
Wild Planet: The Legend of Mufasa

"I Mufasa, son of Shendu the Great and Kora the Beserk, I promise by the name of my ancestors, as my father and my father's father did, to guide my people and honor my tribe ... ROOOOAAAR!". A story about an ordinary person on Earth who unfortunately died and ended up reincarnating in a world totally different from the one he already lived. A world with magic! However primitive .... A place full of dangers and the unknown! Come and see how Mufasa is born and grows in this exciting world! Follow its history full of dangers, schemes, battles, blood and love! Come see the one who, because of his birth, was considered a trash. But that did not succumb to mediocrity and did not become victimized. And with his own effort and without waiting for any miracle or luck, found with his own blood, sweat and intelligence the strength to turn the corner and become unparalleled !!

EliasHenrique · Fantasie
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23 Chs

My baby, my treasure ....

Tribe of Lion Men, Planet Earth Mother, It was not yet dated.

On the property of the leader of the Leão Tribe, the birth of the first son of Shendu and Kora, current leaders of this tribe that is located in the region called Terras Secas, is taking place.

The Drylands is a large arid space of square kilometers that forms part of the Lands that are under the Brightest Star in the skies at night on Mother Earth.

The birth of the son of the leaders was long awaited by all who were part of the tribe, those who are all members of families that relate to each other, like any other tribe of Men Beasts that exists and is known currently.

There was born one who could claim to be the Father of all Beastman Civilization who would emerge and prosper in the future time ....


"Madam the young heir is being born! With strength, continue!"

The midwife of the tribe told Matriarch Kora who was in the last moments of her labor.

"Aaaah !!"

"That lady, is leaving!"

Patriarch Shendu was on the side of the room, watching the delivery of his beloved uneasily, even though he knew the strength his wife possessed, he could not be less nervous. For the births of beast children always come with the risk of death for the mother or the baby and in the worst case, for both.

"It's leaving ... It's gone!"

Silence settles in, and in the background there is a mixture of groans of pain, relief and fatigue from Kora.

No one talks, everyone watches the little baby beast that was just born. The moment is of tension. When the baby came out he did not hear crying and that is worrying.

Soon it is time for the midwife to pat the baby's bottom so that he can see if he is well. And so she did.

Plaft! In the first slap there are no answers from the baby, causing everyone in the room to make faces of fear and expectation that something will happen. The intention is in the air.

Plaft! The second time there was still no response from the baby and this causes the parents' fear and helplessness to be printed on their features. Only in thinking that his beloved son did not survive his first ordeal did a pain in his parents' chest arise that was too strong to bear.

"My baby ..." Kora calls her baby softly in a pleading voice.

"Mother of All, don't take my baby's life! Please let him step on the land of his creation ... don't take him from me." Panting Kora cries out for her son to live.

Shendu is whispering whispering words with a face that prints anger, despair and unwillingness.

Plaft! It's the third slap! This slap was the last, this was like an act of hope that the child may have been born alive. But there was nothing ... the baby did not answer.

"Madam, I'm sorry ..."

"No! Don't say anything Kuma. Po-please ... Don't say those words." Shendu, abruptly imbued with a low and wavering voice, interrupts her.

"Give me my baby! I want to see you ..."

"A-ah! Why? Why Shendu !? Why?"

Weeping Kora asks her lover why it is happening while waiting for Kuma to pass the fragile baby into his open arms.

"My love, our son ..."

"SHENDU!" Kora yells at his beloved, because he did not want to accept the facts that were being shown to him.

The pain of a lost child is too great for any parent who loves them. Even if you have never been there, it is imaginable that it would be painful.

Of course, I wish it would never happen to anyone.

Kora with overflowing tears holds her baby tightly while rocking back and forth on her bed. It was already covered at the bottom with the skin of some animal. She was still in pain, she was sweaty, tired and didn't care if her baby was still covered with amniotic fluid and blood.

"My baby, my treasure ..."

Everyone there was silent, watching with sadness and tears the interaction of the mother and her supposedly deceased baby.


Moments during delivery.

"There is?..."

"What is it?"

"Where am I? Love helps me! There is something wrong with my vision!"


"Huh !? Why can't I move? What the fuck is that !?

"My vision!!"

My conscience at this point was foggy, as if I was drunk, something very sudden and scary was happening. Did something happen while you were sleeping?


"Huh! What pain is that !?"


"Oxi ..."


"Hey ..."

"What is this feeling? Am I dying? It's so cold ... Wake up! Move!"

I was feeling an astonishing cold, a whispering sensation asking me that my conscience go to sleep. I knew I couldn't. I thought I was having a nightmare and it is usually in these parts that we tend to wake up from nightmares.

In the course of this, with my conscience dispersed, I began to hear strange noises. I wouldn't be able to understand even if I wanted to, so I let myself get carried away by that feeling since I couldn't do anything to keep it away.

Then, when my conscience was ticking, I heard a female voice calling to me deep in my perception. Like an echo that gradually increases, it becomes more and more audible. So, I finally understood what that was. She was saying:

"My baby, my treasure ...."

Well ... it's my second chapter !!! I hope it's good, that it's not too long and not too short.

I hope someone comes to read this work of mine that at the moment seems a little confused. Over time it will become clearer.

Hopefully and in advance, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to those who took the time to read this novel. Thanks!


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