

My life isn’t classy nor fancy, Ian an outcast in the pack ‘yhh I know not my pack’ theirs. Born of a lycan blood hated by all, loved by few what happens when my life goes 360. *****THE ATTACK *****HIM*****ARCH ALPHA ASTERIX TADASHI. ****************** “My wolf doesn’t like the distance” asterix states chewing on a grapefruit. “Am not gonna fuck you” I blurt out watching him choke on his fruit while erena’s muffled chuckle was the only thing to be heard. The pack members where too stunned to speak at my little outburst . “Tha....that’s no what I meant Lyca..” he stammers from embarrassment. Staring at him with so much intense loving the way he is at lost of words. “ Arghh!!!!” He lets out before walking out with christo and roy behind him. Good I couldn’t eat well with his weird stares.

_MOON_LOVERS_20 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

****RUN FREE ****


       I closed the ancient history book i had stolen from the pack library, luna maya never let's me in the pack house, so avana and i do the dirty work . I love reading histories not by choice, but to know about my ancestors and how to control my abilities so far I haven't gotten anything in these "such a waste of time" I sigh leaning back on the grassy floor.

"Hey dumb fuck get your ass to the field " Cavo 'my bestfriend' mind linked me . "Am busy" I stated, he can be really annoying still don't know why I keep him around, ohh yhh he is one of the few people that doesn't treat me like trash.

"You are always busy reading useless books get back here or you will be sorry for your sorry ass" he replies almost yelling.

"Fuck off cavo you are distracting me and please don't yell my buds are bleeding" I cut the mind link "what a freak".

"Lyca!!!! Cavo and avana screamed through the mind link causing me to jolt from shock, gosh i cause myself for having really good hearing. "What is wrong with you two, ar...

"Do you know what the time is?? Avana questioned cutting me off like she is my mom. "No" I mutterd still taken in the view.

"It's 3:30 and you know what 3:30 is? its for the training if you can't remember, and the alpha is questioning about you" she rushes taken in deep breaths.

"Shit!! I lost track of time" I say packing up the book hiding it under my tree "You should have notified me earlier" I said getting pissed its been the hundredth time am late for everything!

      "I'm not sure I can remember being your nanny" cavo says while snickering with avana. "Be there in a few" I rushed running as fast as I could stopping in the entrance of our field to take in deep breathe.

"Look who decided to show up" a voice said from behind, knowing fully well who it was i had no plans of facing her, I could pratically smell her and her bimbos behind me. Nadia was the beta's daughter and the female lead warrior, she carried her self so high.

  'Little bityach...'

"Don't think you are so special that you can arrive at any time you feel like it "venessa chirped in, God I hate her voice i could practically break her into two without hesitating, why the fuck am I still here?

      "you are meant to be locked up, don't know why alpha Turner still refuses to have you killed "veronica says laughing with her twin sister venessa making me want to rip her head off but, i kept quiet cause I don't want alpha getting mad the last time the insulted me and gang up on me they two slept in the hospital and I got punished real bad really bad.

"Cat got your tongue" nadia says earning an eye roll from me, who still uses that phrase?

I felt nadia wanting to pull my hair, I stifled grabbing her hands and twisted it, being strong she easily pushed me grabbing my hair really hard.. 'that hurts'

  "Don't you dear or what I would do the next time would be ghastly" she says pushing her away like nothing happened in the first place. I made my way to alpha turner thinking about how to apologize for my tardiness.

"Greetings alpha Turner"

"Greetings beta venkur"

"Greetings luna maya"

They all reciprocated the greeting except luna maya. "Where have you been..alpha Turner said firmly I knew he was pissed.

  "I lost track of time alpha Turner, my deepest apologies" i muttered bowing my head as a sign of respect.

"You_are_ always _loosing track of time lyca" luna stated through clenched teeth's like my name would be the end of her.

  "You would be punished and I will make sure of that" she says sternly.

There we go again always punishing me, since I was five luna has taken it up as a chore to punish me..... for no reason, I don't get food, I don't even stay in the pack house she hates me every thing about me for reasons that are not my fault.

"Yes luna" I replied bowing my head and  excusing myself, I really don't know what am doing here I don't train, let me rephrase that I am not allowed to train luna's orders.

     I jogged over to lanceline and aceline, they smiled while seeing me, lanceline scratched my hair like I was a pup earning a glare from me. "So lemme guess you lost track of time alpha ace glean at me.

"Duhh" I replied giggling with lance, ace glared at us causing I and lance to stiffen our laughs. Ace and lance are both alphas, twin for clarification. Ace was first.... so is the soon to be alpha, lance still thanks his so called moon goddess for making him come out second what a lazy twat.


Ace and lance can pass out as brothers not twin, not identical but the resemblance shows, ace has beautiful brown eyes and dark hair, he cuts his hair neatly the typical organised and respectful alpha.

    While lance is so not organized, likes his hair long, has brown eyes like ace, smiles alot always there for me, ace and lance are the best even if their mom hates me they where always there for me and that i'm grateful for. 

     Lance trains me during night duties, no one knows except avana and cavo it's our little secret, am not allowed train as i said before, as it is werewolves are very territorial and being an alpha you wouldn't want someone who is basically stronger than you in your pack.

"What am I doing here? I asked glancing up at ace and lance they re tall 6:3 and the slim type of bulky in the right places, compared to my height.

"Hold up"I muttered to lance, sniffing the air acrid smell hits me 'rouges', I could hear their heart beats my instincts is telling me they are five or more rouges.

   lance shook me out of my trance I glance up at him he quickly came to my front blocking anyone from seeing my silver eyes nobody knows I had shifted only lance he was their with me through those excruciating hours of my life.

    "Rouges? Rouges are coming!" i say to lance as he mind links the alpha, alerting every other person. People start rushing to their various houses with their kids hot on their tail. I on the other hand has to find avana.

The moondust pack is big, surrounded by little homes for people with families, avana still insists on staying with me in a shady apartment instead of the pack house.

  "Hey! there you are I have been looking all over for you" avana says snapping me out of my thoughts. " Same here, where's cavo?" I question.

  "His mom got him, literally dragging him home" she says between laughs. Cavo 's mom is so.... protective of her twenty years old son she hates the fact he associates with me..... avana quoting her words 'she will kill you once she loses it' ha ha very funny.

   "Let's go luna maya has punishments in mind for me" I say walking ahead of her.