

It takes one day for Nesrin's life to take a whole new turn. She learns her father who supposedly never existed actually exists. Then comes her boyfriend who cheats on her and has been cheating on her with her best friend her other best friend covering for them. How much more messier could her life get? Then comes the four exotically gorgeous beacon falls'boys who have a secret and don't seem to like her. What could possibly go wrong? Follow Nesrin Delion as is sucked into a whole new world she never knew existed with vengeance. Exotic and gritty, Exhilarating and utterly gripping you're in for a wild ride.

jacksonhalima83 · Teenager
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3 Chs

1.Chapter One

A party is going on. joy.

The music is so loud that the cultery on the table tops rattle. Neon lights flash everywhere like police sirens, but much more colorful. I sigh as my two best friends shriek in drunken laughter beside me. Elle leans forward and pouts.

"Can we go to another party?"

" puh-leaze?"

"No," I deadpan.

"Why not? It is our last weekend before school! come on, Nesrin!"

Sharon stands up and turns to me with pleading eyes too.

" It will be fun. Come on!"

They bounce together. Both wore flowing dresses, high heeled shoes and have brown curls that fling everywhere.

"I am taking you home. You are both drunk." I say with finality. "Come on don't be such a looser tonight,"Sharon moans. Elle frowns and flips her perfect hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, What is going on with you?"

"Did you and Sebastian have a fight?" Sharon wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

I give them both a polite fake smile and each rolls their eyes. Then Sharon grabs Elle and off they went. As I watch them skip together, holding hands and giggling, I hear Sharon's question again. Is something wrong with me?

Only that my whole world had Changed that afternoon. I can still see my mother's face when I went home for the afternoon. We had all been so happy to go out for the night. Even me. Yes, mostly because I was going to spend with Sebastian. He had been myself boyfriend for three months now.

He is nice, well, he is a douchebag at times, but he seems to like me. And I like him too. So when I get home to get ready for the party, little butterflies are in my stomach. They die and burn in flames when I open my front door. When my mother sees me a bright smile is forced out.

"Hey, honey. How was your day?"

I let go the door and it slams shut behind me. She is never home in the afternoon, always working no matter what. Which means something happened, something bad.

"What happened?"

"Oh," She gives me a dismissive wave.

"Everything is fine."


She starts sobbing. "Oh, Nesrin. I am so sorry about this. I really am."

"Mom! What is going on?"

"Yourfatherisn'tdeadandhefoundoutabouyou." She swipes at some of her tears.


She takes a deep breath. " I... your father is alive."

My insides scream at her but I don't utter a word. I collapse on the nearest couch and instead silently listen to everything she says. My father is alive. All these years and it is all her fault for leaving him when she found out she was pregnant.

My father spend years tracking us and now that he found us, she had to tell him about me, his daughter.


"Huh?" She lifts her tear stained eyes me.

"Why?" I repeat.

A soft sob and she whispers,"I just wanted you to be normal. Believe me, I had no choice."


She nods and wipes her face.

"His name is Morbius Delion. You leave for Beacon falls tomorrow."

I snap back to reality when a redhead nearly spills her drink on me. I try heading for the front door but there are so many people. I keep getting lost and so I head upstairs. It is empty somewhere I can gather my sanity again.

However, as I push into an empty bedroom, I do not expect to find Sebastian on the bed. With another girl. Sebastian's eyes go wide once he sees me.

I gut out in a laugh,"Are you kidding me?"

I turn to bolt but he catches my arm in the hallway. My heart is racing and I feel my blood boiling. Arms, legs, Knees, Everything is trembling and shaking but my voice sounds like I have just inquired about the weather.

" Isn't the cliche ending to us?"

Sebastian pauses and watches me his Adam's apple moving up and down.


"Yeah," I laugh out right now. "You were literally making out with another girl." And God knows what else they were about to do. I shudder at the thought. By now a crowd is gathered and I lock eyes with Sharon and Elle. They both have confused looks.

Sebastian breaks the spell. " I know it looks bad."

"Looks bad?" I ask in ridiculously. " Are you dense?"

Something flashes over his face and a snarl comes out. "Fine, we are done. It hasn't done me a damn thing in the three months we have dated anyway."

I gear myself.

He spats out, " You are just some high class bitch that ain't high class, Nesrin."

I lift my head. My eyes remain narrowed to slits, but no other reaction comes from me. My face is a blank mask.

"I know that you have been cheating on me."

"That makes you a fool Nesrin." A cruel smirk comes to him.

"Maybe. or maybe I don't give a crap."

He grows quite. "Yeah, even when I cheat with Elle the whole time and Sharon helps cover for it. You really got a poor taste in friends."

My heart skips a beat. The whole time? With Elle and Sharon knew? My eyes gleam with an ugly feeling. Sebastian is so smug,his mouth curling up in an ugly smile.

I slap him.

Then turn and leave. Sharon and Elle catch me before I reach the front door. I push them away.

"Get away from me you whores."

Sharon gasps, "me?"

Elle gets red in the face and stomps not before glaring at me. I scoff. I'm the one she betrayed, literally.

When Sharon stays I snap," You covered for them. One disloyal bitch is the same as any other disloyal bitch. I don't want anything to do with you."

This time I find the front door and drive off. It is probably for the best I am leaving New York for good. I do hope I never see my pathetic ex best friends again or the the excuse of an ex boyfriend. I sigh. I will not be getting any sleep tonight.

My life is officially a mess.