
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Wyvern nest

The next morning Sil woke up earlier then she expected, she walked down stairs to see the john up cleaning shot glasses. "Good morning lady Sil." He said as kept cleaning the glasses.

Sil gave him a wave before walking over to the bar, "morning John, can you make me some breakfast?" She asked still a little sleepy.

John didn't hesitate to walk into the back room to start cooking, Sil was confused he didn't ask her what she wanted but she had a feeling he knew what he was doing.

Not even 5 minutes later the John came back out holding a plate above his shoulder with a drink on it, placing it in front of Sil. "This is a mantis egg with fire bore bacon with milk from a horned cow please enjoy."

Sil looked at the plate half covered with eggs and half bacon with a tall glass of milk, "did you say this is one egg?" She asked not believing one egg could give so much, but she didn't hesitate to start eating.

"Yes mama this is a egg from a mantis, the eggs they lay can grow up to 6 inches tall and 4 inches wide." He answered with a slight bow, Sil nodded as she kept eating enjoying the flavor of the fluffy eggs and taking a few chomps of bacon here and there.

It didn't take long for her to finish the food with a sigh of satisfied getting a soft smile from John, as Jack and Scar started walking down the steps.

"I'm going to take a walk I'll be back in 15 minutes be ready by then, Scar I need my gold." She ordered as she walking toward him, Scar stuck out his paw as a bag of gold appeared in his claws handing it to Sil.

"You can eat as much as you need we'll be running to the wyvern nests." She added before leaving the inn. outside the inn, the roads were still active so leaving Sil got stares from everyone but she kept walking down the road avoiding their gazes.

Sil walked into a shop with mannikins nicely dressed in the front. Entering the store a bell went off as someone greeted her with a bow. The man was 6ft tall with a red tuxedo that matched his hair and his red eyes.

The man lead her to the front counter to talk with a female elf dressed in a black dress matching her hair. The elf looked at Sil with discussed or that's what she thought the elf was actually looking at the clothes she had on.

"Mama how much money are you willing to spend with us today?" The elf asked In a friendly manner with a soft smile. Sil pulled out 2 giant copper coins and one silver giant coin getting a sigh of relief from the elf as her smile grew. "Please miss this way."

Sil followed her to the back room and the woman took her measurements, mumbling "impressive" or "wow" every now and again.

When she was done writing her measurements down the elf walked over "what would you like miss? you seem like a warrior but you might want a party dress?" She asked with a pencil in hand.

"I'm actually looking for a comfortable outfit that looks good on me and another one to impress some nobles I'm supposed to meet." She answered nonchalantly getting the elf to nod a couple times writing what she said on the paper.

"You don't mind if I use allusion magic do you?" The elf asked with a worried look, "not at all" she answered getting a bright smile from the elf.

The elf spun her finger in a circle in front of Sil before a magic circle appeared giving Sil a new set of clothes. Sil was now wearing a black long sleeve shirt with a red leather jacket with a black stripes stretching down to the red leather pants with black boots.

Sil looked in the mirror and the only thought that came to mind was a tall biker chick. "No thanks" she said and immediately changed.

Now she was wearing a red long sleeve with a pitch black vest that made her chest look good with matching her black pants that showed her curves and black boots. "I like this one" the elf's ears twitched as her bright smile returned. "This one will take 5 minutes to make and it will be 6 silver pieces."

"That's fine I need my next outfit to be the best you have even if you use up all the coin I showed you" Sil said turning back to the elf who deeply bowed "of course" Sil's outfit immediately changed as the elf stood back upright.

Sil was now wearing a tight pure black dress that almost glistened, the dress left a widow at the top of her breasts as it stretching all they down to her hand giving her gloves, her dress also loosened up as it stretched down her right leg to her shin with the the left side stoping at her knee.

"Maybe. It's not to bad let's see one or two more." Her outfit changed into another dress but this time it was red it had a turtleneck in the back leaving the font open showing the top of her breasts with the rest of the suit tight with a red feathers covering her legs. "Definitely not" she said with a little giggle.

The next outfit was a slick red with a hit of black dress with black beast skulls on the shoulders that looked like wolfs, with the dress covering up her legs showing the bright blood read boots she was wearing. "I like it but how'd you know I like boots."

The elf kept her smile "you don't seem like the type of girl to wear high heels and flat shoes are to improper. The dress will be 2 gold coins and it will take a day to make is that a problem?" She asked with a worried tone.

"That's fine my other set is ready for me, right?" She asked as they walked out the room with Sil's original black dress reappearing. "Yes mama it's waiting on the counter."

They walked over to the counter with the mad dressed in all read waited for them. "That will be 2 gold and 6 silver pieces." Sil put the money on the counter "can I also get that delivered to the dragon fire inn."

The elf smiled smiled brightly seeing the copper coin. "That will be 3 extra silver and where is your residence located?" Sil put the 3 silver on the counter "dragon fire inn, have a good day" she answered grabbing her bag leaving the store going back to the inn.

She didn't bother to changing so he got plenty of stares on the way back but she didn't care. Entering the inn the seeing the Jack,Scar and Clair enjoying the giant plates of food at the counter.

They all turned to her but she raised a hand "keep eating, I need to change in the void." They relaxed and kept eating as Sil walked into Scar's back.

As Sil entered the void she threw her big into the air letting it disappear. "Scar can you try and change my clothes." She asked but it sounded like a order so Scar did as he was told and removed Sil's clothes putting her new outfit on making her smile.

"Good work I'll probably like to change like this for now on, let me out." She said walking out the void in her new outfit getting everyone to stare.

The bartender John started clapping softly "you look beautiful lady Sil." Sil smiled a John "this is nothing you should see the dress I spent 2 gold coins in." Everyone turned to her in disbelief "2 gold coins?" Jack asked.

"Yes it's a beautiful dress but enough about that it's time to go, let's go." Sil siad waving at John before they left the inn with the group getting everyone to stop and look at the group.

But Sil started walking away not noticing the short people looking up at her. "Scar give Jack the map he's going to lead the way, Clair your going to wait in the void till we there." She ordered not stoping as they entered a building with a sword a shield on top.

When they entered the entire room looked at her and her group, like always she walked past everyone walking up to the counter to see a buff male adventure with his arms crossed waiting for her. "What would you like today?" He asked with his raspy deep voice.

"I would like a adventures license" she said nonchalantly placing 3 gold coins on the counter making the smile brightly. "Of course what's your adventure name?" he asked placing a gold dog in front of her.

"Sil" she answered with the name immediately engraving on the dog tag. Sil nodded to the adventure grabbing the dog tag walking over to a giant digital board slowly turning pages on the biggest bounty's.

Sil stared at the board, "what are you looking for master?" Jack asked looking at the board standing next to her. "Looking for anything wyvern related or any other beast that have a bounty in that area." She said calmly watching Jack control the board with ease.

Looking at the screen it showed 3 bounty's, one was a red wyvern another was a troll and the last one was the removal of a bandit camp. "We'll take them all let's go." Sil ordered as Jack got the printed bounty's from the bounty board.

What Sil didn't notice was when she said grab all the bounty's everyone looked at the board seeing the quests. Some people choked on their drinks seeing the rewards for the quest.

Suddenly a 7ft man wearing blood red armor stopped Sil with a giant battle axe that matched his armor. "Do you mind if I come along." He asked but it was clearly a demand, Sil chuckled a little "if you don't want to die I recommend you get out the way." Sil said in a sweet tone and a smile not matching her words.

The man raised his axe "I'll like to see you try!" He said swinging the axe as hard as he could at Sil's head, but all it took was the flick of her blade to cute the axe into turning the mighty battle axe into a metal pole.

Everyone gawked at the seen but nobody expected what would come next "Scar throw him in the void I'll deal with his punishment later. As for everyone else remember me, Sil because if you don't you might get swallowed into the void with this weakling." As she said this Scar lifted the man into the air shoving him into his giant open mouth.

But he didn't eat him he knew Sil wanted to intimidate everyone so he picked the most dramatic way to put the man into the void.

Sil laugh echoed through the building. Sil looked like a crazy person leaving but she just kept walking toward the gate.

The guards had no problem with people leaving the kingdom so they walked out without any trouble. As they entered the woods Sil started running making Scar laugh "my muscle we're starting to get rusty"

Jack smiled at Scar jumping on his back "then you don't mind carrying me a little, I'll make it up to you later." Jack said laying down on his back getting a toothy grin out of scar. "You better."

They group was running at their usual pass of 55 mph through the woods toward a mountain in the distance. Jack was riding Scar while giving directions and skewering anything that approaches.

After a two hour of straight running they made it to the base of the mountain "finally" Scar said shaking Jack off his back. "Fine, fine" Jack said hopping off landing next to Sil who was looking up at the mountain sensing the wyverns.

"Follow me and don't speak without being spoken to." Sil ordered climbing the mountain with ease without the need for her hands. Scar and Jack did as they were told with a questioning look on their faces.

Sil climes half way up the mountain before running into a cave at full speed going down the narrow tunnels before interning a opening that was shining brightly.

Sil immediately stoped gazing at the site in front of her, she wouldn't have guessed in a million years that the mountain was hollow with trees and giant stone arches making the place looks magical, not mentioning the hundreds of wyverns flying around or resting on the arches.

Scar and jack finally caught up to see the amazing site but they couldn't look long because sil was running straight for building on the other side. "You two stay close." Sil ordered forcing them to use mama to stay close to her.

Every wyvern in the area started charging at them but they made it to the building shaped like a dome with a couple holes in the sides.

Every wyvern stoped following them staying a couple yards back. "That's what I thought, Jack go into the void. Scar get ready to run just incase." Sil ordered pushing forward into the darkish dome hearing a booming voice as she entered.

"Never in my life have I ever met a human with such a strong spine." The voice came from a giant 80ft tall black dragon with spines for scales that emerged from the shadows.

"I'm actually not here for any trouble if possible, I just want some crystals I know you have spar." Sil said In a confident tone to her voice getting the dragon to show his sharp menacing teeth.

"Strong spine indeed." He said with a booming laugh, wagging its tail back and forth hitting the ground doing so causing a small earthquake with every struck.

Suddenly a wyvern entered the dome that was pure white with blue eyes and a white horn on its head. "My apologies master, I wasn't aware of the humans arrival in time."

The dragon stoped laughing pointing at the wyvern who entered "this is the one you need to talk to but I warn you he won't like what you ask." He said continuing his booming laughter without the mini earthquakes.

The wyvern looked at Sil in confusion "what do you want human?" It hissed showing its anger "I need a couple crystals 6 to be exact." She said nonchalantly getting the dragon to laugh louder as the wyvern spread its wings as wide as it could, a impressive 25 feet wide wings.

"A human dares to ask for my fallen family's hearts" it's voice was amplified by its wings overpowering the laughter of the dragon causing Sil to clean her ear with her pinky and scar to cover his ears.

The dragon stoped laughing walking out the shadows completely showing it's massively form. The dragon was a football fields long not including its 20ft tail that was covered in deadly spikes ranging from 1ft to 5ft in size, not mention its wings that pressed tightly against the body making it look bigger then it actually was.

"I think you should just give them to her you'll probably die fighting her." The dragon said standing over Sil bringing its massive head down to her "you don't smell human but you look it"

Sil reached out her hand petting the dragon on the forehead stunning the wyvern, Scar and the dragon. "I'm awakened" she said letting her hand down looking back to the wyvern. "So about those crystals?" She asked with a smile.

The wyvern exhaled lighting through its nose before turning around "follow me" it said flying away. "Scar chase it. Can I have your name dragon?" Sil asked looking back to the dragon that was sitting like a dog looking down on her.

"I have no name but human call me the black dragon spines." He said puffing its chest out with pride. "What about Ainz the black dragon" suddenly when Sil finished her sentence her limit in her mimic skill broke causing her mama to sky rocket making a bright shining light going into the sky temporary crippling everything in the area beside Ainze who felt reborn.

After Sil was able to control her power reapplying her mama mimic skill to king looking up to the happy dragon in front of her. "I've never thought I would be granted a name I'm in your debt." Ainze said bowing his head.

Sil was actually painting feeling light heading stumbling to her knee but before she could fall Ainzl caught her with his wing putting her on his back. "I'll take you to your friend" he said flying out the dome toward a hole in the ground not to far away.

Every wyvern in the area trembled from the site of the dragon flying over head landing on the edge of the hole in the ground. "Get out here you old bastard." Ainz said in-patiently getting two wyverns to leave the hole with scar In one of their hands like he was their next meal.

"Let my bear go im sure he can walk." Sil ordered the white wyvern making it scowl a little releasing Scar. The other wyvern was a orange color with reddish spikes here and there. "What brings you down here." The wyvern asked looking at Ainz

"My name is Ainz and I'm here to help this awakened one get what she needs so she can leave without any of you touching her." He said standing over the wyverns clearing intimidating them.

"What kind of crystals dose she need." The orange wyvern asked showing no hostility. "4 earth, 4 ice and 4 fire." She said nonchalantly leaning on her elbows looking down on the wyverns.

"That will take a moment" it said before diving back in the hole, after 5 minutes or so it came back up holding the crystals in its claws. "Will that be all your taking?" It asked placing the crystals on the ground letting scar put them in the void.

"Nope that will be all, I'll reward you with a name before I go if you will allow me to." She said hopping off the dragon landing in front of the trembling wyvern. "Do you have to power to name two high level beast in one day?" It asked lowing its head.

"Probably not, I'll probably have to take a nap but besides that I'll live beside I'll feel bad not giving anything in return. Scar put me in the void if I pass out and if you don't mind Ainz help him out the cave." She said walking over to the wyvern with her hand on her chin.

"Of course I will do what I can." Ainz said laying down getting a closer look. "You're name will be Ortiz" like Sil expecting she broke her mama mimic skill again bringing back the pillar of light before she past out as the light disappeared.

Scar input her into the void getting a confused look from all the spectators. "Do you have meat?" He asked sitting down getting Ainz and Ortiz to look at each other then back to him, laughing at the same time.

"We should have a feast, bring meat" Ainz order as wyverns started leaving the mountain to find fresh meat. Scar smiled at Ainz "did my master give you your name?" He asked with a toothy grin getting the dragon to smile showing its teeth that could cut stone with ease. "Yes she did but dragons are different from regular beast, since I got a name I'm about to evolve to a high dragon allowing me to have a human form." He said with pride puffing out his giant chest.

Scar waved the dragon away "where are we going to eat?" He asked as he let Clair out the void because she asked to be let out. The wyverns and Ainz looked at Clair with confusion "who's this one?" Ainz asked bring his head down to Clair.

"I'm Clair a I'm a Lycian here for the feast." She declared confidently getting a laugh out the Ainz. "And feast we will" He said through his booming laughter.

After 3 hours Sil woke up in the void looking around with a sigh "how long was I out for?" She asked as the void disappeared turned into the hollow mountain. Looking around Scar and Clair were laying on their back patting their full stomachs.

"About 3 hours or so." Ainz answered bringing his head lower toward her. Sil yawed covering her mouth with one and petting Ainz with the other "it looks like break time is over let's move." Sil ordered as Clair went back into the void as Scar stood on his back legs.

"Where are you heading next lady Sil." Ainz asked enjoying the feeling Sil gave him when she petted him. "We're looking for a troll in this area and a bandit camp." She answered now using both her hands to pet under Ainz chin making his tale wag.

"I know where the camp is but that troll is always moving so I can't help you find him." He answered lifting his chin letting Sil rub the bottom of his chin and neck.

Sil stopped petting the dragon climbing up his wing he made into a ramp for her and scar to climb up.

"Hold on tight." Ainz said as he leaped into the air flying out the hollow mountain.

Sil enjoyed the feeling of the wind in her hair but Scar was having a tough time holding on so he kept quiet holding onto Ainz tightly as they flew hundreds of feet of the ground looking down at the never ending forest.

Suddenly Sil seen a giant patch of trees missing ahead making a giant circle of missing trees revealing a town with a wall around it.

"This is the closest town to the mountain their are no other towns or cities in this area." Ainz said letting Sil get a good look at the town.

(Sorry for the nonexistent post on this novel, I hoped you enjoyed)