
Wilbur x Y/n Fan-fic

~Part 1~

~ Backround~ Your walking with you childhood best friends Tubbo and Ranboo, you have known each other since you were 4. You end up stopping and looking up to the tall black figure and he looked down at you, tubbo, and ranboo as you all looked at him scared an then it all went black...







~Character Info~

Age (y/n, T, R): 17 (Wilbur): 18


You wake up in a small room with Ranboo and Tubbo, You untie youself and help your friends, you end up seeing the tall figure again and he hugs you. He says to you "I mean no harm but those monsters in the forest do.." Ranboo smacks him and yells "LEAVE Y/N ALONE!!" You tell Ranboo everything is fine and you follow wilbur to his room. Wilbur kneels down and says "Your cute for you age honey~" You start to blush and push him away. He grabs you and you kick him, running toward Ranboo, "RANBOO!" You call out, Ranboo grabs you and wilbur runs toward tubbo and tubbo slices wilbur stomach saying "Never ever touch y/n AGAIN!" You start to cry hugging ranboo tight as he kisses your cheek and tells you "everything alright." You 3 end up going to a spare room and tubbo and ranboo start kissing each other in the bed and you get on the other bed and roll over and sleep.

~3 am~

You get up and everyone's asleep, you hear wilbur and start walking toward the room and open it, Wilbur it sitting on the bed holding his stomach. You wrap it up and started to aplogize for what tubbo had done. He says to you "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" You explain how you can't sleep, he pulls you close and puts a hoodie on you, "Wanna go for night walk?" You nod smiling as you leave the house with Wilbur. During the walk you hear a scream and get scared hugging Wilbur and he says "don't worry darling everything is okay" you kiss his cheek making him blush. He kisses you and you blush hard not talking for the rest of the walk. its now 4 am and your with wilbur, you feel a bit more comfertable with wilbur and you sleep on the foldable bed in his room since he takes the bed. Your still sleeping but wilbur comes in and wakes you up saying "Darling, Breakfest is ready!" Your still tired but get up and walk downstairs seeing a blonde boy with blood on him and you scream. Wilbur comes running down and starts yelling "TOMMY! I TOLD YOU TO GET YOUSELF CLEANED UP!" Tommy says "Aww is this your girlfriend~?" You start to blush but you sit down still a bit scared.

Tommy runs upstairs and your left alone with Wilbur as you both eat breakfest, Wilbur kisses your forehead and heads out for work, you get worried and look all over the house for Ranboo and Tubbo but they are where to be found you peak in tommy's room and see tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo all having fun. You slightly smile and walk away tearing up. Your happy to see them getting along but upset to see them without you, as soon as you get to Wilbur's room you take the hoodie off and wear Wilbur's yellow sweatshirt and sit on his bed crying texting him.

(Your outift looks like https://www.google.com/search?q=+yellow+sweatshirt+and+Grey+sweatpants&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjJudWHxsD6AhXVIn0KHf2aDBcQ2cCegQIABAA&oq=+yellow+sweatshirt+and+Grey+sweatpants&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DZCVjZCWCrC2gAcAB4AIABbIgB0gGSAQMwLjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=8_04Y4l01cX0A_21srgB&rlz=1CASFKO_enUS963US963&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=g5vCYOspcqjZeM)



Y/n: Wilbur..?

Wilbur❤: yes darling?

Y/n: Where do you work..?

Wilbur❤: I work at *****

Y/n: alright bye!

Wilbur❤: bye..?


You walk into a very large building and the lady says "Ma'am please leave you don't work here i'll call the boss!." You tell her that you don't care what she says. The lady comes up to you and punches you making your nose bleed, then she kicks you. You scream, The lady says "WHY ARE YOU WEARING BOSS CLOTHES!?" She rips it off leaving you in a Tank top and sweatpants as you start crying yelling "WILBUR!" Wilbur rushes down and grabs you and takes the sweatshirt puting in back on you. He cleans up the wound and smacks the women. He yells "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY WIFE/HUSBAND!?" She runs off crying and Wilbur pulls you close. "Im sorry baby" You smack his cheek! Were not even dating!" You say. Wilbur says "Not yet cutie unless you wanna~" "You kiss him smiling, were dating now"

(Next chapter prob tmr)