
USJ Cont.

"Monster Equip: Summoned Skull."

The Monster Equip card was something Tobias had thought of as soon as he realized he could use Yu-Gi-Oh cards as inspiration for his quirk. Monster summoning is cool and all, but there's something more fascinating about becoming the monster and essentially using an entirely new quirk.

But as with most of Tobias' cards, there are drawbacks to such a powerful card. For one, the time limit for using Summoned Skull as a monster equip is only 5 minutes and if Tobias wishes to extend the duration, his stamina will drain 10% every 15 seconds after. The second drawback is the pain.

Tobias tried to create the card without adding any other drawbacks besides the insane stamina drain, but it was too much. So, he decided to add that throughout the usage of the card, he would experience intense pain that would lead to exhaustion once the card is done. He had tried using the card before so he would know what he would experience when he needs to use it and not be caught off guard. Needless to say, it was not pleasant at all.


A guttural and demonic roar resounded throughout the USJ that caused all parties involved to stop for a moment and turn to look at where the sound came from.

Now standing in front of the chained-up monster was another monster, but one straight out of a fantasy novel. A giant yellowed skeleton with black wings and large downward pointed horns now stood where Tobias was.


"W-what the hell is that?" asked Eijiro, voice wavering a little at the giant skeleton.

"That's Tobias. That's just a little sliver of the potential of his quirk." explained Kyoka, "Damn it! I'm still too far behind." she said, feeling angry that she couldn't help him.

"Jiro-san, just how strong is Tobias?" asked Midoriya.

"Tobias' strength isn't easy to estimate. It's not like All Might's quirk where you can gauge how strong he is based on the force of his punch. Tobias' power lies in his quirk's versatility. Some quirks are pigeonholed into one type whether they are operatives, composites, or heteromorphic. Which are then even further categorized based on close-combat, range, support, etc. Tobias' quirk allows him to be anything he wants, he just has to imagine it.

If he wants to throw cards from far away, he can. If he wants to heal his teammates, he can. If he wants to turn into a monster and brawl up close, he can. The only thing that limits him is his imagination and his body. That's the true strength of Tobias' quirk." she explained, causing everyone to fall into silence.


"Ahh, another nuisance! I need Nomu to save Kurogiri to escape. There are too many nuisances. What kind of kids are these?" said the villain with the hands as he looked to where Tobias was while scratching himself, clearly in a panic.

"You. Tell everyone to rush to save Kurogiri if they want to leave here alive. All Might is coming." he said, ordering a villain to spread the word.

"It's no use. You underestimated my students, and for that'll you'll pay." said Aizawa-sensei who was noticeably tired from having fought for so long.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up. Nomu was bio-engineered to kill All Might. Some random student won't stop him. And once he takes care of him, frees Kurogiri, and All Might arrives, he'll die too."

"Haha, what a shit plan."

"Kill him."


'Shit, I forgot how much this hurts. I need to finish this within five minutes. But on the bright side, I'm finally taking this puppy out for a spin.' thought Tobias.


Tobias, now snapped out of his thoughts, looked up to see that the Nomu had escaped the scrap iron scarecrow's chains and was now looking at him like a predator looks at its prey. Unfortunately for the Nomu, it had the roles reversed.

"Come." said Tobias in his demonic voice, taunting the Nomu.

Nomu seeing the taunting rushed Tobias, fist ready with an overhead swing.

Tobias' in his base form was barely able to react to the Nomu's initial rush to hit Momo, but now with the Monster Equip, it looked like it was moving at normal speeds.

Dodging the overheard swing by stepping to the right, Tobias moved behind the Nomu and suplexed it.


The Nomu now with its upper body in the ground only took a second to recover. Tobias, not waiting for it, pummeled its head back into the ground as soon as it came up for air. Repeating this same scenario two more times, the Nomu, frustrated, smashed the ground surrounding it causing the crater to widen, freeing him.

On its two feet, the Nomu rushed Tobias and punched him in the face. Taking the blow, and testing his defense, Tobias realized that his defense was not as good as his offense, so he had to take care not to get hit too much.

Returning the blow back two-fold, the Nomu was pushed away enough that it allowed Tobias to start a combo of moves that ended with the Nomu being launched into the air. Jumping up to catch up to the Nomu before it fell, Tobias grabbed it and positioned its body for a powerbomb.


An even louder explosion than the one caused by the suplex shook the entire area, causing a massive dust cloud.

Right at this moment, the doors to the USJ were blown open.

"Fear not. I am here!" said All Might.

"All Might! Be careful, they're here to kill you." said Aizawa-sensei who was still fighting off a mob.

"The symbol of peace will never die." he said before rushing the mob around Aizawa-sensei and taking them all down.

"Ah, All Might. I've been waiting. You worthless trash. But throwing punches to save people, hahaha. That's our state-sponsored violence. You're fast too fast to keep up with but not as fast as expected. Could it be true? You're getting weaker?!" said the edgy villain.

"Ignore him. All Might, Tobias is fighting a villain meant to kill you." said Aizawa-sensei.


"Up there." he said pointing in the direction of Tobias and the Nomu.

"I'll be back." he said before rushing up to where Tobias was.

"Tobias! I am here!" he yelled as he stumbled upon a scene of devastation.

The entire ground was broken and was about to collapse, with a giant crater being the cause. In the center of the crater was the Nomu, with limbs twisted in positions unimaginable and Tobias sitting atop it, breathing heavily.

"Oh, Sensei. Good, you're here. I couldn't have held out much longer." he said panting and sweating buckets.

"Tobias, you managed to beat it?!" he asked.

"After I powerbombed it to the ground, I used my claws to stab it in the brain. I noticed it had some sort of regeneration quirk while fighting it, so I knew it would have no lasting damage and just stun it. It did and it stopped its' regeneration to other parts to focus on the brain. Meanwhile, I undid my card effect and slapped it with enough sealing cards to stop it. I don't know how long it'll last though. But I think I might have overdone it, I think it was done when I powerbombed it but I didn't notice. Oops." he said with a grin while scratching his head.

"G-good job, Tobias." he said, a little stunned at the information.

"Thanks, sensei. But there's still a lot of villains running around. You should help the other students and capture that edgy guy with the hands. He seems to be the ringleader of this operation. I need to see if Kyoka is okay." said Tobias before summoning his hoverboard and speeding off to where he felt Kyoka.

Tobias had given his parents, Kyoka, and her parents, a card that acted like a beacon for the card he held. All he had to do was recharge once every two months, and it would stay active. They were prototypes from when he was testing out the teleport cards that he decided to remake into a beacon. Similar to vivre cards, from One Piece.

Rushing in the direction of the card, Tobias came upon Kyoka, Momo, Mina, Tsuyu, and Tohru surrounded by knocked-out villains.

"Tobias!" yelled Kyoka as she rushed to him.

"Kyoka. You're okay. I was worried." said Tobias canceling his hoverboard and hugging her.

"You were worried. I should've been the worried one. Did you get hurt?" she asked looking him over.

"Nothing too serious. The card helped me take most of the damage without worry." he said hugging her.

"I think they forgot about us." said Tsuyu to the other girls.

"Kyaa! I'm so jealous!" said Mina, happy about the romance but angry about couples showing their lovy-dovyness to her, who was alone.

"Me too." said Tohru, who was invisible, minus the floating clothes.

"Tobias, what about the warper?" asked Momo, remembering the guy.

"Oh. I forgot about that. Oops." he said, looking up at them from hugging Kyoka, who joined the girls in staring at him with a deadpan look on their faces.

"Let's go check on that, shall we? But first, is anyone hurt?" he asked.

"No." x5

"Good, let's go." he said before they rushed back over to the gate only to see Bakugo and Todoroki both surrounded by unconscious villains, more than the girls were.

"You guys look like shit." teased Tobias, seeing that they were both messy, but not too tired.

"Go to hell." said Bakugo as he sat down to take a breather.

"Did you manage to defeat the monster?" asked Todoroki.

"Yup. All Might's here too so that hand villain should be dealt with already as well. Good job, protecting the gate, by the way." said Tobias, seeing that the gate was now closed.

"What happens now? To that guy in the gate, I mean?" asked Momo.

"Well, he's frozen in time in there so he won't ever be able to get out unless someone strong enough breaks the gates or I let him out." explained Tobias, causing them all to stare at him.

"Kyoka's explanation about your quirk didn't even scratch the surface." said Momo.

"You told them about my quirk?" he asked.

"Not in depth. I know you want to keep it secret so I just told them basic information that anyone would be able to figure out eventually." she explained.

"Oh, that's fine then. Not like I expected it to be kept secret forever."

"Tobias." said Ida who had appeared behind them, "The school's teachers are here and they're calling for everyone to make their way down."

"Actually, can you ask them to come up here? I don't want to leave the gate unattended."

"Uh, okay. I'll ask." he said before speeding off.

"You think there's someone else?" asked Momo.

"That supposed mastermind is too unstable and childish to have been the one to pull this off. I think he's just a pawn. Or in training." said Tobias, explaining his observations.


"I must say, Tobias-kun. You've managed to surprise us all." said a talking mouse, rat, bear, creature with a vest, who happened to be the principal.

"Thank you, sensei. But I just did what should be done."

"Mm, nonetheless it is undeniable you were critical in today's incident. It's unfortunate that the main perpetrator managed to escape. It seems they had more than one user with a teleportation quirk." he said.

"Damn, I should've gone right to him to capture him, sensei. It's my fault." said Tobias.

"Nonsense. You acted as any human would. Caring about your loved ones is not a fault, but an asset. Besides, you managed to capture two villains." said the detective who had arrived with the police shortly after the teachers did.

"Thank you. Do you want me to release the guy in the gate?" asked Tobias.

"Please, we are ready to take him." said the detective, who had Aizawa-sensei standing by to cancel his quirk as well as Cementoss.

"Okay, but I'll also help you with this." he said as he placed another Quirkbinding Circle trap card ready to be activated as soon as he was out.

Walking up to the gate, Tobias placed his hands on it and commanded it to open. As the doors opened slowly, the clanking of chains could be heard as the villain was thrown out, landing right on top of the card.

"W-where am I?" he said coming out of stasis, confused at the change in his surroundings.

"You've been captured." said Tobias as the card activated before he walked up and placed another card that turned into a tag that once activated caused the seals from Naruto to appear on his body.

"You sure do have a lot of capture-type cards." said Denki.

"We are heroes after all. Not like we can kill the villains." he explained while the villain was dragged off.

"Do you mind checking the ones you placed on the other villain? Don't want it waking up in the middle of the transfer." said the detective.

"No problem." said Tobias as he went to check them before adding on another one, for good measure.

"Appreciate it."

"Tobias-kun, I would like to speak to you in private once we arrive at the school." asked the principal.

"Of course, sensei."


After everyone was present and accounted for, they all got on the bus back to the campus, talking all the way there, mostly about Tobias' quirk and the fact that classes would be canceled the next day. Once at the campus, the students went back to the classroom while Tobias followed the principal to his office.

"Tobias-kun, what you're about to see is a secret that only very few people know about and I hope you keep it a secret." he said before entering the office.

"Of course, sensei."

"Good. Come." he said as he entered the office. Inside was a normal-looking office with two people waiting in the chairs. A skinny-looking guy and Aizawa-sensei.

"Aizawa-sensei, glad to see you're okay." said Tobias.

"Mm, thanks to your help. Those contacts you gave me let me go on fighting for much longer than I usually would."

"I'm glad. Oh, All Might-sensei, I didn't know you had a different form."

"Eh, how did you know it's me?" he asked.

"Uh, your hair. And you're still in the same clothes as earlier."


"This is what we wanted to discuss with you, Tobias-kun. As you can see All Might looks very different. This is because of an injury he sustained some time ago that causes him to be unable to be in peak form for long. We know your quirk is very versatile so we wanted to ask if you would help heal All Might." asked the principal.

"Of course, I'd be happy to. But I don't know how well it'll work. The stronger the effect of the healing, the more stamina I need, but if it's more than what I have I'll only be able to make a much weaker version."

"We know. Any amount of healing would greatly help."

"Okay. I'll try a healing card with 95% of my stamina." he said before taking out a blank card.

"Tobias, no need to go that far!" said All Might.

"It's fine, sensei. I have stamina recovery cards." he said before making the healing card and stumbling a bit.

"Oh, I hate that feeling. Here, sensei." he said before placing the card on All Might and activating it.

"Oh. My. GOD!" he said before turning into his buff form, "I feel fantastic. Like I can use this for triple the amount. Thank you, Tobias!" he said placing his hands on Tobias' shoulders.

"No problem, sensei. I would heal you all the way, but emptying and refilling my stamina repeatedly is not pleasant. I'll do a daily heal until you're fully healed."

"Thank you, my boy! You've done me a great favor I don't think I'll ever be able to repay."

"Forget it. Consider it my duty as a hero."


"I'm home." said Tobias as he entered his home only to be tackled by his mother.

"You're safe! Thank god you're safe! I got a call about what happened and I was worried sick all day!" she said hugging him almost hard enough to break his bones.

"M-mom. I'm dying." he said.

"Shut up. I heard you risked your life unnecessarily so consider this your punishment." she said as she continued to hug him.



I know that Summoned Skull is technically a spellcaster but I decided that Tobias traded out his spellcasting for a stronger body.

Also, I was rereading the USJ chapters while writing this and I don't know why but I thought the Nomu survived way longer than it did. It only lasted a few rounds with All Might, but I swear I remember it lasting so much longer. And I decided to make it so AFO was monitoring him and had someone else with a teleport quirk that got Shigaraki out of there because one, it keeps the story going, and two if I did have him arrested I would make it so he broke out of Tartarus thus ending up at the same point.

But don't worry, I am following canon but not that closely nor am I going completely off script. From here on, the butterfly effect will start making changes.

Fifteenth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts