
Will of Light

The world of humanity will face a great threat that will bring all of them to the brink of extinction. Anarkion, a young man is chosen for a huge task and that is to find the other righteous humans who will fight with him. Unfortunately, the world starts to change into a world that he didn't know can comprise.

Ink_Fire · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Light

Chapter 4: Light

The cold wind is currently traveling throughout the whole city of Laman. A white line is traveling at the speed of lightning high in the air, thence it hits the paved ground beside a tall, wide structure.

Therefore, the white line is a man, it is Anarkion who's carrying the unconscious Trifa in his arms. Then he turns beside him and runs swiftly towards the entrance of the hospital.

A tall man wearing dark attire steps toward the entrance and Anarkion was put to a halt. Anarkion moves his eyes upward and sees the cold stare of the tall man at him.

"Why are you blocking my way?! Can't you see that I'm having a problem here?" Anarkion furiously asked the tall man.

The tall man remains calm. "I'm sorry but the hospital is full."

"FULL?!" Anarkion's eyes go wide as his eyebrows furrow, "This city is a wealthy city that has many advanced and futuristic features! What I can't comprehend is how can a tremendous hospital be full?!"

The tall man exhales shortly while his eyes are fixated on Anarkion. "Turn around now sir, before I make a—"

A blade points at his throat causing his eyes to go wide and his lip to open in shock. Anarkion moves his eyes beside the tall man and sees a young man staring at the tall man while wielding a sword.

"So what? Can't you make an exception for people who are in need?" the young man beside the tall man spoke.

The tall man slowly raises his shaking hands as he speaks, "P-Please enter the hospital."

Anarkion speaks to the young man. "Thank you, Helkrias. Anarkion's the name."

Helkrias shifts his eyes to Anarkion. "Well, thank you for the late update, Anarkion. Now go."

The tall man steps aside, giving way to Anarkion. Anarkion yells loudly as he can feel his heart beating fast. "I HOPE I CAN MAKE IT IN TIME!"

A droplets of blood are falling from Trifa's wound. Anarkion moves his eyes down and sees the clean white tiles as he can feel the cold wind touching his exposed skin.

Then a tall woman runs in front of him. Anarkion moves his eyes upward and sees a tall woman in front of him. She moves her hand upwards; her fingertips extend upward as they stick to each other forming a sharp blade.

Anarkion's eyes flash a bright white light causing the woman in front of him to walk back forcedly while her eyes are closed.

Anarkion jumps aside and continues to move forward. Helkrias reaches his side while running, and Anarkion moves his eyes to Helkrias.

Helkrias speaks while looking forward. "I know a room where her wounds can heal."

Anarkion nods, then Helkrias settles his hand on his shoulder, and both of them vanish. Anarkion opens his eyes and looks everywhere only to see a red wall, a white floor, and a grey ceiling.

He also sees a variety of equipment around him. Helkrias walks toward Anarkion, so Anarkion moves his eyes to Helkrias and sees his hands raised while pointing at him in a gesture of asking for something.

"Oh, sorry." Anarkion gently lent Trifa to Helkrias.

Helkrias walks toward the white table while carrying Trifa in his arms. He gently puts her down on the grey mattress whilst Anarkion continues to gaze at him.

"Is he a professional doctor?" Anarkion asked himself.

The crystal speaks through his mind. "No, he's one of the champions that you're pursuing. He's the champion of wood."

Anarkion asks, "A champion of wood? What exactly is wood?"

The crystal replies, "A wood is one of the important aspects of the lives of humanity that lived before this era, the era of peace and cleanliness.

"But everything changes when they seek power. Then the era of separation of people has come, causing humans to divide into different lives."

"I get it," Anarkion raises his hand towards his cheek, "but I don't get it, where's the wood in your explanation?"

"Stop ordering me around!" the crystal speaks in the sharp tone of its voice, "a wood is what you can find in a forest, it is needed for many things like paper, houses, and many different things. Now, do you finally get what wood is?! Or are you still not getting it because you're an idiot!"

"No," Anarkion hums, "first and foremost, I don't know what a forest is. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you, but I don't know nor see the appearance of an actual forest."

The crystal utters calmly. "I am sorry for screaming at you, kid. It's just that I didn't think that a person like you exists.

"Many have seen an actual forest but it isn't your fault for not seeing one. Sadly, humanity crossed the line after being invaded by their greed.

"Their greed resulted in many of them being divided, they separated from each other and built their nation; everything didn't turn out to be good for them."

"What happened to them?" Anarkion asked the crystal through his mind.

"Anarkion! Are you okay?" Helkrias looked at Anarkion.

Anarkion's eyes go wide as his eyebrows arise, he sees Helkrias gazing at him. Then he starts to walk towards him. "I was just thinking about something, sorry."

"Well," Helkrias turns around, "I am done healing her, but I'm afraid that she'll sleep for a long time."

Anarkion halts beside Helkrias, all of a sudden he feels a heavy feeling on his whole body; his eyes go wide as his forelegs are beginning to fold against his will.

Helkrias looks at him in concern. "Are you okay? Don't tell me that I'm also going to cure you?"

"No!" Anarkion straightens his whole body even if his forelegs are shaking, "I'm fine. I need to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" Helkrias asked.

Anarkion looks straight into his eyes. "You are one of the champions that I'm pursuing."

"Wait?" Helkrias steps back from Anarkion, "Are you okay? Because if you're not okay then I will heal you also."

"I am okay," Anarkion shifts his eyes to Trifa and back to Helkrias, "both of you are champions. A champion is entrusted with the job to prevent the awakening to happen."

"I don't want to be a champion!" Helkrias' breath started to shake along with his hands.

Anarkion tells Helkrias. "The awakening can destroy this world! We're meant to be chosen to be a champion because we are the chosen ones for this job."

"My mother," Helkrias looks down as tears fill his eyes, "she died from being a champion because she needed to sacrifice her life to put a stop to a threat."

"My condolence for your mother," Anarkion tells Helkrias, "but you need to move on! This world needs you! And I need you the most."

Helkrias' hands begin to close and it shakes rapidly. "I-I don't give a damn about this world!"

Meanwhile, in front of the gate of the city of Laman. A filthy-looking man is thrown away by the kick of one of the heavily armored guards.

The two guards laugh while gazing at the filthy-looking man. One of the guards speaks, "You? Asking for money? Poor people like you who can't even earn a large amount of money? You're a fool!"

"How will you pay the money that you will borrow? First, get a proper job! You damn fool!" The other guard said.

The filthy-looking man crawls toward the two heavily armored men. "But you two have a large amount of money hidden in your pockets right? Please! I'll do anything! Please just lend me some of your money!"

"Money eh?" one of the guards walks toward the filthy-looking man, "First, get a fucking job!"

He raises his foot and swings it towards the filthy-looking man hitting him on his face. The heavily armored guard repeatedly kicks and stomps the filthy-looking man on his chest and abdomen.

A masked man is standing afar from the filthy-looking man, and he raises his hand and centers it on the filthy-looking man.

"Arise!" he yelled loudly.

The eyes of the filthy man begin to glow brightly to dark red, thence a dark red light appears and so a tremendous explosion of red energy occurs.

A big cloud of smoke can be seen outside the gate. A gigantic male humanoid flies out from the big cloud of smoke, he lands inside the city of Laman.

Nearby civilians begin to scream as they turn around, and run away. Inside the room where Anarkion, Trifa, and Helkrias are.

Anarkion looks behind him and he feels a tingle throughout his whole body. Anarkion turns around and sees Helkrias gazing upwards.

"If you change your mind," Anarkion tells him, "just go to the park and I'll be there quickly."

"But!" Helkrias moves his eyes to Anarkion, "Where are you going? What about this woman?"

"I'll leave her in your care." Anarkion glowed brightly, once the bright white light disappears: Anarkion can no longer be seen.

The gigantic male humanoid continues to run as it stomps on numerous buildings.

The gigantic male humanoid's skin is red and it has red glowing lines all over his whole body. He has gigantic dark wings and metallic hands that are bigger than his arms.

Meanwhile, Lina is standing on the paved road while her eyes are staring at the gigantic male humanoid.

Thence the gigantic male humanoid raises his hands and claps causing a huge strong force to occur, then it travels forward as it destroys every structure that it touches.

The gigantic strong force is coming closer to Lina but she remains standing on her ground. A bright white light appears in front of Lina and the gigantic strong force hits the bright white light. The gigantic strong force spreads everywhere and it was completely put to a halt.

The bright white light disappears and Lina's eyes go wide. She utters, "Anarkion?"

Anarkion who's standing in front of Lina turns around and sees the shocked look on Lina's mug.

He raises his hand to his hair and rubs it as he whistles. "Well, I'll explain it later."

Lina moves her eyes upward, she points her index finger at the sky. "Anarkion! Look up!"

Anarkion moves his eyes upward and sees the gigantic male humanoid approaching him from above. The gigantic male humanoid flies down to Anarkion and releases a loud ferocious roar from its mouth.

Anarkion folds his forelegs as his pupils are beginning to radiate a bright silver light. Thence Anarkion jumps as his hand is surrounded by white energy.

Anarkion thrusts the bright white energy and it reaches the face of the gigantic male humanoid. A huge force from Anarkion's punch delivers a great force that sends the gigantic male humanoid flying away.

The gigantic male humanoid crashes on the paved ground as Anarkion remains levitating, hence his eyes go wide as he can feel excruciating pain in his upper body.

"They're firing bullets at you, kid!" the crystal spoke.

White energy covers Anarkion as the silver light on his pupils is disappearing. Anarkion coughs and strains of blood come out of his mouth.

Anarkion looks down. "I don't want to die, I want to live and protect this world."

Multiple broad aircraft can be seen surrounding Anarkion and Lina. Lina moves her eyes upward as she turns everywhere.

Lina yells loudly. "Please! I pledge all of you! He saved me from the—"

A gigantic structure hits one of the aircraft, hence it explodes as its pieces scatter everywhere. Lina crouches as she embraces her head.

The gigantic male humanoid lands in front of Lina and Anarkion. The floating white energy orb disappears revealing a levitating Anarkion with his eyes that are shut tight.

The gigantic male humanoid licks its lip and he begins to walk towards the floating unconscious Anarkion.

He raises his hand, and extends it toward Anarkion, Lina arises from the ground and she points her hand at the gigantic male humanoid.

Anarkion's eyes begin to open; both of his pupils are silver. His hair is white, and his attire has also changed. Anarkion raises his hand and points it at the gigantic male humanoid.

A white light appears on the wrists of the gigantic male humanoid and it immediately disappears. The hand of the gigantic male humanoid has disappeared and then blood starts to fall from his wrist.

Lina shifts her eyes beside her and sees Anarkion landing beside her. The gigantic male humanoid releases a roar that releases multiple large strong forces of the wind, however, it didn't work in putting Anarkion's movement to a stop.

Anarkion moves at a speed of light leaving trails of the white line. The gigantic male humanoid is hit by Anarkion on his abdomen, chest, back, and on his chin delivering him flying up to the sky.

The other aircraft are beginning to fly closer to the gigantic male humanoid. Helkrias who's jumping from building to building jumps from the edge of a tall structure.

Helkrias thrusts his feet causing the strong force to propel him onwards the other aircraft. All of a sudden, he envisions a lady smiling at him.

"Ma, I will do this! To protect the world and continue your legacy!" he released a tremendous force from his foot that propels him at a greater speed toward the other aircraft.

Helkrias raises his hand towards his back, and so a sword and shield appear on his back. Thence Helkrias pulls the sword from its sheath and uses his other hand to hold the shield.

Helkrias releases a greater stronger force from his foot that propels him so fast towards the numerous aircraft. Therefore, Helkrias slices the aircraft in half and he lands on the ground after the multiple aircraft explode.

Lina turns around and sees Helkrias standing in his position while looking up.

The gigantic male humanoid flaps his wing causing him to recover his position in the air. Anarkion appears in front of his bare eyes.

Anarkion narrows his eyes at the gigantic male humanoid, and so, the eyes of the gigantic male humanoid begin to widen in fear and shock.

Multiple orbs appear around the arms, hands, abdomen, thighs, and feet of the gigantic male humanoid.

"I now cleanse you," Anarkion spoke.

A masked man appears in front of Anarkion. Anarkion's eyes go wide and the masked man raises his hand and points it at Anarkion.

Anarkion thrusts his clenched hand towards the masked man but dark strings appear; wrapping his whole body. Anarkion is put to a stop as the masked man flies closer to him.

"So you have what I need?" the masked man chuckles, "that white crystal will be mine."

"You will... Not have it!" Anarkion declared.

Anarkion opens his hand and then a wide line of white energy emerges from the palm of his hand, it hits the masked man.

The masked man flies away and crashes on the paved road whilst the dark strings vanish from Anarkion's whole body.

The gigantic male humanoid reduces to dark wind, and it goes toward the masked man. Anarkion's eyes go wide and he looks everywhere only to see that his surround has changed to the color of white.

In front of him is a man in his thirties. Anarkion shifts his eyes toward the man who's standing in front of him.

"Who are you?" Anarkion said.

"I am an unfortunate human that is forcedly transformed onto the gigantic humanoid," the man replied to Anarkion.

"Please do anything to stop that masked man," the man tells Anarkion, "if he will not be stopped then many other humans like me will turn into a beast."

Anarkion inhales deeply, and he looks straight into the eye of the man that is gazing at him. Anarkion speaks, "I will do anything in my power to stop the masked man."

The man nods and Anarkion closes his eyes and immediately opens them only to see the masked man standing in his position.

"I will tear you apart!" Anarkion declared.

The masked man raises his hands and points them in different directions. "Then do it."