
Will of Light

The world of humanity will face a great threat that will bring all of them to the brink of extinction. Anarkion, a young man is chosen for a huge task and that is to find the other righteous humans who will fight with him. Unfortunately, the world starts to change into a world that he didn't know can comprise.

Ink_Fire · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Kindness

Chapter 1: Kindness

In the region of Butil, the most impoverished region of Malaya. In that region, most of the structures are houses made from cheap materials; the houses don't have a big distance from each other, and they're almost sticking to each other.

The long, narrow pathway where vehicles move has multiple cracks and deep pressed holes; filled with dirty water. The civilians in the region of Butil look filthy along with their attire. Most kids are naked and some are wearing attires that have many holes in them.

A young man is walking on the sidewalk. The sidewalk has many dark stains on it and a few excrements of dogs and cats.

Speaking of dogs and cats, their bodies are thin and they have a look that didn't taken a bath for many years. In other words, they too are filthy looking.

Speaking of the young man, he stops in front of a wooden desk that is built in front of an opened window of a house.

He moves his eyes down and sees a variety of grains of rice put in a wooden container which is separated by a wooden wall.

"Anarkion," a middle-aged woman walks toward Anarkion, "what are you doing here?"

Anarkion moves his eyes upward and he feels the rumbling of his stomach. He replies, "Hi, Aling Felina. I w-want—"

Aling Felina moves her eyes down and up at Anarkion, she speaks coldly. "Do you have sufficient money with you? Or are you going to steal a couple of my grains?"

Anarkion shakes his head and slides his hand inside the pocket of his bottom clothing. He moves at every corner of his pocket only to touch the silk.

He moves his eyes up and sees the cold look of Felina in her eyes. Slowly, he moves his hand from the pocket of his bottom clothing and presses his hands together, and moves his face down.

He speaks, "P-Please! I beg for your kindness... My money was stolen from me and it is unexpected!"

Felina raises her eyebrows at him. "You know the rules, Anarkion... No money, no grain! During this period, you can not just beg someone to give you something for free. You need something to acquire your desired object."

Anarkion deepens his forehead on his hands. "I will do anything! I will offer anything you'll want! Just, please, lend me some of your finest grains of rice!"

Felina smiles slyly. "Anything?"

Anarkion moves his forehead away from his hands, a wide smile forms on his lip, and his eyes are filled with joy. "Y-Yes, anything for you, Aling Felina."

"I want you to find the reason for the object that is hindering the function of my toilet," Felina told Anarkion.

Later on, Felina is walking in an alleyway, where the awful smell of urine, feces, and waste is filling the air. Felina's hand is covering her nose as she walks and then she halts in front of a manhole cover.

Anarkion is walking behind her and he halts beside Felina. She shifts her attention toward Anarkion and points her index finger to the manhole cover.

"You see that?" she tells him, "you need to go down there, and learn the reason why our sewage pipe isn't functioning right."

Anarkion moves his eyes to Felina. "But, aren't you giving me tools for me to use?"

Felina rolls her eyes. "Listen, young man... Do you want to eat it or not? Because I ain't got time wasting, just to explain every bit of your questions."

Anarkion moves his eyes downward and he immediately moves them up, and then he nods many times at her.

"Good." Felina stepped forward to the manhole cover.

She folds her knee and begins to extend her hands on the manhole cover, yet a pair of hands touch her hands.

"Let me do it, Aling Felina," Anarkion told Felina.

Felina stares at him as she arises from the ground. Anarkion holds the manhole cover and lifts it. Anarkion remains moving the manhole cover as his arms and hands are shaking rapidly.

"I-I can do this!" he bites his teeth, "I will earn my grains of rice."

He feels an object hit his back, all of a sudden, his hands open and the manhole cover lands on his foot, his eyes go wide as he utters a low discomfort sound from his mouth.

"Ouch!" he kicked the manhole cover away from his foot. He looks behind him only to be kicked by Felina on his abdomen. While bouncing away: Anarkion witnesses the cold stare from Felina's eyes.

He continues to fly until he falls onto the ground. Anarkion's eyes see the round hole and the light streaming through it. Felina steps closer to the round hole and she bends her upper body.

"I'm sorry," Felina inhales deeply, "this is the way that my business will prosper."

Anarkion falls on the sewage's water, the back of his head hits a filthy rock. Blood starts to fall from the back of his head and it is streaming into the polluted water.

His eyes remain open while his sight is getting blurry. He speaks to himself as he can feel something within him that is beginning to fade from his whole body and that is his life.

The manhole cover is returned to its original place by the hands of a tall, bulky man. Felina is standing behind him, the tall, bulky man.

Furthermore, he is wearing cheap-looking attire, thence he turns around and steps closer to Felina.

He slides his hand inside the pocket of his bottom clothing, brings out a dark long rectangular folder, and then begins to walk toward Felina.

The middle-aged woman's lip curves upward as she's brushing the palm of her hands against each other. "Here it comes, the price of my hard work!"

"Felina," the tall, bulky man stops his movements in front of Felina, "this year is your 10th year of being a member of the 'organization', am I right?"

Felina looks up from the dark long rectangular folder. She narrows her eyes at the tall, bulky man but couldn't see his eyes because of his dark-tinted eyeglasses.

"Hemaiton, just give me the money!" she swiftly thrusts her hand to the dark long rectangular folder, "that's mine."

Hemaiton raises the dark long rectangular folder, hence he smirks upon seeing the frustration on Felina's face.

"My, oh, my," Hemaiton laughs softly, "are you sure that the person you've slaughtered has healthy organs?"

Felina nods. "I'm very aware of the condition of that boy."

Hemaiton moves the dark long rectangular folder towards Felina. "Well, that answer of yours is my amenity from boss' wrath."

Felina swiftly grabs the dark long rectangular folder from his hand. Hemaiton bends his upper body in front of her, thence he begins to walk with a sly smile forming on his lip.

He walks toward a dark car that has the design and functions of a grand tourer. A young small man who's wearing a suit and tie comes out from the door beside the passenger side.

As Hemaiton is approaching the door of the driver's side, the young small man goes to the door of the driver's side; he opens the door.

Hemaiton steps inward the driver's side whilst the small young man slightly pulls the door of the driver's side and pushes it. Hence, he goes to the passenger's side.

Hemaiton looks at the fuel gauge whilst the young man beside him is looking straight; the posture of his upper body is straight as wood.

"Excellent," Hemaiton slaps the arm of the young man, "you did a great job in securing the fuel."

"Thank you, sir." he rubbed his arm.

Hemaiton presses his back on his seat. He presses the button on the door lock control and it triggers the doors of the car to be locked once again.

"You know," Hemaiton smiles slightly, "you cannot just hide a secret forever, either an event may occur causing a hidden secret to be revealed or a person might cause your hidden secret to be revealed."

Felina smiles widely as she opens the dark long rectangular folder, she slides her other hand inside and pulls money from it and it was a ton of money.

"With this, I'll continue to prosper!" Felina pulls the tons of money toward her nose, "Thanks, Anarkion. With this, I will be able to buy my needs!"

Multiple eyes of individuals are fixated on her, multiple boys, girls, women, and men are stepping out from the shadow and some from behind a wall.

Felina turns around her as she hears multiple sounds of low, mournful sounds of human voices nearby. Then her eyes start to go wide while being approached by all of them.

Felina steps backward until she hits the body of a tall young man. His eyes are emotionless and he embraces Felina, Felina swings her whole body attempting to fight against the grappling of the tall young man behind her.

But to no avail, Felina couldn't shake him off, thence the tall young man moves his nose to her shoulder and sniffs it.

"Hu... Hungry." he opened his mouth and presses his teeth on her skin.

Felina screams and the other humans scramble towards her, hence the children bite her thighs and forelegs; their dark teeth penetrate her skin.

Men and women pull her forearms from her arms causing them to stretch until her forearms separate from her arms. Felina caterwauls as she feels multiple pain flowing throughout her whole body.

The hungry humans continue to feast upon the whole body of Felina. The dark long rectangular folder lands on the ground, and droplets of fresh blood land on it.

All of a sudden, the wind is starting to be filled with the sounds of guns and crying humans. Later on, Hemaiton is gazing upon the scattered deceased bodies of anthropophaginians.

"Shit," Hemaiton holds the band of his cigarette and pulls it from his mouth, "the cannibals exist in poor areas? Well, I cannot blame them... Poor creatures, they don't get to taste good foods either clean water."

The young man who's with him inside the car, steps toward the piles of the deceased body of cannibals. Hence he removes the cap of the portable fuel tank beside him, and lifts it.

He starts to walk over to the pile of deceased cannibals while pouring fuel over them. He abruptly halts upon seeing a torn body of a lady.

"May you rest in peace." he bowed his head.

Afterward, Hemaiton throws his cigarette to the pile of the body of the deceased cannibals. His cigarette sets the pile of the body of deceased cannibals ablaze. Hence, Hemaiton steps back until he's standing beside the young man.

The young man raises his hand to his eyes and brushes the tear from the corner of his eyes whilst Hemaiton moves his face downward.

"May you all, may you all eat all the food that you haven't tasted," Hemaiton sniffs, "I am so sorry for what I've done... Yet, I cannot allow cannibals to exist, what about the bright future of the other humans here?"

The young man shifts his eyes to Hemaiton. "I am more concerned about Boss' reaction to our action."

Hemaiton straightens his face, his eyes watch the particles of fire flying from the thick fire and vanishing in the air.

Hemaiton speaks, "the boss, he's a man who likes to move forward and not care for whatever failure will happen on any of his plans. He just moves on to achieve success."

The young man nods and looks away from Hemaiton.

"Do you know what he loves to eat?" Hemaiton smiled slightly.

The young man shakes his head while looking forward. Hemaiton shifts his eyes to the young man, his arms and hands inflate as it changes to the color of dark grey.

His hand becomes long and flies swiftly towards the young man. Hemaiton laughs loudly and the young man jumps backward as he slides his hands inside the pocket of his bottom clothing.

"Piez is my name," the young man, Piez tells Hemaiton, "remember that in the afterlife, you monster."

Piez brings out a dual piston. Its muzzle starts to radiate a crimson light, henceforth bullets covered with crimson energy fly from the muzzle and go swiftly towards Hemaiton.

The crimson energy-covered bullet digs deep into his dark grey big arms, hence it inflates, and explodes; scattering his dark green blood everywhere.

Hemaiton releases a cry of his distress and it sounds beastly. Hemaiton's teeth become sharp and he narrows his eyes at Piez who's standing away from him. "How did you manage to bypass our sensory unit?! Moreover, I couldn't believe that a failure like you would manage to trick me like this!"

Piez smiles slyly as he puts crimson glowing bullets into the magazine. He steps toward Hemaiton and looks up at his raging eyes. "Oh, how did I bypass your so-called tough sensory units? I guess being genius runs in my veins."

The wind blows over them, Hemaiton bends his forelegs and releases a great force that propels him toward Piez.

Piez swiftly moves his pistols upward and rapidly presses the trigger of his pistols; multiple crimson bullets emerge from the muzzle of his pistols and all of them dig deep onto the body parts of Hemaiton.

The bullets inside Hemaiton, all of them explodes. Hemaiton's eyes close as he hits the ground which is far from Piez.

Piez stops in his footsteps and turns around him only to see the lifeless body of Hemaiton. Piez turns around and begins to walk until he is in front of a manhole cover.

The light of the moon lifts the manhole cover away, and guides him to see the lifeless body of Anarkion that is laying on the shallow sewage water.

"I found him," Piez smiles, "I found the inheritor of the crystal... Finally."

Piez gulps and take one step from the manhole. Then he lifts his hands and straightens them. His scleras are beginning to be filled with white light, and the palm of his hands are radiating a bright white light.

"I call upon the will of light!" Piez yells loudly, "I ask upon thee to awaken the first champion of your will! Grant him the power, and the chance to live and be one of the newborn protectors!"

White light appears and starts to surround the manhole. A white diamond object appears floating above the manhole, thence it quickly descends onto the manhole and enters Anarkion's chest.

His eyes begin to open and it is filled with white light, his whole body begins to arise and his hair is changing to the color of white with a dark streak.

The clouds begin to go dark and pours rapid raindrops on the ground, the ground starts to shake lightly, and lightning roars on the clouds. A strong force of wind appears and it destroys some of the houses, and the temperature becomes hot.

The people start to sweat rapidly while a heavy downpour is occurring. The bright white light disappears and all of a sudden: everything goes back to normal.

The civilians of the region of Butil, are confused about what occurred. Anarkion is standing in front of Piez and Piez is smiling at him.

Anarkion speaks while looking at his arms. "I knew that I died, but how did I become alive?"

Piez coughs and Anarkion moves his attention towards him. Piez begins to speak, "There are so many things that I would like to explain to you, yet we need to hide."

"Ok then," Anarkion told him.

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