief. "I can't believe this! You didn't meant to hurt Anarkion!"

Lina narrows her eyes and fluid builds in her eyes while looking down. "I-I attempted to lay a finger on him. I don't deserve to be his date nor friend."

"Do women react like this?" Helkrias asked himself while rolling his eyes.

"Anarkion!" Helkrias turns his whole body in a certain direction, "he needs my aid!"

The masked man bends his upper body and extend his hand towards Anarkion, then he lifts him.

"No one is allowed to see my mug, only those who will die or I shall kill will witness my mug," he slowly moves his hand towards his mask, "it has been a great fight, lad. Now I shall end this once and for all—!"

Helkrias appears beside the masked man. "No one can or shall lay a hand on my comrade's skin."

Helkrias holds the handle of his sword and swings it toward the masked man. The masked man slams Anarkion on his knee and tosses him and he faces Helkrias.

"DIE!" Lina appeared above the masked man.

Lina points her hands on each of her sides as white light appears on her palms. She moves it downward; pointing at the masked man.

Helkrias swings his sword while yelling. "Great Dark Blade Executor!"

The blade of his sword releases a dark energy curve, and Lina points her hands at Helkrias. Helkrias' forelegs bend and he falls to his knees as the dark energy curve reaches him.

Anarkion opens his eyes and it goes wide. "Is this their power?!"

Tremendous bursts of dark energy appear as they release strong waves of wind, and the near structures fall to their peril.

In a matter of minutes, large waves of smoke are slowly gliding everywhere. Anarkion stands up and looks everywhere. "Where are those two?"

His eyes widen in a certain direction. "Is that him?!"

He witnesses the masked man with multiple cracks on his mask, and Anarkion performs his battle stance as he glares at him.

The masked man tosses Lina and Helkrias and he raises his hand and points his index finger at Anarkion.

"Hear my words! The awakening will occur despite your will of preventing it to transpire." he puts his hand down and explodes into a cloud of dust.

"He is aware of the awakening," the crystal spoke through Anarkion's mind.

Anarkion shifts his eyes everywhere. "The awakening... furthermore, how will I defeat him."

Anarkion jumps aside and a missile hits where he stood causing an explosion, the force of the explosion caused him to fly away and Anarkion hits the ground.

Anarkion's eyes close whilst Helkrias and Lina are laying on the ground with no consciousness.

Multiple aircraft are everywhere in the skies, inside one of the aircraft, a muscular middle-aged man is gazing at Anarkion through the window.

He is standing beside the two pilots, and one of the pilots looks at him. "Sir, confirm arrest?"

"Yes," the middle-aged man remains calm, "we'll ask them everything that occurred... they sure have so much to explain, and a coffee would be good while listening to them."